KaiHsiangHu / iNEXT.3D

Interpolation and Extrapolation for three dimensions of biodiversity
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iNEXT.3D (R package)

Latest version: 2024-02-03

Introduction to iNEXT.3D (R package): Excerpt from iNEXT.3D User’s Guide

Anne Chao, Kai-Hsiang Hu

Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan 30043

iNEXT.3D (INterpolation and EXTrapolation for three dimensions of biodiversity) is a sequel to iNEXT (Hsieh et al., 2016). Here the three dimensions (3D) of diversity include taxonomic diversity (TD), phylogenetic diversity (PD) and functional diversity (FD). An online version “iNEXT.3D Online” (https://chao.shinyapps.io/iNEXT_3D/) is also available for users without an R background.

A unified framework based on Hill numbers (for TD) and their generalizations (Hill-Chao numbers, for PD and FD) is adopted to quantify 3D. In this framework, TD quantifies the effective number of species, PD quantifies the effective total branch length, mean-PD (PD divided by tree depth) quantifies the effective number of lineages, and FD quantifies the effective number of virtual functional groups (or functional “species”). Thus, TD, mean-PD, and FD are all in the same units of species/lineage equivalents and can be meaningfully compared; see Chao et al. (2014) for the basic standardization theory for TD, and Chao et al. (2021) for a review of the unified theory for 3D.

For each of the three dimensions of biodiversity, iNEXT.3D features two statistical analyses (non-asymptotic and asymptotic):

  1. A non-asymptotic approach based on interpolation and extrapolation for 3D diversity (i.e., Hill-Chao numbers)

iNEXT.3D computes the estimated 3D diversity for standardized samples with a common sample size or sample completeness. This approach aims to compare diversity estimates for equally-large (with a common sample size) or equally-complete (with a common sample coverage) samples; it is based on the seamless rarefaction and extrapolation (R/E) sampling curves of Hill-Chao numbers for q = 0, 1 and 2. For each dimension of biodiversity, iNEXT.3D offers three types of R/E sampling curves:

  1. An asymptotic approach to infer asymptotic 3D diversity (i.e., Hill-Chao numbers)

iNEXT.3D computes the estimated asymptotic 3D diversity and also plots 3D diversity profiles (q-profiles) for q between 0 and 2, in comparison with the observed diversity. Typically, the asymptotic estimates for q ≥ 1 are reliable, but for q \< 1 (especially for q = 0, species richness), the asymptotic estimates represent only lower bounds. iNEXT.3D also features a time-profile (which depicts the observed and asymptotic estimate of PD or mean PD with respect to reference times), and a tau-profile (which depicts the observed and asymptotic estimate of FD with respect to threshold level tau).

How to cite

If you publish your work based on results from iNEXT.3D package, you should make references to the following methodology paper and the package:



The iNEXT.3D package can be downloaded from CRAN or Anne Chao’s iNEXT.3D_github using the commands below. For a first-time installation, some additional packages must be installed and loaded; see package manual.

## install iNEXT.3D package from CRAN

## or install the latest version from github

## import packages

There are six main functions in this package:

Two functions for non-asymptotic analysis with graphical displays:

Two functions for point estimation and basic data information

Two functions for asymptotic analysis with graphical displays:


Species abundance/incidence data format

Although species identities/names are not required to assess TD or compare TD across individual assemblages (as in the iNEXT package), they are required for PD and FD. Thus, for iNEXT.3D package, information on species identity (or any unique identification code) and assemblage affiliation is required. Two types of species abundance/incidence data are supported:

  1. Individual-based abundance data (datatype = "abundance"): When there are multiple assemblages, in addition to the assemblage/site names (as column names) and the species names (as row names), species abundance data (reference sample) can be input as a species (in rows) by assemblage (in columns) matrix/data.frame or a list of species abundance vectors. In the special case that there is only one assemblage, all data should be read in one column.

  2. Sampling-unit-based incidence data: Incidence-raw data (datatype = "incidence_raw"): for each assemblage, input data for a reference sample consist of a species-by-sampling-unit matrix, in addition to the sampling-unit names (as column names) and the species names (as row names). When there are N assemblages, input data consist of N lists of matrices, and each matrix is a species-by-sampling-unit matrix. Each element in the incidence raw matrix is 1 for a detection, and 0 for a non-detection. Input a matrix which combines data for all assemblages is allowed, but the argument nT in the function iNEXT3D must be specified so that the number of sampling units in each assemblage is specified.

For example, the dataset Brazil_rainforest_abun_data included in the iNEXT.3D package consists of species sample abundances of two assemblages/habitats: “Edge” and “Interior”. Run the following code to view the first 15 rows of the abundance data.

                         Edge Interior
Carpotroche_brasiliensis   11       21
Astronium_concinnum       110       11
Astronium_graveolens       36        7
Spondias_macrocarpa        12        1
Spondias_venulosa           2        0
Tapirira_guianensis         7        1
Thyrsodium_spruceanum      11       11
Anaxagorea_silvatica        1       13
Annona_acutiflora           1        1
Annona_cacans               0        2
Annona_dolabripetala        3        3
Annona_sp                   0        1
Duguetia_chrysocarpa        1        1
Ephedranthus_sp1            1        0
Ephedranthus_sp2            0        1

We use data (Fish_incidence_data) collected from two time periods, namely "2013-2015" and "2016-2018", as an example. Each time period is designated as an assemblage. The purpose was to compare 3D diversity of the two time periods. In each time period, species incidence/occurrence was recorded in 36 sampling units in each assemblage; each sampling unit represents a sampling date. Thus, there are 36 columns in each time period. Run the following code to view the first 7 rows and 7 columns for each matrix.

                    17/01/2013 18/02/2013 19/03/2013 17/04/2013 16/05/2013 14/06/2013 15/07/2013
Agonus_cataphractus          0          1          1          1          0          0          0
Alosa_fallax                 0          0          0          0          0          0          0
Ammodytes_tobianus           0          0          0          0          0          0          0
Anguilla_anguilla            0          1          1          0          0          0          0
Aphia_minuta                 0          0          0          0          1          1          0
Arnoglossus_laterna          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
Atherina_boyeri              0          0          0          0          0          0          0

                    18/01/2016 15/02/2016 16/03/2016 14/04/2016 12/05/2016 10/06/2016 11/07/2016
Agonus_cataphractus          1          1          1          1          1          0          0
Alosa_fallax                 0          0          0          0          0          0          0
Ammodytes_tobianus           0          0          0          0          0          0          0
Anguilla_anguilla            0          0          0          0          0          0          1
Aphia_minuta                 0          0          0          0          1          0          0
Arnoglossus_laterna          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
Atherina_boyeri              0          1          0          0          1          1          0

Phylogenetic tree format for PD

To perform PD analysis, the phylogenetic tree (in Newick format) spanned by species observed in the pooled data is required. For the dataset Fish_incidence_data, the phylogenetic tree for all observed species (including species in both time periods) is stored in the file fish_phylo_tree; for the dataset Brazil_rainforest_abun_data, the phylogenetic tree for all observed species (including species in both Edge and Interior habitats) is stored in the file Brazil_rainforest_phylo_tree. A partial list of the tip labels and node labels are shown below.


Phylogenetic tree with 425 tips and 205 internal nodes.

Tip labels:
  Carpotroche_brasiliensis, Casearia_ulmifolia, Casearia_sp4, Casearia_sylvestris, Casearia_sp2, Casearia_sp3, ...
Node labels:
  magnoliales_to_asterales, poales_to_asterales, , , , celastrales_to_malpighiales, ...

Rooted; includes branch lengths.

Species pairwise distance matrix format for FD

To perform FD analysis, the species-pairwise distance matrix (Gower distance computed from species traits) for species observed in the pooled data is required in a matrix/data.frame format. For the dataset Fish_incidence_data, the distance matrix for all observed species (including species in both time periods) is stored in the file fish_dist_matrix; for the dataset Brazil_rainforest_abun_data, the distance matrix for all species (including species in both Edge and Interior habitats) is stored in the file Brazil_rainforest_dist_matrix. The distance matrix for the first 3 Brazil rainforest tree species is shown below.

                         Carpotroche_brasiliensis Astronium_concinnum Astronium_graveolens
Carpotroche_brasiliensis                    0.000               0.522                0.522
Astronium_concinnum                         0.522               0.000                0.000
Astronium_graveolens                        0.522               0.000                0.000


We first describe the main function iNEXT3D() with default arguments:

iNEXT3D(data, diversity = 'TD', q = c(0,1,2), datatype = "abundance", 
        size = NULL, endpoint = NULL, knots = 40, nboot = 50, conf = 0.95, nT = NULL, 
        PDtree = NULL, PDreftime = NULL, PDtype = 'meanPD', 
        FDdistM, FDtype = 'AUC', FDtau = NULL, FDcut_number = 50)

The arguments of this function are briefly described below, and will be explained in more details by illustrative examples in later text. This main function computes standardized 3D diversity estimates of order q = 0, 1 and 2, the sample coverage estimates, and related statistics for K (if knots = K in the specified argument) evenly-spaced knots (sample sizes) between size 1 and the endpoint, where the endpoint is described below. Each knot represents a particular sample size for which 3D diversity estimates will be calculated. By default, endpoint = double the reference sample size for abundance data or double the total sampling units for incidence data. For example, if endpoint = 10, knot = 4 is specified, diversity estimates will be computed for a sequence of samples with sizes (1, 4, 7, 10).

Argument Description
data 1. For datatype = ‘abundance’, data can be input as a vector of species abundances (for a single assemblage), matrix/data.frame (species by assemblages), or a list of species abundance vectors. 2. For datatype = ‘incidence_raw’, data can be input as a list of matrices/data.frames (species by sampling units); data can also be input as a single matrix/data.frame by merging all sampling units across assemblages based on species identity; in this case, the number of sampling units (nT, see below) must be specified.
diversity selection of diversity type: ‘TD’ = Taxonomic diversity, ‘PD’ = Phylogenetic diversity, and ‘FD’ = Functional diversity.
q a numerical vector specifying the diversity orders. Default is c(0, 1, 2).
datatype data type of input data: individual-based abundance data (datatype = ‘abundance’), or species by sampling-units incidence/occurrence matrix (datatype = ‘incidence_raw’) with all entries being 0 (non-detection) or 1 (detection).
size an integer vector of sample sizes (number of individuals or sampling units) for which diversity estimates will be computed. If NULL, then diversity estimates will be computed for those sample sizes determined by the specified/default endpoint and knots.
endpoint an integer specifying the sample size that is the endpoint for rarefaction/extrapolation. If NULL, then endpoint = double the reference sample size.
knots an integer specifying the number of equally-spaced knots (say K, default is 40) between size 1 and the endpoint; each knot represents a particular sample size for which diversity estimate will be calculated. If the endpoint is smaller than the reference sample size, then iNEXT3D() computes only the rarefaction estimates for approximately K evenly spaced knots. If the endpoint is larger than the reference sample size, then iNEXT3D() computes rarefaction estimates for approximately K/2 evenly spaced knots between sample size 1 and the reference sample size, and computes extrapolation estimates for approximately K/2 evenly spaced knots between the reference sample size and the endpoint.
nboot a positive integer specifying the number of bootstrap replications when assessing sampling uncertainty and constructing confidence intervals. Enter 0 to skip the bootstrap procedures. Default is 50.
conf a positive number \< 1 specifying the level of confidence interval. Default is 0.95.
nT (required only when datatype = ‘incidence_raw’ and input data in a single matrix/data.frame) a vector of nonnegative integers specifying the number of sampling units in each assemblage. If assemblage names are not specified(i.e., names(nT) = NULL), then assemblages are automatically named as ‘assemblage1’, ‘assemblage2’,…, etc.
PDtree (required argument for diversity = ‘PD’), a phylogenetic tree in Newick format for all observed species in the pooled assemblage.
PDreftime (argument only for diversity = ‘PD’), a vector of numerical values specifying reference times for PD. Default is NULL (i.e., the age of the root of PDtree).
PDtype (argument only for diversity = ‘PD’), select PD type: PDtype = ‘PD’ (effective total branch length) or PDtype = ‘meanPD’ (effective number of equally divergent lineages). Default is ‘meanPD’, where meanPD = PD/tree depth.
FDdistM (required argument for diversity = ‘FD’), a species pairwise distance matrix for all species in the pooled assemblage.
FDtype (argument only for diversity = ‘FD’), select FD type: FDtype = ‘tau_values’ for FD under specified threshold values, or FDtype = ‘AUC’ (area under the curve of tau-profile) for an overall FD which integrates all threshold values between zero and one. Default is ‘AUC’.
FDtau (argument only for diversity = ‘FD’ and FDtype = ‘tau_values’), a numerical vector between 0 and 1 specifying tau values (threshold levels). If NULL (default), then threshold is set to be the mean distance between any two individuals randomly selected from the pooled assemblage (i.e., quadratic entropy).
FDcut_number (argument only for diversity = ‘FD’ and FDtype = ‘AUC’), a numeric number to cut \[0, 1\] interval into equal-spaced sub-intervals to obtain the AUC value by integrating the tau-profile. Equivalently, the number of tau values that will be considered to compute the integrated AUC value. Default is FDcut_number = 50. A larger value can be set to obtain more accurate AUC value.

