Kaddah / GaussianSplatting

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- Please clone the repo and follow this README.
  1. install CMake


Install CMake

  1. open cmd (as admin)
    pip install cmake
  2. check if everything works
    cmake --version


If you want to use new imports in the C++ script, these must be included in the vcpkg.jon and in the CMakeLists.txt.

In CMakeLists.txt, the new package must be inserted once in line 3:

set(PKGS directxtk12 glm imgui)

and line 40 must also be adapted:

target_link_libraries(${NAME_EXE} PRIVATE

Dependencies can be searched for here: https://vcpkg.io/en/packages

Create Visual Studio project

  1. open cmd
  2. navigate to the project (for example: D:\MyWorspace\GaussianSplatting)
    cd D:\MyWorspace\GaussianSplatting
  3. create a new folder in which the project is created (e.g. build)
    mkdir build
  4. navigate to the new folder
    cd build
  5. create the project here based on the files in the parent folder (CMakeLists.txt and main.cpp must be in the parent folder)
    cmake ..

Compile project

  1. navigate to the project
    cd D:\MyWorspace\GaussianSplatting
  2. create an executable file
    cmake --build build

    The .exe file can now be found in GaussianSplatting/build/Debug/Gaussian-Splatting.exe