Kalanyr / gogrepoc

Python-based tool for downloading all your GOG.com game and bonus collections to your local computer for full offline enjoyment.
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gogrepo gamma

Python-based tool for downloading your GOG.com game collections and extras to your local computer for full offline enjoyment.

It is a clean standalone python script that can be run from anywhere. It requires a typical Python 2.7 or Python 3 installation and html5lib, requests and pyOpenSSL.

By default, game folders are saved in the same location that the script is run in. You can also specify another directory. Run gogrepo.py -h to see help or read more below. Each game has its own directories with all game/bonus files saved within.

License: GPLv3+


Quick Start -- Typical Use Case

Advanced Usage -- Common Tasks


gogrepoc.py login Authenticate with GOG and save the cookie locally in gog-cookies.dat file. This is needed to do update or download command. Run this once first before doing update and download.

login [username] [password]
username    GOG username/email
password    GOG password


gogrepoc.py update Fetch game data and information from GOG.com for the specified operating systems and languages. This collects file game titles, download links, serial numbers, MD5/filesize data and saves the data locally in a manifest file. Manifest is saved in a gog-manifest.dat file

update [-os [OS [OS ...]]] [-lang [LANG [LANG ...]]] [-skipknown | -updateonly | -id <title>]
-os [OS [OS ...]]       operating system(s) (ex. windows linux mac)
-skipos                 skip operating system(s)
                        Can't be used with -os
-lang [LANG [LANG ...]] game language(s) (ex. en fr de)
-skiplang               skip game language(s)
                        Can't be used with -lang
-standard               update new and updated games only (default unless -ids used)
                        Can't be used with -skipknown, -updateonly, -full
-skipknown              only update new games in your library
-updateonly             only update games with the updated tag in your library
-full                   update all games on your account (default if -ids used)
-ids <title>            id(s)/titles(s) of (a) specific game(s) to update
-id <title>             specify the game to update by 'title' from the manifest. Deprecated by -ids
                        <title> can be found in the !info.txt of the game directory
-skipids <title>        id(s)/titles(s) of (a) specific game(s) not to update
-resumemode             how to handle resuming if necessary: noresume, resume, or onlyresume. Default: resume
-strictverify           clear previously verified unless md5 match
-skiphidden             skip games marked as hidden
-installers             GOG Installer type to use: galaxy, standalone or both. Default: standalone
-wait <WAIT>            wait this long in hours before starting


gogrepoc.py download Use the saved manifest file from an update command, and download all known game items and bonus files.

download [-dryrun] [-skipextras] [-skipextras] [-skipgames] [-wait WAIT] [-id <title>] [savedir]
savedir            directory to save downloads to
-dryrun            display, but skip downloading of any files
-skipextras        skip downloading of any GOG extra files
-skipgames         skip downloading of any GOG game files. Deprecated by -skipgalaxy, -skipstandalone and -skipshared
-skipgalaxy        skip downloading Galaxy installers
-skipstandalone    skip downloading standlone installers
-skipshared        skip downloading installers shared between Galaxy and standalone
-skipfiles <file>  file name (or glob patterns) to NOT download
-wait <WAIT>       wait this long in hours before starting
-ids <title>       id(s) or title(s) of the game in the manifest to download
-id <title>        specify the game to download by 'title' from the manifest. Deprecated by -ids
                   <title> can be found in the !info.txt of the game directory
-skipids <title>   id(s) or title(s) of the game(s) in the manifest to NOT download, default=[])
-os [OS [OS ...]]  download game files only for operating system(s) (ex. windows linux mac)
-skipos            skip downloading game files for operating system(s)
                   Can't be used with -os
-lang [LANG [LANG ...]] download game files only for language(s) (ex. en fr de)
-skiplang          skip downloading game files for language(s)
                   Can't be used with -lang


gogrepoc.py verify Check all your game files against the save manifest data, and verify MD5, zip integrity, and expected file size. Any missing or corrupt files will be reported.

