Kaldek / rat-ratgdo

Open source schematics for ratgdo PCB
MIT License
306 stars 47 forks source link

Now have a v2.5 in hand for references #44

Closed foreverimagining closed 7 months ago

foreverimagining commented 8 months ago

It finally arrived!

Alright, this may be a bit of information overload, but I'd rather provide more than enough starting out and therefore, limit the need for further questions. I broke out my DSLR to get some decent macro photos of the various components, traces, and vias because it really is surprisingly small in person. I have compiled them with smaller references marking approximately where on the board front and back I think the pictures are in order to make review a little easier. I can provide more, if necessary; I just need to know what parts need focusing on.

Let me know if you want any testing done, and I am also tempted/willing to desolder the terminals to get a look at what's underneath them. I'll be doing some soldering, anyways, for this project. I figure I'll leave off installing it for at least a few more days, partially because I don't know if I'm even tall enough to plug the little bugger in.

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Kaldek commented 8 months ago

Well that's a lot to take in. I imagine it will mostly help the folks struggling with 1.0+ door openers and a board they made themselves.

Really then the question is what's the exact circuit tracing for RX and TX. Let me see if I can give you some questions of tests to run for validation.

Kaldek commented 8 months ago

@rlowens this is super interesting.

What do you think about the TX logic. Is that a 10k pulldown on the Drain of the TX MOSFET you think?

Kaldek commented 8 months ago

@foreverimagining the best thing to do here is to determine the path between the Red wire pin and the D1 pin, and then the red wire pin and the D2 pin.

Our current understanding of the logic is that the wiring goes:



If you can measure those paths with a multimeter and confirm or correct this assessment it will help a lot. We're interested in whether there is a resistance measurement where we expect one (and what the value is, in ohms), and whether there is a resistance measuremenr where we don't expect one (and what the value is, in ohms).

Where we say "GND", please use one of the "White Wire" terminals as your probe point.

MOSFET pinouts are as per the attached image: image

foreverimagining commented 8 months ago

Probably best to just skip this comment and head down for better values.

Sorry it took so long to get back. I had a nightmare of a time taking readings in the scant space between the mosfets and the connectors, so I ended up desoldering the connectors on that side, which was it's own adventure. Anyways, I have some answers, and because I don't entirely know what I'm doing and am using this as an opportunity to learn, we're going to play show your work. You can just skip to the bottom unless the results look weird.

Firstly, based on my ESP 8266 D1 mini boards, Pins D1 and D2 are the third and fourth down as marked in this picture Pins D1 D2 Locations so those are the pins I measured with. Next, I had my multimeter set on 200Ω for all the measurements. Some of them gave readings that seem awfully low (not that I know what they should be), and some of them gave no reading and remained at OL. I made sure to try multiple times for each measurement to make sure I wasn't just missing a pad. I also had a couple of readings that seemed consistent at up to 0.8Ω, but as a last check before posting, I tried again and they came down to 0.6Ω.

The results are as follows with a diagram to ensure I was orienting everything correctly and measuring on the right mosfets:

RX: Red wire --> Gate of "7002" MOSFET, with no resistor in series : OL/No reading Drain of 7002 MOSFET --> Pin D2 (4R), with no resistor in series : 0.6Ω Source of 7002 MOSFET --> GND, with no resistor in series : 0.6Ω

TX: Red wire --> Drain of X0YL MOSFET (no resistor in series) : 0.6Ω Gate of X0YL MOSFET --> Pin D1 (3R) (no resistor in series) : OL/No reading Pin D1 --> GND (10k resistor in series) : OL/No reading Source of X0YL MOSFET --> GND (no resistor in series) : 0.6 Ω Resistance Test 11-16 00_07

Let me know of anything else, or if I did something wrong.

tronikos commented 8 months ago

If your meter has continuity mode it will be much easier, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G622WDZaHg for a random video that explains how to use it

For the RX side we were expecting G to go to the red wire. With the multimeter in continuity mode start touching different points on the board until it beeps, keep a note what component it is, measure its resistance and continue on the other end of that component until you reach the red wire.

Similarly for the TX side try to trace what the circuit is between D1 and Gate of X0YL.

What's the resistance between source and gate of X0YL? We expect 10kΩ. It might be worth measuring resistance between each pair of the SGD pins for both MOSFETs.

foreverimagining commented 8 months ago

Ok, I definitely made some rookie mistakes because some of them seemed to work at the lower setting and I didn't know what I was looking for.