For each dimension of diversity (TD, PD, FD), the main function iNEXT3D() returns the iNEXT3D object, which can be further used to make plots using the function ggiNEXT3D() to be described below. The "iNEXT3D" object includes three lists:

  1. $TDInfo ($PDInfo,or $FDInfo) for summarizing data information.

  2. $TDiNextEst ($PDiNextEst, or $FDiNextEst) for showing diversity estimates along with related statistics for a series of rarefied and extrapolated samples; there are two data frames ($size_based and $coverage_based) conditioning on standardized sample size or sample coverage, respectively.

  3. $TDAsyEst ($PDAsyEst, or $FDAsyEst) for showing asymptotic diversity estimates along with related statistics.


The function ggiNEXT3D(), which extends ggplot2 with default arguments, is described as follows:

ggiNEXT3D(output, type = 1:3, facet.var = "Assemblage", color.var = "Order.q")  

Here output is the iNEXT3D() object. Three types of curves are allowed for 3D diversity:

  1. Sample-size-based R/E curve (type = 1): This curve plots diversity estimates with confidence intervals as a function of sample size.

  2. Sample completeness curve (type = 2): This curve plots the sample coverage with respect to sample size.

  3. Coverage-based R/E curve (type = 3): This curve plots the diversity estimates with confidence intervals as a function of sample coverage.

The argument facet.var = "Order.q", facet.var = "Assemblage", facet.var = "Both", or facet.var = "None" is used to create a separate plot for each value of the specified variable.

The ggiNEXT3D() function is a wrapper with the package ggplot2 to create a rarefaction/extrapolation sampling curve in a single line of code. The figure object is of class "ggplot", so it can be manipulated by using the ggplot2 tools.


EXAMPLE 1: TD rarefaction/extrapolation for abundance data

Based on the dataset (Brazil_rainforest_abun_data) included in the package, the following commands return all numerical results for TD. The first list of the output ($TDInfo) returns basic data information including the name of the Assemblage, sample size (n), observed species richness (S.obs), sample coverage estimate of the reference sample with size n (SC(n)), sample coverage estimate of the extrapolated sample with size 2n (SC(2n)) as well as the first five species abundance frequency counts in the reference sample (f1-f5). The output is identical to that based on the function DataInfo3D() by specifying diversity = 'TD' and datatype = "abundance"; see later text). Thus, if only data information is required, the simpler function DataInfo3D() (see later text) can be used to obtain the same output. More information about the observed diversity (for any order q between 0 and 2) can be obtained by function ObsAsy3D(), which will be introduced later.

output_TD_abun <- iNEXT3D(Brazil_rainforest_abun_data, diversity = 'TD', q = c(0,1,2), 
                          datatype = "abundance")
  Assemblage    n S.obs SC(n) SC(2n)  f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
1       Edge 1794   319 0.939  0.974 110 48 38 28 13
2   Interior 2074   356 0.941  0.973 123 48 41 32 19

The second list of the output ($TDiNextEst) includes size- and coverage-based standardized diversity estimates and related statistics computed for 40 knots by default (for example in the “Edge” assemblage, corresponding to the target sample size m = 1, 95, 189, …, 1699, 1794, 1795, 1899, …, 3588), which locates the reference sample size at the mid-point of the selected knots. There are two data frames ($size_based and $coverage_based).

The first data frame ($size_based) includes the name of the Assemblage, diversity order (Order.q), the target sample size (m), the Method (Rarefaction, Observed, or Extrapolation, depending on whether the size m is less than, equal to, or greater than the reference sample size), the diversity estimate of order q (qTD), the lower and upper confidence limits of diversity (qTD.LCL and qTD.UCL) conditioning on the sample size, and the corresponding sample coverage estimate (SC) along with the lower and upper confidence limits of sample coverage (SC.LCL and SC.UCL). These sample coverage estimates with confidence intervals are used for plotting the sample completeness curve. If the argument nboot is greater than zero, then a bootstrap method is applied to obtain the confidence intervals for the diversity and sample coverage estimates. Otherwise, all confidence intervals will not be computed. Here only the first six rows of the $size_based output are displayed:

  Assemblage Order.q   m      Method     qTD qTD.LCL qTD.UCL    SC SC.LCL SC.UCL
1       Edge       0   1 Rarefaction   1.000   1.000   1.000 0.012  0.010  0.013
2       Edge       0  95 Rarefaction  66.306  64.878  67.734 0.484  0.467  0.501
3       Edge       0 189 Rarefaction 106.743 103.952 109.535 0.638  0.622  0.653
4       Edge       0 284 Rarefaction 137.029 133.062 140.996 0.718  0.705  0.732
5       Edge       0 378 Rarefaction 161.010 156.022 165.998 0.768  0.756  0.781
6       Edge       0 472 Rarefaction 181.073 175.177 186.970 0.803  0.792  0.814

The second data frame ($coverage_based) includes the name of assemblage, the diversity order (Order.q), the target sample coverage value (SC), the corresponding sample size (m), the Method (Rarefaction, Observed, or Extrapolation, depending on whether the coverage SC is less than, equal to, or greater than the reference sample coverage), the diversity estimate of order q (qTD), the lower and upper confidence limits of diversity (qTD.LCL and qTD.UCL) conditioning on the target sample coverage value. Here only the first six rows of the $coverage_based output are displayed below: (Note for a fixed coverage value, the confidence interval in the $coverage_based table is wider than the corresponding interval in the $size_based table. This is because, for a given coverage value, the sample size needed to attain a fixed coverage value varies with bootstrap replication, leading to higher uncertainty on the resulting diversity estimate.)

  Assemblage Order.q    SC   m      Method     qTD qTD.LCL qTD.UCL
1       Edge       0 0.012   1 Rarefaction   1.000   0.958   1.042
2       Edge       0 0.484  95 Rarefaction  66.306  61.580  71.032
3       Edge       0 0.638 189 Rarefaction 106.743  99.839 113.647
4       Edge       0 0.718 284 Rarefaction 137.029 128.379 145.680
5       Edge       0 0.768 378 Rarefaction 161.010 150.914 171.107
6       Edge       0 0.803 472 Rarefaction 181.073 169.728 192.419

The third list of the output ($TDAsyEst) includes the name of the Assemblage, diversity label (qTD, species richness for q = 0, Shannon diversity for q = 1, and Simpson diversity for q = 2), the observed diversity (TD_obs), asymptotic diversity estimate (TD_asy) and its estimated bootstrap standard error (s.e.) as well as the confidence intervals for asymptotic diversity (qTD.LCL and qTD.UCL). These statistics are computed only for q = 0, 1 and 2. More detailed information about asymptotic and observed diversity estimates for any order q between 0 and 2 can be obtained from function ObsAsy3D(). The output for $TDAsyEst is shown below:

  Assemblage               qTD  TD_obs  TD_asy   s.e. qTD.LCL qTD.UCL
1       Edge  Species richness 319.000 444.971 24.053 397.828 492.115
2       Edge Shannon diversity 155.386 178.000  4.865 168.464 187.535
3       Edge Simpson diversity  82.023  85.905  4.205  77.664  94.147
4   Interior  Species richness 356.000 513.518 26.493 461.593 565.442
5   Interior Shannon diversity 163.514 186.983  5.925 175.371 198.595
6   Interior Simpson diversity  72.153  74.718  4.790  65.330  84.105

The ggiNEXT3D function can be used to make graphical displays for rarefaction and extrapolation sampling curves. When facet.var = "Assemblage" is specified in the ggiNEXT3D function, it creates a separate plot for each assemblage; within each assemblage, different color curves represent diversity of different orders. An example for showing sample-size-based rarefaction/extrapolation curves (type = 1) is given below:

# TD sample-size-based R/E curves, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_TD_abun, type = 1, facet.var = "Assemblage")

When facet.var = "Order.q" is specified in the ggiNEXT3D function, it creates a separate plot for each diversity order; within each plot, different color curves represent different assemblages. An example is shown below:

# TD sample-size-based R/E curves, separating by "Order.q"
ggiNEXT3D(output_TD_abun, type = 1, facet.var = "Order.q")

The following commands return the sample completeness (sample coverage) curve (type = 2) in which different colors represent different assemblages.

# Sample completeness curves for abundance data, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_TD_abun, type = 2, color.var = "Assemblage")

The following commands return the coverage-based rarefaction/extrapolation sampling curves in which different color curves represent three diversity orders within each assemblage (facet.var = "Assemblage"), or represent two assemblages within each diversity order (facet.var = "Order.q"), respectively.

# TD coverage-based R/E curves, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_TD_abun, type = 3, facet.var = "Assemblage")
# TD coverage-based R/E curves, separating by "Order.q"
ggiNEXT3D(output_TD_abun, type = 3, facet.var = "Order.q")

EXAMPLE 2: TD rarefaction/extrapolation for incidence data

Based on the dataset (Fish_incidence_data) included in the package, the following commands return all numerical results for TD. The first list of the output ($TDInfo) returns basic data information including the name of the Assemblage, number of sampling units (T), total number of incidences (U), observed species richness (S.obs), sample coverage estimate of the reference sample with size T (SC(T)), sample coverage estimate of the extrapolated sample with size 2T (SC(2T)) as well as the first five species incidence frequency counts in the reference sample (Q1-Q5). The output is identical to that based on the function DataInfo3D() by specifying diversity = 'TD' and datatype = "incidence_raw"; see later text). Thus, if only data information is required, the simpler function DataInfo3D() (see later text) can be used to obtain the same output. More information about the observed diversity (for any order q between 0 and 2) can be obtained by function ObsAsy3D(), which will be introduced later.

output_TD_inci <- iNEXT3D(Fish_incidence_data, diversity = 'TD', q = c(0, 1, 2), 
                          datatype = "incidence_raw")
  Assemblage  T   U S.obs SC(T) SC(2T) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
1  2013-2015 36 532    50 0.980  0.993 11  6  4  1  3
2  2016-2018 36 522    53 0.976  0.989 13  5  5  2  3

The second list of the output ($TDiNextEst) includes size- and coverage-based standardized diversity estimates and related statistics computed for 40 knots by default (for example in the "2013-2015" time period, corresponding to the target number of sample units mT = 1, 2, 4, …, 34, 36, 37, 38, …, 72), which locates the reference sampling units at the mid-point of the selected knots. There are two data frames ($size_based and $coverage_based).

