A hackable tool to swim through daily arXiv papers, powered by LLMs.
Customize the following content, then run python main.py
) in .openai_api_key
in main.py
to be the list of categories you want to keep tracks of (e.g. ['cs.LG']
of filter_util.py
. Please customize so you won't miss any paper by them.research_topic.py
. Please customize so you won't miss relevant papers.llm.py
, you can customize prompts, the LLM model to use (default is GPT-3.5)mail_config.py
and arXiv-Recommender can send a summary email to your mailbox.Thank you to arXiv for use of its open access interoperability.
Feel free to contribute to the project via Pull Requests, Issues, or contact me via kaixuanh@princeton.edu