My multimeter does have a continuity mode. I think part of what tripped me up is that Red Ctrl does not go directly to Gate or Source, but instead shows continuity with multiple resistors. I had poked around a little because I wasn't getting much of anything. Having turned up my resistance setting, Red Ctrl reads 10kΩ at both Gate and Source, but following continuity, I think it actually goes to Source on the 7002 mosfet. Or maybe not. I'll do some charting for clarity.

The resistance between Source and Gate of the X0YL mosfet is actually 11kΩ. The three resistors that are labeled OIC are 10kΩ, but the one labeled OIB is 1kΩ.

I'll go through it a bit more and return with more values.

foreverimagining commented 8 months ago

Ok, I went through and I think I traced all the continuity on this side of the board, but I'm starting to drag, so I may have missed something. Here's a markup of that. Continuity Tracing 11-16 02_43

As for resistance values, here's the whole lot:

7002 Mosfet Red Ctrl to Gate: 10kΩ Drain to Pin D2: 0.6Ω Source to GND: 0.6Ω Red Ctrl to Source: 10kΩ Red Ctrl to Drain: OL Gate to Source: 20kΩ Pin D1 to Source: 10kΩ

X0YL Mosfet Red Ctrl to Drain: 0.6Ω Gate to Pin D1: 1kΩ Pin D1 to GND: 10kΩ Red Ctrl to Source: 10kΩ Red Ctrl to Gate: 21kΩ Source to GND: 0.7Ω Gate to Drain: 21kΩ Source to Drain: 10kΩ Gate to Source: 1kΩ actually 11kΩ

tronikos commented 8 months ago

This is very helpful! Thanks for all the measurements and the annotated pictures. So the schematics in the repo are missing 3 resistors:

I'll see if I can find an 1 kΩ resistor to try this out on a Sec+1 GDO.

Kaldek commented 8 months ago

This is very helpful! Thanks for all the measurements and the annotated pictures. So the schematics in the repo are missing 3 resistors:

  • 10 kΩ between Red Ctrl and GND
  • 10 kΩ between Red Ctrl and G of Q1
  • 1 kΩ between G of Q2 and pin D1

I'll see if I can find an 1 kΩ resistor to try this out on a Sec+1 GDO.

So it looks like we have:

As the circuit works without these, they are there for removal of floating voltage and to provide further guarantees that the ESP8266 GPIO drivers aren't damaged. In other words, "best practice". I'd need to ask one of my EE friends just how much they would be recommended, particularly the resistor between the red wire and the RX MOSFET gate.

tronikos commented 8 months ago

I added the missing resistors on my board but I can still not control my Sec+1 GDO. The only difference is I'm using two 2N7000. Controls do not work but neither does receiving the correct status. In the logs I see it enters emulation mode which polls GDO for current status. The reply is always that the door is open. The fact that I get some communication initiated by ratgdo suggests to me changing the TX MOSFET will likely not help.

@foreverimagining I'm confused by your last measurement X0YL Mosfet Gate to Source: 1kΩ This doesn't make sense based on the other measurements and your picture. Can you measure again? It should be 11kΩ, not 1kΩ.

foreverimagining commented 8 months ago

Can you measure again? It should be 11kΩ, not 1kΩ.

You're right. I measured again, so either I skipped a key when I typed it in or hit the wrong pads when I measured. I'll go back and fix the first comment so as not to confuse anyone who doesn't read the whole conversation.

tronikos commented 8 months ago

@foreverimagining looking at your pictures again I think you might have shorted red ctrl and blk obst, maybe by accident while you desoldered the connectors on that side? Can you check if there is continuity between them? There shouldn't be. All the components you took measurements from are on the side you connect the red/black/white wires. The circuit for the obstruction sensor should have two 10kΩ resistors. Pin D7 (ESP8266) to Wht GND should be 10kΩ and Pin D7 to Blk Obst should also be 10kΩ. If that's true then the schematics in this repo are only missing the 1kΩ resistor.

foreverimagining commented 8 months ago

I think you might have shorted red ctrl and blk obst, maybe by accident while you desoldered the connectors on that side? Can you check if there is continuity between them?

Doesn't look like it. I didn't get a beep, and I tried all combinations. For confirmation, I did test red to red and black to black, which beeped as expected.