verify [-skipmd5] [-skipsize] [-skipzip] [-delete] [gamedir]
gamedir     directory containing games to verify
-forceverify (also verify files that are unchanged (by gogrepo) since they were last successfully verified)
-skipmd5           do not perform MD5 check
-skipsize          do not perform size check
-skipzip           do not perform zip integrity check
-skipextras        skip verification of any GOG extra files
-skipgames         skip verification of any GOG game files. Deprecated by -skipgalaxy, -skipstandalone and -skipshared
-skipgalaxy        skip verification of any GOG Galaxy installer files
-skipstandalone    skip verification of any GOG standalone installer files
-skipshared        skip verification of any installers included in both the GOG Galalaxy and Standalone sets
-skipfiles <file>  file name (or glob patterns) to NOT verify
-ids <title>       id(s) or title(s) of the game in the manifest to verify
-id <title>        specify the game to verify by 'title' from the manifest. Deprecated by -ids
                   <title> can be found in the !info.txt of the game directory
-skipids <title>   id(s) or title(s) of the game(s) in the manifest to NOT verify, default=[])
-os [OS [OS ...]]  verify game files only for operating system(s) (ex. windows linux mac)
-skipos            skip verification of game files for operating system(s)
                   Can't be used with -os
-lang [LANG [LANG ...]] verify game files only for language(s) (ex. en fr de)
-skiplang          skip downloading game files for language(s)
                   Can't be used with -lang
-delete            delete any files which fail integrity test
-clean             clean any files which fail integrity test


gogrepoc.py import Search an already existing GOG collection for game item/files, and import them to your new GOG folder with clean game directory names and file names as GOG has them named on their servers.

import [src_dir] [dest_dir]
src_dir            source directory to import games from
dest_dir           directory to copy and name imported files to
-skipgalaxy        skip importing Galaxy installers
-skipstandalone    skip importing standlone installers
-skipshared        skip importing installers shared between Galaxy and standalone
-ids <title>       id(s) or title(s) of the game in the manifest to import
-skipids <title>   id(s) or title(s) of the game(s) in the manifest to NOT import, default=[])
-os [OS [OS ...]]  import game files only for operating system(s) (ex. windows linux mac)
-skipos            skip importing game files for operating system(s)
                   Can't be used with -os
-lang [LANG [LANG ...]] import game files only for language(s) (ex. en fr de)
-skiplang          skip importing game files for language(s)
                   Can't be used with -lang


gogrepoc.py backup Make copies of all known files in manifest file from a source directory to a backup destination directory. Useful for cleaning out older files from your GOG collection.

backup [src_dir] [dest_dir]
src_dir            source directory containing gog items
dest_dir           destination directory to backup files to
-skipextras        skip backup of any GOG extra files
-skipgames         skip backup of any GOG game files. Deprecated by -skipgalaxy, -skipstandalone and -skipshared
-skipgalaxy        skip backup of Galaxy installers
-skipstandalone    skip backup of standlone installers
-skipshared        skip backup of installers shared between Galaxy and standalone
-ids <title>       id(s) or title(s) of the game in the manifest to backup
-skipids <title>   id(s) or title(s) of the game(s) in the manifest to NOT backup, default=[])
-os [OS [OS ...]]  backup game files only for operating system(s) (ex. windows linux mac)
-skipos            skip backup of game files for operating system(s)
                   Can't be used with -os
-lang [LANG [LANG ...]] backup game files only for language(s) (ex. en fr de)
-skiplang          skip backup of game files for language(s)
                   Can't be used with -lang


gogrepoc.py clean Clean your games directory of files not known by manifest. Moves files to the !orphaned folder.

clean [-dryrun] [cleandir]
cleandir    root directory containing gog games to be cleaned
-dryrun     do not move files, only display what would be cleaned


gogrepoc.py trash Permanently remove orphaned files in your game directory.

trash [-dryrun] [-installersonly] [gamedir]
gamedir         root directory containing gog games
-dryrun         do not move files, only display what would be trashed
-installersonly only delete file types used as installers


Other arguments: -h, --help show help message and exit. Used in all commands. -nolog don't write to log file gogrepo.log. Used in all commands. -v, --version show version number and exit. Used in all commands.