The first data frame ($size_based) includes the name of the Assemblage, diversity order (Order.q), the target number of sampling units (mT), the Method (Rarefaction, Observed, or Extrapolation, depending on whether the target number of sample units mT is less than, equal to, or greater than the number of sampling units in the reference sample), the diversity estimate of order q (qTD), the lower and upper confidence limits of diversity (qTD.LCL and qTD.UCL) conditioning on the sample size, and the corresponding sample coverage estimate (SC) along with the lower and upper confidence limits of sample coverage (SC.LCL and SC.UCL). These sample coverage estimates with confidence intervals are used for plotting the sample completeness curve. If the argument nboot is greater than zero, then a bootstrap method is applied to obtain the confidence intervals for the diversity and sample coverage estimates. Otherwise, all confidence intervals will not be computed. Here only the first six rows of the $size_based output are displayed:

  Assemblage Order.q mT      Method    qTD qTD.LCL qTD.UCL    SC SC.LCL SC.UCL
1  2013-2015       0  1 Rarefaction 14.778  14.035  15.521 0.606  0.574  0.637
2  2013-2015       0  2 Rarefaction 20.603  19.639  21.567 0.749  0.726  0.772
3  2013-2015       0  4 Rarefaction 27.079  25.703  28.455 0.851  0.834  0.867
4  2013-2015       0  6 Rarefaction 31.121  29.430  32.813 0.894  0.880  0.908
5  2013-2015       0  8 Rarefaction 34.042  32.095  35.989 0.919  0.907  0.931
6  2013-2015       0 10 Rarefaction 36.319  34.149  38.488 0.934  0.923  0.945

The second data frame ($coverage_based) includes the name of assemblage, the diversity order (Order.q), the target sample coverage value (SC), the corresponding number of sampling units (mT), the Method (Rarefaction, Observed, or Extrapolation, depending on whether the coverage SC is less than, equal to, or greater than the reference sample coverage), the diversity estimate of order q (qTD), the lower and upper confidence limits of diversity (qTD.LCL and qTD.UCL) conditioning on the target sample coverage value. Here only the first six rows of the $coverage_based output are displayed below: (Note for a fixed coverage value, the confidence interval in the $coverage_based table is wider than the corresponding interval in the $size_based table. This is because, for a given coverage value, the sample size needed to attain a fixed coverage value varies with bootstrap replication, leading to higher uncertainty on the resulting diversity estimate.)

  Assemblage Order.q    SC mT      Method    qTD qTD.LCL qTD.UCL
1  2013-2015       0 0.606  1 Rarefaction 14.778  13.999  15.556
2  2013-2015       0 0.749  2 Rarefaction 20.603  19.158  22.049
3  2013-2015       0 0.851  4 Rarefaction 27.079  24.966  29.193
4  2013-2015       0 0.894  6 Rarefaction 31.121  28.553  33.690
5  2013-2015       0 0.919  8 Rarefaction 34.042  31.102  36.982
6  2013-2015       0 0.934 10 Rarefaction 36.319  33.010  39.628

The third list of the output ($TDAsyEst) includes the name of the Assemblage, diversity label (qTD, species richness for q = 0, Shannon diversity for q = 1, and Simpson diversity for q = 2), the observed diversity (TD_obs), asymptotic diversity estimate (TD_asy) and its estimated bootstrap standard error (s.e.) as well as the confidence intervals for asymptotic diversity (qTD.LCL and qTD.UCL). These statistics are computed only for q = 0, 1 and 2. More detailed information about asymptotic and observed diversity estimates for any order q between 0 and 2 can be obtained from function ObsAsy3D(). The output is shown below:

  Assemblage               qTD TD_obs TD_asy   s.e. qTD.LCL qTD.UCL
1  2013-2015  Species richness 50.000 59.803  8.208  43.716  75.890
2  2013-2015 Shannon diversity 30.089 31.542  1.185  29.219  33.864
3  2013-2015 Simpson diversity 23.961 24.394  0.754  22.915  25.873
4  2016-2018  Species richness 53.000 69.431 10.444  48.961  89.900
5  2016-2018 Shannon diversity 31.534 33.393  1.252  30.940  35.847
6  2016-2018 Simpson diversity 24.889 25.409  0.738  23.963  26.855

The ggiNEXT3D function can be used to make graphical displays for rarefaction and extrapolation sampling curves. When facet.var = "Assemblage" is specified in the ggiNEXT3D function, it creates a separate plot for each assemblage; within each assemblage, different color curves represent diversity of different orders. An example for showing sample-size-based rarefaction/extrapolation curves (type = 1) for incidence data is given below:

# TD sample-size-based R/E curves for incidence data, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_TD_inci, type = 1, facet.var = "Assemblage")

When facet.var = "Order.q" is specified in the ggiNEXT3D function, it creates a separate plot for each diversity order; within each plot, different color curves represent different assemblages. An example is shown below:

# TD sample-size-based R/E curves for incidence data, separating by "Order.q"
ggiNEXT3D(output_TD_inci, type = 1, facet.var = "Order.q")

The following commands return the sample completeness (sample coverage) curve (type = 2) in which different colors are used for different assemblages.

# Sample completeness curves for incidence data, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_TD_inci, type = 2, color.var = "Assemblage")

The following commands return the coverage-based rarefaction/extrapolation sampling curves in which different color curves represent three diversity orders within each assemblage (facet.var = "Assemblage"), or represent two assemblages within each diversity order (facet.var = "Order.q"), respectively.

# TD coverage-based R/E curves for incidence data, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_TD_inci, type = 3, facet.var = "Assemblage")
# TD coverage-based R/E curves for incidence data, separating by "Order.q"
ggiNEXT3D(output_TD_inci, type = 3, facet.var = "Order.q")


EXAMPLE 3: PD rarefaction/extrapolation for abundance data

Based on the dataset (Brazil_rainforest_abun_data) and the phylogentic tree (Brazil_rainforest_phylo_tree) included in the package, the following commands return all numerical results for PD. The first list of the output ($PDInfo) returns basic data information including the name of the Assemblage, sample size (n), observed species richness (S.obs), sample coverage estimate of the reference sample with size n (SC(n)), sample coverage estimate of the extrapolated sample with size 2n (SC(2n)), the observed total branch length in the phylogenetic tree spanned by all observed specise (PD.obs), the number of singletons and doubletons in the node/branch abundance set (f1*,f2*), the total branch length of those singletons and doubletons in the node/branch abundance set (g1,g2), and the reference time (Reftime). The output is identical to that based on the function DataInfo3D() by specifying diversity = 'PD' and datatype = "abundance"; see later text). Thus, if only data information is required, the simpler function DataInfo3D() (see later text) can be used to obtain the same output. More information about the observed diversity (for any order q between 0 and 2) can be obtained by function ObsAsy3D(), which will be introduced later.

The required argument for performing PD analysis is PDtree. For example, the phylogenetic tree for all observed species (including species in both Edge and Interior habitats) is stored in Brazil_rainforest_phylo_tree. Then we enter the argument PDtree = Brazil_rainforest_phylo_tree. Two optional arguments are: PDtype and PDreftime. There are two options for PDtype: "PD" (effective total branch length) or "meanPD" (effective number of equally divergent lineages, meanPD = PD/tree depth). Default is PDtype = "meanPD". PDreftime is a numerical value specifying a reference time for computing phylogenetic diversity. By default (PDreftime = NULL), the reference time is set to the tree depth, i.e., age of the root of the phylogenetic tree. Run the following code to perform PD analysis.

data <- Brazil_rainforest_abun_data
tree <- Brazil_rainforest_phylo_tree
output_PD_abun <- iNEXT3D(data, diversity = 'PD', q = c(0, 1, 2), datatype = "abundance", 
                          nboot = 20, PDtree = tree)
# A tibble: 2 x 11
  Assemblage     n S.obs `SC(n)` `SC(2n)` PD.obs `f1*` `f2*`    g1    g2 Reftime
  <chr>      <int> <int>   <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
1 Edge        1794   319   0.939    0.974  24516   110    52  6578  2885     400
2 Interior    2074   356   0.941    0.973  27727   123    56  7065  3656     400

The second list of the output ($PDiNextEst) includes size- and coverage-based standardized diversity estimates and related statistics computed for 40 knots by default (for example in the “Edge” assemblage, corresponding to the target sample size m = 1, 95, 189, …, 1699, 1794, 1795, 1899, …, 3588), which locates the reference sample size at the mid-point of the selected knots. There are two data frames ($size_based and $coverage_based).

The first data frame ($size_based) includes the name of the Assemblage, diversity order (Order.q), the target sample size (m), the Method (Rarefaction, Observed, or Extrapolation, depending on whether the size m is less than, equal to, or greater than the reference sample size), the diversity estimate of order q (qPD), the lower and upper confidence limits of diversity (qPD.LCL and qPD.UCL) conditioning on the sample size, the corresponding sample coverage estimate (SC) along with the lower and upper confidence limits of sample coverage (SC.LCL and SC.UCL), the reference time (Reftime) and the type of PD (Type). These sample coverage estimates with confidence intervals are used for plotting the sample completeness curve. If the argument nboot is greater than zero, then a bootstrap method is applied to obtain the confidence intervals for the diversity and sample coverage estimates. Otherwise, all confidence intervals will not be computed. Here only the first six rows of the $size_based output are displayed:

  Assemblage Order.q   m      Method    qPD qPD.LCL qPD.UCL    SC SC.LCL SC.UCL Reftime   Type
1       Edge       0   1 Rarefaction  1.000   0.989   1.011 0.012  0.011  0.013     400 meanPD
2       Edge       0  95 Rarefaction 18.547  18.090  19.004 0.484  0.470  0.498     400 meanPD
3       Edge       0 189 Rarefaction 26.723  26.039  27.407 0.638  0.625  0.650     400 meanPD
4       Edge       0 284 Rarefaction 32.305  31.458  33.153 0.718  0.707  0.730     400 meanPD
5       Edge       0 378 Rarefaction 36.498  35.522  37.475 0.768  0.758  0.779     400 meanPD
6       Edge       0 472 Rarefaction 39.882  38.791  40.972 0.803  0.792  0.814     400 meanPD

The second data frame ($coverage_based) includes the name of assemblage, the diversity order (Order.q), the target sample coverage value (SC), the corresponding sample size (m), the Method (Rarefaction, Observed, or Extrapolation, depending on whether the coverage SC is less than, equal to, or greater than the reference sample coverage), the diversity estimate of order q (qPD), the lower and upper confidence limits of diversity (qPD.LCL and qPD.UCL) conditioning on the target sample coverage value, the reference times (Reftime) and the type of PD (Type). Here only the first six rows of the $coverage_based output are displayed below: (Note for a fixed coverage value, the confidence interval in the $coverage_based table is wider than the corresponding interval in the $size_based table. This is because, for a given coverage value, the sample size needed to attain a fixed coverage value varies with bootstrap replication, leading to higher uncertainty on the resulting diversity estimate.)