I actually didn't think to follow the Blk Obst anywhere since the questions had been about Red Ctrl, the pins, and GND. I'll work on that for you now.

foreverimagining commented 8 months ago

The circuit for the obstruction sensor should have two 10kΩ resistors. Pin D7 (ESP8266) to Wht GND should be 10kΩ and Pin D7 to Blk Obst should also be 10kΩ.

Before I move on to following the continuity, Pin D7 to GND and Pin D7 to Blk Obst do both measure as 10kΩ.

thayerfox commented 8 months ago

I've not fully checked, but here is my schematic with the updated from foreverimaging's measurements. I also have the dry contact and status components from the v2.0 board schematic included. I seem to have the same number and values of components as the v2.5 ratgdo has (15 total).

(I'll check it over a little more later, but figured this might help to visualize what was being communicated. Do note I dont have any physical boards to measure.)

EDIT: removed schematic with error.

tronikos commented 8 months ago

@thayerfox I think R3 should be connected to the left of R8.

thayerfox commented 8 months ago

@thayerfox I think R3 should be connected to the left of R8.

Yep, good catch. I'll fix that and repost tomorrow.

foreverimagining commented 8 months ago

If it helps any, this is what I've followed so far. I'll have to take off the connectors on that side to get much more. Continuity Tracing - Left Side 11-16 1604

tronikos commented 8 months ago

Thanks. So the obstruction sensor is using 2 10kΩ resistors matching the schematics in this repo. They are on the opposite side which is strange but I guess that's where there was space. And the schematics in this repo are indeed missing the 3 resistors mentioned earlier which unfortunately didn't make a difference controlling a Sec+1 GDO.

Kaldek commented 8 months ago

I added the missing resistors on my board but I can still not control my Sec+1 GDO.

I think for us pioneers of building our own boards, you need to read the source code on how the ratgdo is trying to control Sec+ 1.0 systems. Really only then is it possible to perform a proper diagnosis and measurement. As an owner of a Sec+ 2.0 system there's little I can personally do to help diagnose.

tronikos commented 8 months ago

I've read the code and I've also figured out the very simple circuit of my wall panel that controls my GDO. They do completely different things so it seems my GDO isn't compatible. I've ordered a reed sensor and I'll use either a spare relay I have or the 2N7000 MOSFET to pull the red wire to the ground.

foreverimagining commented 8 months ago

Here's another information drop. I think I got everything on this side of the board (we'll act like D3 is on this side), but let me know if I missed anything. I decided to number identical components starting from the top of the picture for easier matching, which may be different from peoples' schematics.

Continuity Tracing - Left Side 11-16 2116

Resistance Measurements: Trigger Light to Cathode 1: 0.6Ω Anode 1 to Pin D3: 0.6Ω

Trigger Open to Cathode 2: 0.6Ω Anode 2 to Pin D5: 0.6Ω

Trigger Close to Cathode 3: 0.6Ω Anode 3 to Pin D6: 0.6Ω

Pin D0 to Mosfet 1 Gate: 10kΩ Status Door to Mosfet 1 Drain: 0.6Ω Mosfet 1 Source to GND: 0.6Ω Mosfet 1 Gate to Drain: OL Mosfet 1 Gate to Source: OL Mosfet 1 Source to Drain: OL

Pin D8 to Mosfet 2 Gate: 10kΩ Status Obst to Mosfet 2 Drain: 0.6Ω Mosfet 2 Source to GND: 0.6Ω Mosfet 2 Gate to Drain: OL Mosfet 2 Gate to Source: OL Mosfet 2 Source to Drain: OL

thayerfox commented 8 months ago

Interesting, thanks for that. So that confirms the following schematic then:


Its interesting that a 10K series resistance was used for the gate on the two status outputs. The esp8266 gpio doesn't really need that level of current limiting. 100-1K would have made more sense. They used a 1K current limiting resistor for the gate of Q2, though they used a 10K for the gate of Q1 in the v2.5. Perhaps this was to counteract the 12V red control line being unable to draw much current from the GDO. I can't see them wanting to slow down the switching speed.

I'm assuming they are relying on the internal pullups of the esp for Q3 and Q4. I probably would have put a 10K pulldown/up (depending on desired state) on those if it had been me, as the gpio state is indeterminate until the uC boots up and the onboard pullup/downs are enabled.

