KaijuML / rotowire-rg-metric

Code for the RG metric of Challenges in Data-to-Document Generation (Wiseman, Shieber, Rush; EMNLP 2017)
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Pytorch Code for the RG metric of Challenges in Data-to-Document Generation (Wiseman, Shieber, Rush; EMNLP 2017)

The RG metric is computed using a neural information extraction network, which reads generated outputs and creates a (very simple) knowledge base of asserted facts. For instance the sentence "Lebron James scored 25 points [...]" would yield one record [Lebron James | 25 | PTS].

These facts are then compared to true data and used as evaluation metrics for the generated outputs:

Note that you can find interesting discussion regarding Data-to-Text evaluation (esp. on RotoWire) in the following paper: A Gold Standard Methodology for Evaluating Accuracy in Data-To-Text Systems (Thomson, Reiter; INLG 2020)

Quick jumps to sections of interest:

You can download pretrained models. See instructions for how to use those in the Evaluation Section.

Why this repo?

Original code (here) is written in Python2 and neural networks are instantiated and trained using Lua code. This makes it highly unusable on modern shared computing machines (due to incompatibly in Python/CUDA versions) and difficult to read and understand when trying to adapt them to other use cases.

We ported the code with a minimal-changes policy, so that behavior stays the same at all points.

Also note that we included the following list of changes, which have zero impact on results but provide quality of life improvements:

RESULTS: models trained using this repo obtains the same level of recall/accuracy than orginal models in LUA (i.e. ~95% accuracy and ~70% recall) Also, I have evaluated the models from Data-to-text Generation with Macro Planning (Ratish Puduppully and Mirella Lapata; TACL 2021).

code RG# RG%
Original LUA 42.1 97.6
This repo 39.2 97.7

Data and Requirements

This code runs with Python==3.8 and torch==1.9. My advice is to use a virtual environment, for instance with conda: conda create --name rg python=3.8
Once your env is activated (e.g. conda activate rg), you can install all requirements using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Every instructions contained in this section can be run using the following command:


We assume that everything takes place inside a $ROTOWIRE directory, where everything will be stored when running the scripts from this repo. The commands are pretty explicit so that you can easily change anything if you desire. By defaults, the $ROTOWIRE directory is assumed to have the following sub-directories:

You can download the original RotoWire data by following instructions on the original rotowire repo. Simply clone the repo and tar -xvf rotowire.tar.bz2 will do the trick.

Training the RG information extractor

Training data can be created using the following command:

python data_utils.py \
       -mode make_ie_data \
       -input_path $ROTOWIRE/json \
       -output_fi $ROTOWIRE/output/training-data.h5

Very important step: once training data is generated, please check the file $ROTOWIRE/output/training-data.labels and have a look at the index of label NONE. It will be used in almost all commands below via --ignore-idx

You can now train either an LSTM or a CONV model. RG metric is an ensemble of 3 LSTMs and 3 CONVs models.

Note that checkpoints will be saved after each epoch, with their filename indicating the accuracy and recall on a validation set (not seen during training). I have trained 3 models of each, using arbitrary random seeds (set --seed 1234 for instance). Each time, I selected the best performing checkpoint in terms of accuracy & recall.

After training a model, select the checkpoint you want to keep, rename it something like lstm1, and remove other checkpoints. You can then train another model, and repeat this process. (This is not mandatory, just easier to track which models you want to use later on)

You can train an LSTM model with

python run.py \
       --datafile $ROTOWIRE/output/training-data.h5 \
       --save-directory $ROTOWIRE/models \
       --model lstm \
       --gpu 0 \
       --num-epochs 10 \
       --batch-size 32 \
       --embedding-size 200 \
       --hidden-dim 700 \
       --lr 1 \
       --dropout 0.5 \
       --ignore-idx 1

and a CONVolutional model with:

python run.py \
       --datafile $ROTOWIRE/output/training-data.h5 \
       --save-directory models \
       --model conv \
       --gpu 0 \
       --num-epochs 10 \
       --batch-size 32 \
       --embedding-size 200 \
       --hidden-dim 500 \
       --num-filters 200 \
       --lr 0.7 \
       --dropout 0.5 \
       --ignore-idx 1

Using RG information extractor as a metric

You can download pretrained models.

You will also need the training data, to get vocabularies. If you trained models yourself, everything is already done; otherwise, run the first step of the training section and it'll be good.

This step assumes that:

Using RG works in two steps, which can be run sequentially, using the detailed explanations below. It can be tedious to run these steps in sequence for several gens (for instance when doing checkpoint selection based on RG scores). To ease this usage, I also provide batch-run.py which can run everything in parallel on several gpus (see below).

You first need to prep the data for the RG metric, using (note that if you include -test the script will assume you want to compare to test data, while not including it means using validation data):

python data_utils.py \
      -mode prep_gen_data \
      -test \
      -gen_fi $ROTOWIRE/gens/$FILENAME \
      -dict_pfx $ROTOWIRE/output/training-data \
      -output_fi $ROTOWIRE/output/prep_predictions.h5 \
      -input_path $ROTOWIRE/json

After this is done, you can compute RG scores and generate the list of extracted records, using the following command:

python run.py \
       --just-eval \
       --datafile $ROTOWIRE/output/training-data.h5 \
       --preddata $ROTOWIRE/output/prep_predictions.h5 \
       --eval-models $ROTOWIRE/models \
       --gpu 0 \
       --test \
       --ignore-idx 1 \
       --vocab-prefix $ROTOWIRE/output/training-data

Also note that if you are interested in reading the tuples created, you can use --show-correctness to add a |RIGHT or |WRONG tag to each tuple, depending on whether the generated tuple is correct or not.

You can also add --store-results $ROTOWIRE/output/scores.json to save the results to a json file.

Running inference on several gens

As explained above, you can use models in parallel using the following command: (Note that for simplicity I assume the correct folder structure. If you changed everything, then you'll have to edit the script manually.)

python batch-run.py \
       --rotowire-folder $ROTOWIRE \
       --vocab-prefix training-data \
       --ignore-idx 1 \
       --gpus 0 1 2 3 \
       --ckpts-per-gpu 3

Known issues & Contribution

Here is a list of know issues. If you want to contribute to a fix, or spot a new issue, do not hesitate to contact us. Public github issues are best, but emails also work.