  Assemblage Order.q    SC   m      Method    qPD qPD.LCL qPD.UCL Reftime   Type
1       Edge       0 0.012   1 Rarefaction  1.000   0.977   1.023     400 meanPD
2       Edge       0 0.484  95 Rarefaction 18.547  17.705  19.388     400 meanPD
3       Edge       0 0.638 189 Rarefaction 26.723  25.592  27.854     400 meanPD
4       Edge       0 0.718 284 Rarefaction 32.305  30.931  33.679     400 meanPD
5       Edge       0 0.768 378 Rarefaction 36.498  34.900  38.097     400 meanPD
6       Edge       0 0.803 472 Rarefaction 39.882  38.070  41.693     400 meanPD

The third list of the output ($PDAsyEst) includes the name of the Assemblage, PD (or meanPD) for q = 0, 1, and 2 (qPD), the observed diversity (PD_obs), asymptotic diversity estimates (PD_asy), estimated asymptotic bootstrap standard error (s.e.) as well as the confidence intervals for asymptotic diversity with q = 0, 1, and 2 (qPD.LCL and qPD.UCL), the reference times (Reftime) and the type of PD (Type). These statistics are computed only for q = 0, 1 and 2. More detailed information about asymptotic and observed diversity estimates for any order q between 0 and 2 can be obtained from function ObsAsy3D(). The output is shown below:

  Assemblage      qPD PD_obs PD_asy  s.e. qPD.LCL qPD.UCL Reftime   Type
1       Edge q = 0 PD 61.290 80.027 4.638  70.936  89.118     400 meanPD
2       Edge q = 1 PD  5.246  5.372 0.147   5.084   5.660     400 meanPD
3       Edge q = 2 PD  1.797  1.798 0.032   1.735   1.860     400 meanPD
4   Interior q = 0 PD 69.318 86.375 4.199  78.145  94.605     400 meanPD
5   Interior q = 1 PD  5.721  5.854 0.121   5.616   6.092     400 meanPD
6   Interior q = 2 PD  1.914  1.915 0.031   1.854   1.975     400 meanPD

The ggiNEXT3D function can be used to make graphical displays for rarefaction and extrapolation sampling curves. When facet.var = "Assemblage" is specified in the ggiNEXT3D function, it creates a separate plot for each assemblage; within each assemblage, different color curves represent diversity of different orders. An example for showing sample-size-based rarefaction/extrapolation curves (type = 1) is given below:

# PD sample-size-based R/E curves, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_PD_abun, type = 1, facet.var = "Assemblage")

When facet.var = "Order.q" is specified in the ggiNEXT3D function, it creates a separate plot for each diversity order; within each plot, different color curves represent different assemblages. An example is shown below:

# PD sample-size-based R/E curves, separating by "Order.q"
ggiNEXT3D(output_PD_abun, type = 1, facet.var = "Order.q")

The following commands return the sample completeness (sample coverage) curve (type = 2) in which different colors are used for different assemblages.

# Sample completeness curves for abundance data, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_PD_abun, type = 2, color.var = "Assemblage")

The following commands return the coverage-based rarefaction/extrapolation sampling curves in which different color curves represent three diversity orders within each assemblage (facet.var = "Assemblage"), or represent two assemblages within each diversity order (facet.var = "Order.q"), respectively.

# PD coverage-based R/E curves, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_PD_abun, type = 3, facet.var = "Assemblage")
# PD coverage-based R/E curves, separating by "Order.q"
ggiNEXT3D(output_PD_abun, type = 3, facet.var = "Order.q")

EXAMPLE 4: PD rarefaction/extrapolation for incidence data

Based on the dataset (Fish_incidence_data) included in the package and the phylogentic tree (Fish_phylo_tree), the following commands return all numerical results for PD. The first list of the output ($PDInfo) returns basic data information including the name of the Assemblage, number of sampling units (T), total number of incidences (U), observed species richness (S.obs), sample coverage estimate of the reference sample with size T (SC(T)), sample coverage estimate of the extrapolated sample with size 2T (SC(2T)), the observed total branch length in the phylogenetic tree spanned by all observed species (PD.obs), the singletons/doubletons in the sample branch incidence (Q1*,Q2*), the total branch length of those singletons/doubletons in the sample branch incidence (R1,R2), and the reference time (Reftime). The output is identical to that based on the function DataInfo3D() by specifying diversity = 'PD' and datatype = "incidence_raw"; see later text). Thus, if only data information is required, the simpler function DataInfo3D() (see later text) can be used to obtain the same output. More information about the observed diversity (for any order q between 0 and 2) can be obtained by function ObsAsy3D(), which will be introduced later.

The required argument for performing PD analysis is PDtree. For example, the phylogenetic tree for all observed species (including species in both "2013-2015" and "2016-2018" time periods) is stored in Fish_phylo_tree. Then we enter the argument PDtree = Fish_phylo_tree. Two optional arguments are: PDtype and PDreftime. There are two options for PDtype: "PD" (effective total branch length) or "meanPD" (effective number of equally divergent lineages, meanPD = PD/tree depth). Default is PDtype = "meanPD". PDreftime is a numerical value specifying a reference time for computing phylogenetic diversity. By default (PDreftime = NULL), the reference time is set to the tree depth, i.e., age of the root of the phylogenetic tree. Run the following code to perform PD analysis.

data <- Fish_incidence_data
tree <- Fish_phylo_tree
output_PD_inci <- iNEXT3D(data, diversity = 'PD', q = c(0, 1, 2), 
                          datatype = "incidence_raw", nboot = 20, PDtree = tree)
# A tibble: 2 x 12
  Assemblage     T     U S.obs `SC(T)` `SC(2T)` PD.obs `Q1*` `Q2*`    R1    R2 Reftime
  <chr>      <int> <int> <int>   <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
1 2013-2015     36   532    50   0.98     0.993   9.62    11     7 0.69  1.23    0.977
2 2016-2018     36   522    53   0.976    0.989   9.44    13     6 0.368 0.345   0.977

The second list of the output ($PDiNextEst) includes size- and coverage-based standardized diversity estimates and related statistics computed for 40 knots by default (for example in the "2013-2015" time period, corresponding to the target number of sample units mT = 1, 2, 4, …, 34, 36, 37, 38, …, 72), which locates the reference sampling units at the mid-point of the selected knots. There are two data frames ($size_based and $coverage_based).

The first data frame ($size_based) includes the name of the Assemblage, diversity order (Order.q), the target number of sample units (mT), the Method (Rarefaction, Observed, or Extrapolation, depending on whether the target number of sample units mT is less than, equal to, or greater than the number of sampling units in the reference sample), the diversity estimate of order q (qPD), the lower and upper confidence limits of diversity (qPD.LCL and qPD.UCL) conditioning on the sample size, the corresponding sample coverage estimate (SC) along with the lower and upper confidence limits of sample coverage (SC.LCL and SC.UCL), the reference time (Reftime) and the type of PD (Type). These sample coverage estimates with confidence intervals are used for plotting the sample completeness curve. If the argument nboot is greater than zero, then a bootstrap method is applied to obtain the confidence intervals for the diversity and sample coverage estimates. Otherwise, all confidence intervals will not be computed. Here only the first six rows of the $size_based output are displayed:

  Assemblage Order.q mT      Method   qPD qPD.LCL qPD.UCL    SC SC.LCL SC.UCL Reftime   Type
1  2013-2015       0  1 Rarefaction 5.744   5.518   5.969 0.606  0.576  0.635   0.977 meanPD
2  2013-2015       0  2 Rarefaction 6.813   6.551   7.075 0.749  0.731  0.767   0.977 meanPD
3  2013-2015       0  4 Rarefaction 7.716   7.447   7.986 0.851  0.840  0.861   0.977 meanPD
4  2013-2015       0  6 Rarefaction 8.130   7.813   8.446 0.894  0.886  0.903   0.977 meanPD
5  2013-2015       0  8 Rarefaction 8.389   8.012   8.767 0.919  0.911  0.927   0.977 meanPD
6  2013-2015       0 10 Rarefaction 8.589   8.151   9.027 0.934  0.926  0.941   0.977 meanPD

The second data frame ($coverage_based) includes the name of assemblage, the diversity order (Order.q), the target sample coverage value (SC), the corresponding number of sample units (mT), the Method (Rarefaction, Observed, or Extrapolation, depending on whether the coverage SC is less than, equal to, or greater than the reference sample coverage), the diversity estimate of order q (qPD), the lower and upper confidence limits of diversity (qPD.LCL and qPD.UCL) conditioning on the target sample coverage value, the reference time (Reftime) and the type of PD (Type). Here only the first six rows of the $coverage_based output are displayed below: (Note for a fixed coverage value, the confidence interval in the $coverage_based table is wider than the corresponding interval in the $size_based table. This is because, for a given coverage value, the sample size needed to attain a fixed coverage value varies with bootstrap replication, leading to higher uncertainty on the resulting diversity estimate.)

  Assemblage Order.q    SC mT      Method   qPD qPD.LCL qPD.UCL Reftime   Type
1  2013-2015       0 0.606  1 Rarefaction 5.744   5.504   5.983   0.977 meanPD
2  2013-2015       0 0.749  2 Rarefaction 6.813   6.557   7.069   0.977 meanPD
3  2013-2015       0 0.851  4 Rarefaction 7.716   7.455   7.978   0.977 meanPD
4  2013-2015       0 0.894  6 Rarefaction 8.130   7.811   8.448   0.977 meanPD
5  2013-2015       0 0.919  8 Rarefaction 8.389   8.003   8.776   0.977 meanPD
6  2013-2015       0 0.934 10 Rarefaction 8.589   8.138   9.041   0.977 meanPD

The third list of the output ($PDAsyEst) includes the name of the Assemblage, PD (or meanPD) for q = 0, 1, and 2 (qPD), the observed diversity (PD_obs), asymptotic diversity estimate (PD_asy) and its estimated bootstrap standard error (s.e.), the confidence intervals for asymptotic diversity (qPD.LCL and qPD.UCL), the reference time (Reftime) and the type of PD (Type) . These statistics are computed only for q = 0, 1 and 2. More detailed information about asymptotic and observed diversity estimates for any order q between 0 and 2 can be obtained from function ObsAsy3D(). The output is shown below:

  Assemblage      qPD PD_obs PD_asy  s.e. qPD.LCL qPD.UCL Reftime   Type
1  2013-2015 q = 0 PD  9.847 10.039 0.651   8.764  11.315   0.977 meanPD
2  2013-2015 q = 1 PD  7.635  7.729 0.169   7.397   8.061   0.977 meanPD
3  2013-2015 q = 2 PD  7.013  7.057 0.160   6.744   7.371   0.977 meanPD
4  2016-2018 q = 0 PD  9.659  9.854 1.309   7.288  12.420   0.977 meanPD
5  2016-2018 q = 1 PD  7.781  7.859 0.194   7.478   8.240   0.977 meanPD
6  2016-2018 q = 2 PD  7.202  7.244 0.185   6.882   7.606   0.977 meanPD

The ggiNEXT3D function can be used to make graphical displays for rarefaction and extrapolation sampling curves. When facet.var = "Assemblage" is specified in the ggiNEXT3D function, it creates a separate plot for each assemblage; within each assemblage, different color curves represent diversity of different orders. An example for showing sample-size-based rarefaction/extrapolation curves (type = 1) is given below:

# PD sample-size-based R/E curves for incidence data, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_PD_inci, type = 1, facet.var = "Assemblage")

When facet.var = "Order.q" is specified in the ggiNEXT3D function, it creates a separate plot for each diversity order; within each plot, different color curves represent different assemblages. An example is shown below:

# PD sample-size-based R/E curves for incidence data, separating by "Order.q"
ggiNEXT3D(output_PD_inci, type = 1, facet.var = "Order.q")

The following commands return the sample completeness (sample coverage) curve (type = 2) in which different colors are used for different assemblages.

# Sample completeness curves for incidence data, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_PD_inci, type = 2, color.var = "Assemblage")

The following commands return the coverage-based rarefaction/extrapolation sampling curves in which different color curves represent three diversity orders within each assemblage (facet.var = "Assemblage"), or represent two assemblages within each diversity order (facet.var = "Order.q"), respectively.