As for Kaldek's question about how much the 1K R8 is needed.... Connecting the ESP 12mA GPIO directly to drive the AO3400A gate isn't something to lose sleep over, its not going to burn anything and I would have likely omitted it from the design.

kaechele commented 8 months ago

Great timing, as I was just working on this today. The schematic as posted by @thayerfox works for me. The schematic in the repository as of this morning didn't work for me, I did not see any packets towards my ESP32. However, opening the garage door worked, but controlling the light didn't. With the schematic as posted by @thayerfox everything works as expected.

dolfelt commented 8 months ago

@thayerfox do you have a PR or branch with the updated kicad schematics? Looking to update my board designs.

I’ll test this new schematic with my Sec+ 1.0 Jackshaft once the ESPHome 1.0 support comes out.

thayerfox commented 8 months ago

@thayerfox do you have a PR or branch with the updated kicad schematics? Looking to update my board designs.

I’ll test this new schematic with my Sec+ 1.0 Jackshaft once the ESPHome 1.0 support comes out.

I do, but my board is a little too modified to be suitable for a PR. (I've added a 6-30V DC-DC to power off the 12V battery in my opener and optimized for JLCPCB.) https://github.com/thayerfox/rat-ratgdo/tree/full_featured_ratgdo2.5/kicad_files/D1%20Mini%20-%20ESP8266%20-%20Tubez

(Don't laugh at the tubez part, its an inside joke from long ago at university about a vacuum tube caricature 😆)

dolfelt commented 8 months ago

Ok, thanks @thayerfox! I can take a stab at creating a more simple version using your schematic. Thoughts on the accuracy of what we're seeing vs the schematics @Kaldek and @bjhiltbrand? Sounds like you verified this working @kaechele. Are you using the Sec+1.0 for your garage opener?

kaechele commented 8 months ago

My opener is a Security+ 2.0 model.

bjhiltbrand commented 8 months ago

@thayerfox, why am I here making all these janky board designs, when you are clearly much more gifted in the ways of KiCAD? ;) Mind if I use your KiCAD files to re-work all the board designs/add full-featured variants to this repo?

Edit: Also, why did you choose a K7805 instead of a K7803? Seems like it would be better to step down to the native voltage of the ESP, especially if you were going to use a bare chip that doesn't have a 5v option.

thayerfox commented 8 months ago

Sure, use what you want, modify to suit your needs/rename as needed. I will have more time early next week if you want some extra help as well. (I chose the handsolder pads for all the smaller smt and tweaked some of the tht pads for easier assembly as well.)

As for the K7805, its what I had laying around and was in stock a jlcpcb. You could certainly use the 3v3 version and power the esp8266 direct, or via the 3v3 pin on the d1mini. I was planning to add the 500mA fuse in line with the protection diode as well. (You bypass the fuse on the d1 mini when powering through the breakout pins)

dolfelt commented 8 months ago

I have updated just the basic (red, white, black) circuits (ESP32) with the additional resistors and updated my board. It's no longer wide and just mini. I'll get a PR going soon.

foreverimagining commented 8 months ago

If everyone is in agreement that @thayerfox's schematic looks good and everything makes sense, and unless anyone has any further tests for me to try, I'm thinking I'm going to solder connectors back on my board and try installing it tomorrow. It's been awfully quiet in the repository in the last few days, so I'm assuming things are going well, or people are just busy with the holiday.

Kaldek commented 8 months ago

It's been awfully quite in the repository in the last few days, so I'm assuming things are going well, or people are just busy with the holiday.

I don't even celebrate Thanksgiving since I'm over here in Australia. I'm just busy in general!

kaechele commented 8 months ago

No holiday in Canada either. I can just confirm that my installation is still working great. Thanks for sharing and the effort you put in.

foreverimagining commented 8 months ago

I always forget that Thanksgiving isn't particularly internationally pervasive since it's such a big get-together over here. Most holidays are rather optional until we start getting to this part of the year. I'd never remember when Black Friday is without it, though.

Thanks for sharing and the effort you put in.

Happy to help. It was a good learning experience for me, too.

thayerfox commented 8 months ago

If everyone is in agreement that @thayerfox's schematic looks good and everything make sense, and unless anyone has any further tests for me to try, I'm thinking I'm going to solder connectors back on my board and try installing it tomorrow. It's been awfully quite in the repository in the last few days, so I'm assuming things are going well, or people are just busy with the holiday.

Thanks for your help in taking those measurements. Solder your connectors back on and go enjoy your local control!

