Kai-46 / ARF-svox2

Artistic Radiance Fields
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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ARF: Artistic Radiance Fields

Project page: https://www.cs.cornell.edu/projects/arf/


      title={ARF: Artistic Radiance Fields}, 
      author={Kai Zhang and Nick Kolkin and Sai Bi and Fujun Luan and Zexiang Xu and Eli Shechtman and Noah Snavely},

Quick start

Install environment

. ./create_env.sh

Download data

. ./download_data.sh

Optimize artistic radiance fields

cd opt && . ./try_{llff/tnt/custom}.sh [scene_name] [style_id]

Check results

The optimized artistic radiance field is inside opt/ckpt_arf/[scene_name]_[style_id], while the photorealistic one is inside opt/ckpt_svox2/[scene_name].

Custom data

Please follow the steps on Plenoxel to prepare your own custom data.

ARF with other NeRF variants


We would like to thank Plenoxel authors for open-sourcing their implementations.