# PD coverage-based R/E curves for incidence data, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_PD_inci, type = 3, facet.var = "Assemblage")
# PD coverage-based R/E curves for incidence data, separating by "Order.q"
ggiNEXT3D(output_PD_inci, type = 3, facet.var = "Order.q")


EXAMPLE 5: FD rarefaction/extrapolation for abundance data

Based on the dataset (Brazil_rainforest_abun_data) and the the distance matrix (Brazil_rainforest_distance_matrix) included in the package, the following commands return all numerical results for FD. The first list of the output ($FDInfo) returns basic data information including the name of the Assemblage, sample size (n), observed species richness (S.obs), sample coverage estimate of the reference sample with size n (SC(n)), sample coverage estimate of the extrapolated sample with size 2n (SC(2n)), and the minimum, mean, and maximum distance among all non-diagonal elements in the distance matrix(dmin, dmean, dmax). The output is identical to that based on the function DataInfo3D() by specifying diversity = 'FD' and datatype = "abundance"; see later text). Thus, if only data information is required, the simpler function DataInfo3D() (see later text) can be used to obtain the same output. More information about the observed diversity (for any order q between 0 and 2) can be obtained by function ObsAsy3D(), which will be introduced later.

The required argument for performing FD analysis is FDdistM. For example, the distance matrix for all species (including species in both Edge and Interior habitats) is stored in Brazil_rainforest_distance_matrix. Then we enter the argument FDdistM = Brazil_rainforest_distance_matrix Three optional arguments are (1) FDtype: FDtype = "AUC" means FD is computed from the area under the curve of a tau-profile by integrating all plausible threshold values between zero and one; FDtype = "tau_values" means FD is computed under specific threshold values to be specified in the argument FD_tau. (2) FD_tau: a numerical value specifying the tau value (threshold level) that will be used to compute FD. If FDtype = "tau_values" and FD_tau = NULL, then the threshold level is set to be the mean distance between any two individuals randomly selected from the pooled data over all data (i.e., quadratic entropy).

data <- Brazil_rainforest_abun_data
distM <- Brazil_rainforest_distance_matrix
output_FD_abun <- iNEXT3D(data, diversity = 'FD', datatype = "abundance", nboot = 10, 
                          FDdistM = distM, FDtype = 'AUC')
  Assemblage    n S.obs SC(n) SC(2n) dmin dmean  dmax
1       Edge 1794   319 0.939  0.974    0 0.372 0.776
2   Interior 2074   356 0.941  0.973    0 0.329 0.776

The second list of the output ($FDiNextEst) includes size- and coverage-based standardized diversity estimates and related statistics computed for 40 knots by default (for example in the “Edge” assemblage, corresponding to the target sample size m = 1, 95, 189, …, 1699, 1794, 1795, 1899, …, 3588), which locates the reference sample size at the mid-point of the selected knots. There are two data frames ($size_based and $coverage_based).

The first data frame ($size_based) includes the name of the Assemblage, diversity order (Order.q), the target sample size (m), the Method (Rarefaction, Observed, or Extrapolation, depending on whether the size m is less than, equal to, or greater than the reference sample size), the diversity estimate of order q (qFD), the lower and upper confidence limits of diversity (qFD.LCL and qFD.UCL) conditioning on the sample size, and the corresponding sample coverage estimate (SC) along with the lower and upper confidence limits of sample coverage (SC.LCL and SC.UCL). These sample coverage estimates with confidence intervals are used for plotting the sample completeness curve. If the argument nboot is greater than zero, then a bootstrap method is applied to obtain the confidence intervals for the diversity and sample coverage estimates. Otherwise, all confidence intervals will not be computed. Here only the first six rows of the $size_based output are displayed:

  Assemblage Order.q   m      Method    qFD qFD.LCL qFD.UCL    SC SC.LCL SC.UCL
1       Edge       0   1 Rarefaction  1.000   1.000   1.000 0.012  0.010  0.013
2       Edge       0  95 Rarefaction 10.900  10.585  11.215 0.484  0.466  0.502
3       Edge       0 189 Rarefaction 12.993  12.453  13.532 0.638  0.625  0.650
4       Edge       0 284 Rarefaction 14.129  13.405  14.853 0.718  0.710  0.727
5       Edge       0 378 Rarefaction 14.860  13.982  15.738 0.768  0.762  0.775
6       Edge       0 472 Rarefaction 15.383  14.369  16.397 0.803  0.797  0.809

The second data frame ($coverage_based) includes the name of assemblage, the diversity order (Order.q), the target sample coverage value (SC), the corresponding sample size (m), the Method (Rarefaction, Observed, or Extrapolation, depending on whether the coverage SC is less than, equal to, or greater than the reference sample coverage), the diversity estimate of order q (qFD), and the lower and upper confidence limits of diversity (qFD.LCL and qFD.UCL) conditioning on the target sample coverage value. Here only the first six rows of the $coverage_based output are displayed below: (Note for a fixed coverage value, the confidence interval in the $coverage_based table is wider than the corresponding interval in the $size_based table. This is because, for a given coverage value, the sample size needed to attain a fixed coverage value varies with bootstrap replication, leading to higher uncertainty on the resulting diversity estimate.)

  Assemblage Order.q    SC   m      Method    qFD qFD.LCL qFD.UCL
1       Edge       0 0.012   1 Rarefaction  1.000   0.993   1.007
2       Edge       0 0.484  95 Rarefaction 10.900  10.497  11.303
3       Edge       0 0.638 189 Rarefaction 12.993  12.439  13.546
4       Edge       0 0.718 284 Rarefaction 14.129  13.431  14.827
5       Edge       0 0.768 378 Rarefaction 14.860  14.021  15.700
6       Edge       0 0.803 472 Rarefaction 15.383  14.398  16.368

The third list of the output ($FDAsyEst) includes the name of the Assemblage, FD for q = 0, 1, and 2 (qFD), the observed diversity (FD_obs), asymptotic diversity estimate (FD_asy) and its estimated bootstrap standard error (s.e.) as well as the confidence intervals for asymptotic diversity (qFD.LCL and qFD.UCL). These statistics are computed only for q = 0, 1 and 2. More detailed information about asymptotic and observed diversity estimates for any order q between 0 and 2 can be obtained from function ObsAsy3D(). The output is shown below:

  Assemblage           qFD FD_obs FD_asy   s.e. qFD.LCL qFD.UCL
1       Edge q = 0 FD(AUC) 17.851 19.008  6.753   5.771  32.244
2       Edge q = 1 FD(AUC) 11.781 12.037  0.420  11.214  12.860
3       Edge q = 2 FD(AUC)  9.139  9.228  0.292   8.657   9.800
4   Interior q = 0 FD(AUC) 17.168 18.208 10.050   0.000  37.907
5   Interior q = 1 FD(AUC)  9.716  9.922  0.429   9.081  10.763
6   Interior q = 2 FD(AUC)  7.007  7.055  0.184   6.694   7.416

The ggiNEXT3D function can be used to make graphical displays for rarefaction and extrapolation sampling curves. When facet.var = "Assemblage" is specified in the ggiNEXT3D function, it creates a separate plot for each assemblage; within each assemblage, different color curves represent diversity of different orders. An example for showing sample-size-based rarefaction/extrapolation curves (type = 1) is given below:

# FD sample-size-based R/E curves, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_FD_abun, type = 1, facet.var = "Assemblage")

When facet.var = "Order.q" is specified in the ggiNEXT3D function, it creates a separate plot for each diversity order; within each plot, different color curves represent different assemblages. An example is shown below:

# FD sample-size-based R/E curves, separating by "Order.q"
ggiNEXT3D(output_FD_abun, type = 1, facet.var = "Order.q")

The following commands return the sample completeness (sample coverage) curve (type = 2) in which different colors are used for different assemblages.

# Sample completeness curves for abundance data, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_FD_abun, type = 2, color.var = "Assemblage")

The following commands return the coverage-based rarefaction/extrapolation sampling curves in which different color curves represent three diversity orders within each assemblage (facet.var = "Assemblage"), or represent two assemblages within each diversity order (facet.var = "Order.q"), respectively.

# FD coverage-based R/E curves, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_FD_abun, type = 3, facet.var = "Assemblage")
# FD coverage-based R/E curves, separating by "Order.q"
ggiNEXT3D(output_FD_abun, type = 3, facet.var = "Order.q")

EXAMPLE 6: FD rarefaction/extrapolation for incidence data

Based on the dataset (Fish_incidence_data) and the the distance matrix (Fish_distance_matrix) included in the package, the following commands return all numerical results for FD. The first list of the output ($FDInfo) returns basic data information including the name of the Assemblage, number of sampling units (T), total number of incidences (U), observed species richness (S.obs), sample coverage estimate of the reference sample with size T (SC(T)), sample coverage estimate of the reference sample with size 2T (SC(2T)), and the minimum, mean, and maximum distance among all non-diagonal elements in the distance matrix(dmin, dmean, dmax). The output is identical to that based on the function DataInfo3D() by specifying diversity = 'FD' and datatype = "incidence_raw"; see later text). Thus, if only data information is required, the simpler function DataInfo3D() (see later text) can be used to obtain the same output. More information about the observed diversity (for any order q between 0 and 2) can be obtained by function ObsAsy3D(), which will be introduced later.

The required argument for performing FD analysis is FDdistM. For example, the distance matrix for all species (including species in both "2013-2015" and "2016-2018" time periods) is stored in Fish_distance_matrix. Then we enter the argument FDdistM = Fish_distance_matrix Three optional arguments are (1) FDtype: FDtype = "AUC" means FD is computed from the area under the curve of a tau-profile by integrating all plausible threshold values between zero and one; FDtype = "tau_values" means FD is computed under specific threshold values to be specified in the argument FD_tau. (2) FD_tau: a numerical value specifying the tau value (threshold level) that will be used to compute FD. If FDtype = "tau_values" and FD_tau = NULL, then the threshold level is set to be the mean distance between any two individuals randomly selected from the pooled data over all data (i.e., quadratic entropy).

data <- Fish_incidence_data
distM <- Fish_distance_matrix
output_FD_inci <- iNEXT3D(data, diversity = 'FD', datatype = "incidence_raw", nboot = 20, 
                          FDdistM = distM, FDtype = 'AUC')
  Assemblage  T   U S.obs SC(T) SC(2T)  dmin dmean  dmax
1  2013-2015 36 532    50 0.980  0.993 0.006 0.240 0.733
2  2016-2018 36 522    53 0.976  0.989 0.006 0.237 0.733

The second list of the output ($FDiNextEst) includes size- and coverage-based standardized diversity estimates and related statistics computed for 40 knots by default (for example in the "2013-2015" time period, corresponding to the target number of sample units mT = 1, 2, 4, …, 34, 36, 37, 38, …, 72), which locates the reference sampling units at the mid-point of the selected knots. There are two data frames ($size_based and $coverage_based).

The first data frame ($size_based) includes the name of the Assemblage, diversity order (Order.q), the target number of sample units (mT), the Method (Rarefaction, Observed, or Extrapolation, depending on whether the target number of sample units mT is less than, equal to, or greater than the number of sampling units in the reference sample), the diversity estimate of order q (qFD), the lower and upper confidence limits of diversity (qFD.LCL and qFD.UCL) conditioning on the sample size, and the corresponding sample coverage estimate (SC) along with the lower and upper confidence limits of sample coverage (SC.LCL and SC.UCL). These sample coverage estimates with confidence intervals are used for plotting the sample completeness curve. If the argument nboot is greater than zero, then a bootstrap method is applied to obtain the confidence intervals for the diversity and sample coverage estimates. Otherwise, all confidence intervals will not be computed. Here only the first six rows of the $size_based output are displayed:

  Assemblage Order.q mT      Method    qFD qFD.LCL qFD.UCL    SC SC.LCL SC.UCL
1  2013-2015       0  1 Rarefaction 14.778  13.788  15.768 0.606  0.573  0.638
2  2013-2015       0  2 Rarefaction 15.318  14.309  16.328 0.749  0.720  0.778
3  2013-2015       0  4 Rarefaction 15.888  14.855  16.920 0.851  0.829  0.873
4  2013-2015       0  6 Rarefaction 16.224  15.171  17.276 0.894  0.876  0.912
5  2013-2015       0  8 Rarefaction 16.463  15.386  17.539 0.919  0.903  0.934
6  2013-2015       0 10 Rarefaction 16.652  15.549  17.755 0.934  0.920  0.947

The second data frame ($coverage_based) includes the name of assemblage, the diversity order (Order.q), the target sample coverage value (SC), the corresponding number of sample units (mT), the Method (Rarefaction, Observed, or Extrapolation, depending on whether the coverage SC is less than, equal to, or greater than the reference sample coverage), the diversity estimate of order q (qFD), and the lower and upper confidence limits of diversity (qFD.LCL and qFD.UCL) conditioning on the target sample coverage value. Here only the first six rows of the $coverage_based output are displayed below: (Note for a fixed coverage value, the confidence interval in the $coverage_based table is wider than the corresponding interval in the $size_based table. This is because, for a given coverage value, the sample size needed to attain a fixed coverage value varies with bootstrap replication, leading to higher uncertainty on the resulting diversity estimate.)

  Assemblage Order.q    SC mT      Method    qFD qFD.LCL qFD.UCL
1  2013-2015       0 0.606  1 Rarefaction 14.778  13.904  15.652
2  2013-2015       0 0.749  2 Rarefaction 15.318  14.455  16.182
3  2013-2015       0 0.851  4 Rarefaction 15.888  14.999  16.776
4  2013-2015       0 0.894  6 Rarefaction 16.224  15.299  17.148
5  2013-2015       0 0.919  8 Rarefaction 16.463  15.491  17.434
6  2013-2015       0 0.934 10 Rarefaction 16.652  15.629  17.675

The third list of the output ($FDAsyEst) includes the name of the Assemblage, FD for q = 0, 1, and 2 (qFD), the observed diversity (FD_obs), asymptotic diversity estimate (FD_asy) and its estimated bootstrap standard error (s.e.), and the confidence intervals for asymptotic diversity (qFD.LCL and qFD.UCL). These statistics are computed only for q = 0, 1 and 2. More detailed information about asymptotic and observed diversity estimates for any order q between 0 and 2 can be obtained from function ObsAsy3D(). The output is shown below:

  Assemblage           qFD FD_obs FD_asy  s.e. qFD.LCL qFD.UCL
1  2013-2015 q = 0 FD(AUC) 17.904 18.906 2.659  13.693  24.118
2  2013-2015 q = 1 FD(AUC) 15.944 16.043 0.454  15.154  16.932
3  2013-2015 q = 2 FD(AUC) 15.463 15.490 0.441  14.625  16.355
4  2016-2018 q = 0 FD(AUC) 17.739 19.770 3.201  13.495  26.045
5  2016-2018 q = 1 FD(AUC) 15.749 15.867 0.473  14.940  16.795
6  2016-2018 q = 2 FD(AUC) 15.275 15.305 0.443  14.436  16.174

The ggiNEXT3D function can be used to make graphical displays for rarefaction and extrapolation sampling curves. When facet.var = "Assemblage" is specified in the ggiNEXT3D function, it creates a separate plot for each assemblage; within each assemblage, different color curves represent diversity of different orders. An example for showing sample-size-based rarefaction/extrapolation curves (type = 1) is given below:

# FD sample-size-based R/E curves for incidence data, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_FD_inci, type = 1, facet.var = "Assemblage")

When facet.var = "Order.q" is specified in the ggiNEXT3D function, it creates a separate plot for each diversity order; within each plot, different color curves represent different assemblages. An example is shown below:

# FD sample-size-based R/E curves for incidence data, separating by "Order.q"
ggiNEXT3D(output_FD_inci, type = 1, facet.var = "Order.q")

The following commands return the sample completeness (sample coverage) curve (type = 2) in which different colors are used for different assemblages.

# Sample completeness curves for incidence data, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_FD_inci, type = 2, color.var = "Assemblage")

The following commands return the coverage-based rarefaction/extrapolation sampling curves in which different color curves represent three diversity orders within each assemblage (facet.var = "Assemblage"), or represent two assemblages within each diversity order (facet.var = "Order.q"), respectively.

# FD coverage-based R/E curves for incidence data, separating by "Assemblage"
ggiNEXT3D(output_FD_inci, type = 3, facet.var = "Assemblage")
# FD coverage-based R/E curves for incidence data, separating by "Order.q"
ggiNEXT3D(output_FD_inci, type = 3, facet.var = "Order.q")


The function DataInfo3D() provides basic data information for the reference sample in each individual assemblage. The function DataInfo3D() with default arguments is shown below:

DataInfo3D(data, diversity = "TD", datatype = "abundance", 
           nT = NULL, PDtree, PDreftime = NULL, 
           FDdistM, FDtype = "AUC", FDtau = NULL) 

All arguments in the above function are the same as those for the main function iNEXT3D. Running the DataInfo3D() function returns basic data information including sample size, observed species richness, two sample coverage estimates (SC(n) and SC(2n)) as well as other relevant information in each of the three dimensions of diversity. We use Brazil_rainforest_abun_data and Fish_incidence_data to demo the function for each dimension of diversity.

TAXONOMIC DIVERSITY (TD): Basic data information for abundance data

DataInfo3D(Brazil_rainforest_abun_data, diversity = 'TD', datatype = "abundance")
  Assemblage    n S.obs SC(n) SC(2n)  f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
1       Edge 1794   319 0.939  0.974 110 48 38 28 13
2   Interior 2074   356 0.941  0.973 123 48 41 32 19

Output description:

TAXONOMIC DIVERSITY (TD): Basic data information for incidence data

DataInfo3D(Fish_incidence_data, diversity = 'TD', datatype = "incidence_raw")
  Assemblage  T   U S.obs SC(T) SC(2T) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
1  2013-2015 36 532    50 0.980  0.993 11  6  4  1  3
2  2016-2018 36 522    53 0.976  0.989 13  5  5  2  3

Output description:

PHYLOGENETIC DIVERSITY (PD): Basic data information for abundance data

data <- Brazil_rainforest_abun_data
tree <- Brazil_rainforest_phylo_tree
DataInfo3D(data, diversity = 'PD', datatype = "abundance", PDtree = tree)
# A tibble: 2 x 11
  Assemblage     n S.obs `SC(n)` `SC(2n)` PD.obs `f1*` `f2*`    g1    g2 Reftime
  <chr>      <int> <int>   <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
1 Edge        1794   319   0.939    0.974  24516   110    52  6578  2885     400
2 Interior    2074   356   0.941    0.973  27727   123    56  7065  3656     400

Output description:

PHYLOGENETIC DIVERSITY (PD): Basic data information for incidence data

data <- Fish_incidence_data
tree <- Fish_phylo_tree
DataInfo3D(data, diversity = 'PD', datatype = "incidence_raw", PDtree = tree)
# A tibble: 2 x 12
  Assemblage     T     U S.obs `SC(T)` `SC(2T)` PD.obs `Q1*` `Q2*`    R1    R2 Reftime
  <chr>      <int> <int> <int>   <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
1 2013-2015     36   532    50   0.98     0.993   9.62    11     7 0.69  1.23    0.977
2 2016-2018     36   522    53   0.976    0.989   9.44    13     6 0.368 0.345   0.977

Output description:

FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY (FD): Basic data information for abundance data

data <- Brazil_rainforest_abun_data
distM <- Brazil_rainforest_distance_matrix
DataInfo3D(data, diversity = 'FD', datatype = "abundance", 
           FDdistM = distM, FDtype = 'AUC')
  Assemblage    n S.obs SC(n) SC(2n) dmin dmean  dmax
1       Edge 1794   319 0.939  0.974    0 0.372 0.776
2   Interior 2074   356 0.941  0.973    0 0.329 0.776

Output description:

FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY (FD): Basic data information for incidence data

data <- Fish_incidence_data
distM <- Fish_distance_matrix
DataInfo3D(data, diversity = 'FD', datatype = "incidence_raw", 
           FDdistM = distM, FDtype = 'AUC')
  Assemblage  T   U S.obs SC(T) SC(2T)  dmin dmean  dmax
1  2013-2015 36 532    50 0.980  0.993 0.006 0.240 0.733
2  2016-2018 36 522    53 0.976  0.989 0.006 0.237 0.733

Output description:


estimate3D is used to compute 3D diversity (TD, PD, FD) estimates with q = 0, 1, 2 under any specified levels of sample size (when base = "size") and sample coverage values (when base = "coverage") for abundance data (datatype = "abundance") or incidence data (datatype = "incidence_raw"). When base = "size", level can be specified with a particular vector of sample sizes (greater than 0); if level = NULL, this function computes the diversity estimates for the minimum sample size among all samples extrapolated to the double reference sizes. When base = "coverage", level can be specified with a particular vector of sample coverage values (between 0 and 1); if level = NULL, this function computes the diversity estimates for the minimum sample coverage among all samples extrapolated to the double reference sizes. All arguments in the function are the same as those for the main function iNEXT3D.

estimate3D(data, diversity = "TD", q = c(0, 1, 2), datatype = "abundance", 
           base = "coverage", level = NULL, nboot = 50, conf = 0.95, 
           nT = NULL, PDtree, PDreftime = NULL, PDtype = "meanPD", 
           FDdistM, FDtype = "AUC", FDtau = NULL, FDcut_number = 50) 

TAXONOMIC DIVERSITY (TD): point estimation

Example 7a: TD for abundance data with two target coverage values (93% and 97%)

The following commands return the TD estimates with two specified levels of sample coverage (93% and 97%) based on the Brazil_rainforest_abun_data.

output_est_TD_abun <- estimate3D(Brazil_rainforest_abun_data, diversity = 'TD', q = c(0,1,2), 
                                 datatype = "abundance", base = "coverage", level = c(0.93, 0.97))
   Assemblage Order.q   SC        m        Method     qTD   s.e. qTD.LCL qTD.UCL
1        Edge       0 0.93 1547.562   Rarefaction 302.879  8.892 285.450 320.308
2        Edge       0 0.97 3261.971 Extrapolation 383.307 17.598 348.816 417.798
3        Edge       1 0.93 1547.562   Rarefaction 152.374  3.819 144.889 159.860
4        Edge       1 0.97 3261.971 Extrapolation 166.837  4.443 158.130 175.544
5        Edge       2 0.93 1547.562   Rarefaction  81.437  4.048  73.503  89.372
6        Edge       2 0.97 3261.971 Extrapolation  83.726  4.304  75.290  92.163
7    Interior       0 0.93 1699.021   Rarefaction 331.917 14.476 303.545 360.289
8    Interior       0 0.97 3883.447 Extrapolation 433.807 22.432 389.840 477.773
9    Interior       1 0.93 1699.021   Rarefaction 159.330  4.873 149.779 168.882
10   Interior       1 0.97 3883.447 Extrapolation 175.739  5.536 164.890 186.589
11   Interior       2 0.93 1699.021   Rarefaction  71.611  4.173  63.432  79.789
12   Interior       2 0.97 3883.447 Extrapolation  73.326  4.412  64.678  81.973

Example 7b: TD for incidence data with two target coverage values (97.5% and 99%)

The following commands return the TD estimates with two specified levels of sample coverage (97.5% and 99%) for the Fish_incidence_data.

output_est_TD_inci <- estimate3D(Fish_incidence_data, diversity = 'TD', q = c(0, 1, 2), 
                                 datatype = "incidence_raw", base = "coverage", 
                                 level = c(0.975, 0.99))
   Assemblage Order.q    SC     mT        Method    qTD  s.e. qTD.LCL qTD.UCL
1   2013-2015       0 0.975 29.169   Rarefaction 47.703 3.144  41.542  53.865
2   2013-2015       0 0.990 58.667 Extrapolation 54.914 4.952  45.209  64.620
3   2013-2015       1 0.975 29.169   Rarefaction 29.773 1.000  27.813  31.732
4   2013-2015       1 0.990 58.667 Extrapolation 30.751 0.970  28.849  32.653
5   2013-2015       2 0.975 29.169   Rarefaction 23.861 0.768  22.356  25.367
6   2013-2015       2 0.990 58.667 Extrapolation 24.126 0.771  22.615  25.638
7   2016-2018       0 0.975 34.825   Rarefaction 52.574 5.922  40.968  64.180
8   2016-2018       0 0.990 76.971 Extrapolation 62.688 9.742  43.595  81.782
9   2016-2018       1 0.975 34.825   Rarefaction 31.479 1.298  28.935  34.022
10  2016-2018       1 0.990 76.971 Extrapolation 32.721 1.394  29.989  35.454
11  2016-2018       2 0.975 34.825   Rarefaction 24.872 0.742  23.418  26.325
12  2016-2018       2 0.990 76.971 Extrapolation 25.163 0.746  23.700  26.626


Example 8a: PD for abundance data with two target sample sizes (1500 and 3500)

The following commands return the PD estimates with two specified levels of sample sizes (1500 and 3500) for the Brazil_rainforest_abun_data.

data <- Brazil_rainforest_abun_data
tree <- Brazil_rainforest_phylo_tree
output_est_PD_abun <- estimate3D(data, diversity = 'PD', datatype = "abundance", 
                                 base = "size", level = c(1500, 3500), PDtree = tree)
   Assemblage Order.q    m        Method    SC    qPD  s.e. qPD.LCL qPD.UCL Reftime   Type
1        Edge       0 1500   Rarefaction 0.928 58.370 1.280  55.861  60.880     400 meanPD
2        Edge       0 3500 Extrapolation 0.973 71.893 2.758  66.487  77.298     400 meanPD
3        Edge       1 1500   Rarefaction 0.928  5.224 0.109   5.011   5.437     400 meanPD
4        Edge       1 3500 Extrapolation 0.973  5.320 0.111   5.102   5.538     400 meanPD
5        Edge       2 1500   Rarefaction 0.928  1.797 0.024   1.749   1.844     400 meanPD
6        Edge       2 3500 Extrapolation 0.973  1.797 0.024   1.750   1.844     400 meanPD
7    Interior       0 1500   Rarefaction 0.922 63.555 1.066  61.466  65.645     400 meanPD
8    Interior       0 3500 Extrapolation 0.965 78.004 2.117  73.853  82.154     400 meanPD
9    Interior       1 1500   Rarefaction 0.922  5.675 0.133   5.414   5.936     400 meanPD
10   Interior       1 3500 Extrapolation 0.965  5.784 0.135   5.520   6.048     400 meanPD
11   Interior       2 1500   Rarefaction 0.922  1.913 0.032   1.850   1.977     400 meanPD
12   Interior       2 3500 Extrapolation 0.965  1.914 0.032   1.851   1.978     400 meanPD

Example 8b: PD for incidence data with two target coverage values (97.5% and 99%)

The following commands return the PD estimates with two specified levels of sample coverage (97.5% and 99%) for the Fish_incidence_data.

data <- Fish_incidence_data
tree <- Fish_phylo_tree
output_est_PD_inci <- estimate3D(data, diversity = 'PD', datatype = "incidence_raw", 
                                 base = "coverage", level = c(0.975, 0.99), PDtree = tree)
   Assemblage Order.q    SC     mT        Method    qPD  s.e. qPD.LCL qPD.UCL   Reftime   Type
1   2013-2015       0 0.975 29.169   Rarefaction  9.672 0.406   8.876  10.469 0.9770115 meanPD
2   2013-2015       0 0.990 58.667 Extrapolation 10.018 0.718   8.611  11.426 0.9770115 meanPD
3   2013-2015       1 0.975 29.169   Rarefaction  7.612 0.125   7.368   7.857 0.9770115 meanPD
4   2013-2015       1 0.990 58.667 Extrapolation  7.680 0.127   7.431   7.929 0.9770115 meanPD
5   2013-2015       2 0.975 29.169   Rarefaction  7.003 0.121   6.765   7.240 0.9770115 meanPD
6   2013-2015       2 0.990 58.667 Extrapolation  7.030 0.122   6.792   7.268 0.9770115 meanPD
7   2016-2018       0 0.975 34.825   Rarefaction  9.646 0.413   8.838  10.455 0.9770115 meanPD
8   2016-2018       0 0.990 76.971 Extrapolation  9.831 0.704   8.451  11.211 0.9770115 meanPD
9   2016-2018       1 0.975 34.825   Rarefaction  7.779 0.135   7.513   8.044 0.9770115 meanPD
10  2016-2018       1 0.990 76.971 Extrapolation  7.835 0.141   7.558   8.112 0.9770115 meanPD
11  2016-2018       2 0.975 34.825   Rarefaction  7.201 0.135   6.936   7.465 0.9770115 meanPD
12  2016-2018       2 0.990 76.971 Extrapolation  7.224 0.136   6.957   7.491 0.9770115 meanPD

FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY (FD): point estimation

Example 9a: FD for abundance data with two target coverage values (93% and 97%)

The following commands return the FD estimates with two specified levels of sample coverage (93% and 97%) for the Brazil_rainforest_abun_data.

data <- Brazil_rainforest_abun_data
distM <- Brazil_rainforest_distance_matrix
output_est_FD_abun <- estimate3D(data, diversity = 'FD', datatype = "abundance", 
                                 base = "coverage", level = c(0.93, 0.97), nboot = 10, 
                                 FDdistM = distM, FDtype = 'AUC')
   Assemblage Order.q   SC        m        Method    qFD  s.e. qFD.LCL qFD.UCL
1        Edge       0 0.93 1547.562   Rarefaction 17.590 1.700  14.257  20.923
2        Edge       0 0.97 3261.971 Extrapolation 18.578 1.937  14.781  22.374
3        Edge       1 0.93 1547.562   Rarefaction 11.732 0.395  10.958  12.506
4        Edge       1 0.97 3261.971 Extrapolation 11.920 0.398  11.140  12.700
5        Edge       2 0.93 1547.562   Rarefaction  9.120 0.269   8.593   9.648
6        Edge       2 0.97 3261.971 Extrapolation  9.183 0.271   8.652   9.714
7    Interior       0 0.93 1699.021   Rarefaction 16.890 1.952  13.065  20.716
8    Interior       0 0.97 3883.447 Extrapolation 17.839 3.166  11.634  24.044
9    Interior       1 0.93 1699.021   Rarefaction  9.668 0.303   9.074  10.262
10   Interior       1 0.97 3883.447 Extrapolation  9.834 0.317   9.212  10.456
11   Interior       2 0.93 1699.021   Rarefaction  6.994 0.180   6.641   7.348
12   Interior       2 0.97 3883.447 Extrapolation  7.033 0.184   6.673   7.393

Example 9b: FD for incidence data with two target number of sampling units (30 and 70)

The following commands return the FD estimates with two specified levels of sample sizes (30 and 70) for the Fish_incidence_data.

data <- Fish_incidence_data
distM <- Fish_distance_matrix
output_est_FD_inci <- estimate3D(data, diversity = 'FD', datatype = "incidence_raw", 
                                 base = "size", level = c(30, 70), nboot = 10, 
                                 FDdistM = distM, FDtype = 'AUC')
   Assemblage Order.q mT        Method    SC    qFD  s.e. qFD.LCL qFD.UCL
1   2013-2015       0 30   Rarefaction 0.976 17.748 0.255  17.248  18.248
2   2013-2015       0 70 Extrapolation 0.993 18.550 0.582  17.410  19.691
3   2013-2015       1 30   Rarefaction 0.976 15.929 0.217  15.505  16.354
4   2013-2015       1 70 Extrapolation 0.993 16.006 0.210  15.594  16.417
5   2013-2015       2 30   Rarefaction 0.976 15.459 0.215  15.038  15.880
6   2013-2015       2 70 Extrapolation 0.993 15.477 0.215  15.056  15.898
7   2016-2018       0 30   Rarefaction 0.972 17.503 0.704  16.124  18.883
8   2016-2018       0 70 Extrapolation 0.988 18.705 1.135  16.480  20.930
9   2016-2018       1 30   Rarefaction 0.972 15.729 0.506  14.738  16.720
10  2016-2018       1 70 Extrapolation 0.988 15.816 0.515  14.808  16.825
11  2016-2018       2 30   Rarefaction 0.972 15.268 0.486  14.316  16.221
12  2016-2018       2 70 Extrapolation 0.988 15.290 0.486  14.337  16.242


ObsAsy3D(data, diversity = "TD", q = seq(0, 2, 0.2), datatype = "abundance",
         nboot = 50, conf = 0.95, nT = NULL, 
         method = c("Asymptotic", "Observed"),
         PDtree, PDreftime = NULL, PDtype = "meanPD",
         FDdistM, FDtype = "AUC", FDtau = NULL, FDcut_number = 50

All arguments in the above function are the same as those for the main function iNEXT3D (except that the default of q here is seq(0, 2, 0.2)). The function ObsAsy3D() computes observed and asymptotic diversity of order q between 0 and 2 (in increments of 0.2) for 3D diversity; these 3D values with different order q can be used to depict a q-profile in the ggObsAsy3D function.

It also computes observed and asymptotic PD for various reference times by specifying the argument PDreftime; these PD values with different reference times can be used to depict a time-profile in the ggObsAsy3D function.

It also computes observed and asymptotic FD for various threshold tau levels by specifying the argument FDtau; these FD values with different threshold levels can be used to depict a tau-profile in the ggObsAsy3D function.

For each dimension, by default, both the observed and asymptotic diversity estimates will be computed.


ggObsAsy3D(output, profile = "q")

ggObsAsy3D is a ggplot2 extension for an ObsAsy3D object to plot 3D q-profile (which depicts the observed diversity and asymptotic diversity estimate with respect to order q) for q between 0 and 2 (in increments of 0.2).

It also plots time-profile (which depicts the observed and asymptotic estimate of PD or mean PD with respect to reference times when diversity = "PD" specified in the ObsAsy3D function), and tau-profile (which depicts the observed and asymptotic estimate of FD with respect to threshold level tau when diversity = "FD" and FDtype = "tau_values" specified in the ObsAsy3D function) based on the output from the function ObsAsy3D.

In the plot of profiles, only confidence intervals of the asymptotic diversity will be shown when both the observed and asymptotic diversity estimates are computed.


Example 10a: TD q-profiles for abundance data

The following commands returns the observed and asymptotic taxonomic diversity (‘TD’) for the Brazil_rainforest_abun_data, along with its confidence interval for diversity order q between 0 to 2. Here only the first ten rows of the output are shown.

output_ObsAsy_TD_abun <- ObsAsy3D(Brazil_rainforest_abun_data, diversity = 'TD', 
                                  datatype = "abundance")
   Assemblage Order.q     qTD   s.e. qTD.LCL qTD.UCL     Method
1        Edge     0.0 444.971 29.065 388.005 501.938 Asymptotic
2        Edge     0.2 375.270 20.145 335.787 414.754 Asymptotic
3        Edge     0.4 312.452 13.210 286.561 338.343 Asymptotic
4        Edge     0.6 258.379  8.563 241.595 275.164 Asymptotic
5        Edge     0.8 213.730  6.097 201.780 225.680 Asymptotic
6        Edge     1.0 178.000  5.154 167.898 188.101 Asymptotic
7        Edge     1.2 149.914  4.881 140.347 159.482 Asymptotic
8        Edge     1.4 127.945  4.803 118.532 137.357 Asymptotic
9        Edge     1.6 110.672  4.779 101.305 120.039 Asymptotic
10       Edge     1.8  96.948  4.784  87.571 106.325 Asymptotic

The following commands plot the corresponding q-profiles, along with its confidence interval for q between 0 to 2.

# q-profile curves

Example 10b: TD q-profiles for incidence data

The following commands return the observed and asymptotic taxonomic diversity (‘TD’) estimates for the Fish_incidence_data, along with its confidence interval for diversity order q between 0 to 2. Here only the first ten rows of the output are shown.

output_ObsAsy_TD_inci <- ObsAsy3D(Fish_incidence_data, diversity = 'TD', 
                                  datatype = "incidence_raw")
   Assemblage Order.q    qTD   s.e. qTD.LCL qTD.UCL     Method
1   2013-2015     0.0 59.803 11.767  36.740  82.867 Asymptotic
2   2013-2015     0.2 50.828  6.526  38.037  63.619 Asymptotic
3   2013-2015     0.4 43.790  3.500  36.930  50.651 Asymptotic
4   2013-2015     0.6 38.458  1.993  34.553  42.364 Asymptotic
5   2013-2015     0.8 34.490  1.343  31.858  37.121 Asymptotic
6   2013-2015     1.0 31.542  1.084  29.418  33.665 Asymptotic
7   2013-2015     1.2 29.328  0.966  27.434  31.222 Asymptotic
8   2013-2015     1.4 27.635  0.897  25.877  29.392 Asymptotic
9   2013-2015     1.6 26.312  0.846  24.655  27.969 Asymptotic
10  2013-2015     1.8 25.255  0.804  23.680  26.831 Asymptotic

The following commands plot the corresponding q-profiles, along with its confidence interval for q between 0 to 2.

# q-profile curves

PHYLOGENETIC DIVERSITY (PD): time-profiles and q-profiles

Example 11a: PD time-profiles for abundance data

The following commands return the observed and asymptotic phylogenetic diversity (‘PD’) estimates for the Brazil_rainforest_abun_data, along with its confidence interval for diversity order q = 0, 1, 2 under reference times from 0.01 to 400 (tree height). Here only the first ten rows of the output are shown.

data <- Brazil_rainforest_abun_data
tree <- Brazil_rainforest_phylo_tree
output_ObsAsy_PD_abun <- ObsAsy3D(data, diversity = 'PD', q = c(0, 1, 2), 
                                  PDreftime = seq(0.01, 400, length.out = 20),
                                  datatype = "abundance", nboot = 20, PDtree = tree)
   Assemblage Order.q     qPD   s.e. qPD.LCL qPD.UCL     Method Reftime   Type
1        Edge       0 444.971 27.967 390.156 499.787 Asymptotic   0.100 meanPD
2        Edge       1 178.000  5.913 166.411 189.589 Asymptotic   0.100 meanPD
3        Edge       2  85.905  5.294  75.529  96.281 Asymptotic   0.100 meanPD
4    Interior       0 513.518 26.491 461.597 565.438 Asymptotic   0.100 meanPD
5    Interior       1 186.983  6.267 174.700 199.266 Asymptotic   0.100 meanPD
6    Interior       2  74.718  4.907  65.100  84.335 Asymptotic   0.100 meanPD
7        Edge       0 371.100 21.565 328.834 413.366 Asymptotic  10.354 meanPD
8        Edge       1 141.418  4.579 132.443 150.393 Asymptotic  10.354 meanPD
9        Edge       2  72.848  3.824  65.353  80.343 Asymptotic  10.354 meanPD
10   Interior       0 413.568 25.413 363.758 463.377 Asymptotic  10.354 meanPD

The argument profile = "time" in the ggObsAsy3D function creates a separate plot for each diversity order q = 0, 1, and 2 with x-axis being “Reference time”. Different assemblages will be represented by different color lines.

# time-profile curves
ggObsAsy3D(output_ObsAsy_PD_abun, profile = "time")

Example 11b: PD q-profiles for incidence data

The following commands return the observed and asymptotic taxonomic diversity (‘PD’) estimates for the Fish_incidence_data, along with its confidence interval for diversity order q between 0 to 2. Here only the first ten rows of the output are shown.

data <- Fish_incidence_data
tree <- Fish_phylo_tree
output_ObsAsy_PD_inci <- ObsAsy3D(data, diversity = 'PD', q = seq(0, 2, 0.2), 
                                  datatype = "incidence_raw", nboot = 20, PDtree = tree, 
                                  PDreftime = NULL)
   Assemblage Order.q    qPD  s.e. qPD.LCL qPD.UCL     Method Reftime   Type
1   2013-2015     0.0 10.039 1.241   7.607  12.471 Asymptotic   0.977 meanPD
2   2013-2015     0.2  9.462 0.538   8.407  10.517 Asymptotic   0.977 meanPD
3   2013-2015     0.4  8.802 0.322   8.170   9.433 Asymptotic   0.977 meanPD
4   2013-2015     0.6  8.329 0.227   7.884   8.773 Asymptotic   0.977 meanPD
5   2013-2015     0.8  7.985 0.187   7.619   8.351 Asymptotic   0.977 meanPD
6   2013-2015     1.0  7.729 0.170   7.397   8.061 Asymptotic   0.977 meanPD
7   2013-2015     1.2  7.533 0.162   7.216   7.849 Asymptotic   0.977 meanPD
8   2013-2015     1.4  7.378 0.158   7.067   7.688 Asymptotic   0.977 meanPD
9   2013-2015     1.6  7.252 0.158   6.943   7.561 Asymptotic   0.977 meanPD
10  2013-2015     1.8  7.147 0.159   6.836   7.458 Asymptotic   0.977 meanPD

The following commands plot the corresponding q-profiles, along with its confidence interval for q between 0 to 2, for the default reference time = 0.977 (the tree depth).

# q-profile curves
ggObsAsy3D(output_ObsAsy_PD_inci, profile = "q")

FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY (FD): tau-profiles and q-profiles

Example 12a: FD tau-profiles for abundance data

The following commands returns observed and asymptotic functional diversity (‘FD’) for Brazil_rainforest_abun_data, along with its confidence interval at diversity order q = 0, 1, 2 under tau values from 0 to 1. Here only the first ten rows of the output are shown.

data <- Brazil_rainforest_abun_data
distM <- Brazil_rainforest_distance_matrix
output_ObsAsy_FD_abun_tau <- ObsAsy3D(data, diversity = 'FD', q = c(0, 1, 2), 
                                      datatype = "abundance", nboot = 10, FDdistM = distM, 
                                      FDtype = 'tau_values', FDtau = seq(0, 1, 0.05))
   Assemblage Order.q     qFD   s.e. qFD.LCL qFD.UCL     Method  Tau
1        Edge       0 444.971 23.002 399.888 490.055 Asymptotic 0.00
2        Edge       1 178.000  6.655 164.956 191.043 Asymptotic 0.00
3        Edge       2  85.905  6.033  74.081  97.730 Asymptotic 0.00
4        Edge       0  79.904 16.209  48.135 111.673 Asymptotic 0.05
5        Edge       1  45.187  2.311  40.658  49.716 Asymptotic 0.05
6        Edge       2  32.092  1.727  28.707  35.477 Asymptotic 0.05
7        Edge       0  73.276 17.121  39.719 106.832 Asymptotic 0.10
8        Edge       1  42.200  2.228  37.832  46.567 Asymptotic 0.10
9        Edge       2  30.182  1.596  27.053  33.311 Asymptotic 0.10
10       Edge       0  35.372 19.020   0.000  72.651 Asymptotic 0.15

The following commands plot the corresponding tau-profiles, along with its confidence interval for diversity order q = 0, 1, 2.

# tau-profile curves
ggObsAsy3D(output_ObsAsy_FD_abun_tau, profile = "tau")

Example 12b: FD q-profiles for abundance data

The following commands returns the observed and asymptotic taxonomic diversity (‘FD’) for the Brazil_rainforest_abun_data, along with its confidence interval for diversity order q between 0 to 2 with FDtype = 'AUC'. Here only the first ten rows of the output are shown.

data <- Brazil_rainforest_abun_data
distM <- Brazil_rainforest_distance_matrix
output_ObsAsy_FD_abun <- ObsAsy3D(data, diversity = 'FD', q = seq(0, 2, 0.5), 
                                  datatype = "abundance", nboot = 10, 
                                  FDdistM = distM, FDtype = 'AUC')
   Assemblage Order.q    qFD  s.e. qFD.LCL qFD.UCL     Method
1        Edge     0.0 19.008 8.458   2.431  35.585 Asymptotic
2        Edge     0.5 14.698 1.114  12.515  16.882 Asymptotic
3        Edge     1.0 12.037 0.205  11.636  12.438 Asymptotic
4        Edge     1.5 10.345 0.128  10.094  10.597 Asymptotic
5        Edge     2.0  9.228 0.150   8.934   9.523 Asymptotic
6    Interior     0.0 18.208 6.907   4.671  31.745 Asymptotic
7    Interior     0.5 13.071 1.030  11.051  15.090 Asymptotic
8    Interior     1.0  9.922 0.228   9.475  10.369 Asymptotic
9    Interior     1.5  8.103 0.202   7.708   8.499 Asymptotic
10   Interior     2.0  7.055 0.196   6.671   7.440 Asymptotic

The following commands plot the corresponding q-profiles, along with its confidence interval for q between 0 to 2.

# q-profile curves
ggObsAsy3D(output_ObsAsy_FD_abun, profile = "q")

Example 12c: FD q-profiles for incidence data

The following commands returns observed and asymptotic functional diversity (‘FD’) for Fish_incidence_data, along with its confidence interval at diversity order q from 0 to 2. Here only the first ten rows of the output are shown.

data <- Fish_incidence_data
distM <- Fish_distance_matrix
output_ObsAsy_FD_inci <- ObsAsy3D(data, diversity = 'FD', datatype = "incidence_raw",
                                  nboot = 20, FDdistM = distM, FDtype = 'AUC')
   Assemblage Order.q    qFD  s.e. qFD.LCL qFD.UCL     Method
1   2013-2015     0.0 18.906 2.065  14.859  22.952 Asymptotic
2   2013-2015     0.2 17.826 0.907  16.048  19.604 Asymptotic
3   2013-2015     0.4 17.115 0.582  15.974  18.256 Asymptotic
4   2013-2015     0.6 16.624 0.469  15.706  17.543 Asymptotic
5   2013-2015     0.8 16.284 0.433  15.436  17.132 Asymptotic
6   2013-2015     1.0 16.043 0.418  15.223  16.863 Asymptotic
7   2013-2015     1.2 15.868 0.411  15.063  16.673 Asymptotic
8   2013-2015     1.4 15.736 0.406  14.941  16.532 Asymptotic
9   2013-2015     1.6 15.635 0.402  14.847  16.423 Asymptotic
10  2013-2015     1.8 15.555 0.399  14.773  16.338 Asymptotic

The following commands plot the corresponding q-profiles, along with its confidence interval for q between 0 to 2.

# q-profile curves
ggObsAsy3D(output_ObsAsy_FD_inci, profile = "q")


The iNEXT.3D package is licensed under the GPLv3. To help refine iNEXT.3D, your comments or feedback would be welcome (please send them to Anne Chao or report an issue on the iNEXT.3D github iNEXT.3D_github.