Sudo-Rob commented 8 months ago

I really don't understand the resistor network at the gate of Q1. For one, R6 adds a load (however light) to the wireline bus. (FYI, the wall panel gets its power from the data line.) Additionally, R7 slows down the speed of the mosfet saturation (due to gate capacitance), which admittedly could be purposeful. Moreover, there are times when the bus doesn't get pulled fully to ground per https://github.com/argilo/secplus/issues/5. Wouldn't the resistor network aggravate the task of finding a suitable choice of a mosfet when a low state can be above ground? With a 45k pullup resistor at the input to the ESP module, that's only about 70 uA of drain current at saturation.

It seems to me a voltage divider is needed (similar to the obstruction signal) or perhaps the schematic is wrong. If there is a voltage divider, the value ratio between the two resistors should 2.5, or thereabouts, depending upon the mosfet. The question remaining is what values to select. Too low and it's a load on the wireline bus, and too high it slows down the mosfet.

thayerfox commented 8 months ago

You can't think of R6/R7 as a voltage divider. When the mosfet is at steady state, there's no current flowing through the gate. Applying voltage to the gate is effectively just charging a capacitor until the mosfet reaches steady state. Thus those resistors are not a voltage divider as was described in your link (monitoring the line state with a raspi gpio). R6 is a pulldown and R7 limits switching current of the fet. Yes it does delay the gate charge rate, or delay the fet switching time, but I doubt this is why 10k was used. Its likely just a current limiting resistor to be compliant with the alleged super weak control line.

Sudo-Rob commented 8 months ago

That's the point. It isn't a voltage divider, but maybe it should be.

The concern is Q1 might not reach cutoff because, per the data sheet, the minimum threshold voltage for a 2N7002 is 1 volt at a drain current of 250 uA. At saturation, the voltage for sinking 70 uA can be below 1 volt, which is why I linked the capture of the data bus. Moreover, performance below 250 uA isn't even provided in the data sheets, just the max leakage at 0 Vgs (5 uA).

Simply put, unless the bus reaches the cutoff range, you'll never pass data. Use a voltage divider and you can gain some operational margin. Other options include finding a mosfet having a higher minimum threshold (some have said >2V) or use some other way of interfacing with the data bus.

Edit: Another problem with the 2N7002 is the Absolute Maximum Rating for Vgs is +/-12 V. I don't know about other systems, but my GDO data bus swings from +16 V to ground. Apologies. A distributor search of 2N7002 came up with something similar, but not a 2N7002. It's not an issue.

Sudo-Rob commented 8 months ago

Here's a visualization of actual data. This plot of data should be familiar to you:


Here's an excerpt of the data:


Note the voltage of the last data point. It's 1.44 volts. Its above the minimum point of cutoff for 250 uA of current, let alone 70 uA, which needs to be some amount lower than 1 V (plus some operational margin). There's a good chance you won't pass the data.

Also look at the sags in the level of the high value on the top plot. This is because each successive message is depleting charge from the supercapacitors in the wall panel. It's the reason you should try to minimize the parasitic load on the data bus. Once data activity stops, the voltage recovers.

Kaldek commented 8 months ago

Here's a visualization of actual data. This plot of data should be familiar to you:

@Sudo-Rob can you clarify if what you're saying is that you don't believe the resistors should be in place between the control wire and the RX MOSFET?

All I can say is that I sure don't have any resistors in use on the control wire side and my prototype board I built has been rock solid. I can also say this repo wasn't set up to clone Paul Wieland's work; it was set up to provide the necessary functionality for people who cannot or choose not to, buy his board. Ergo, I will defer to expertise rather than "what Paul did".

If this means I need to update the schematics to remove components which are causing debate, I'll do that.

Sudo-Rob commented 8 months ago

I'm a little late to the party, but I'm going down a very different path.

I am not saying to take out the resistors and make a direct connection. While that can work, I'm not sure it'll work for all systems out in the field. I would choose a voltage divider where 2 volts would be divided to produce about 0.75 volts. That would ensure Q1 achieves cutoff. Not knowing more about the design of the data bus prevents me from making a guess of the resistor values, but I could model the circuit to see what happens with rise and fall times. I could start with 82k and 47k. It still would represent a burden on the data line, but a much lower one as compared to 10k.

FYI, I have built and tested a much different interface that largely avoids what I perceive as issues with Q1. I consider it still in beta. It is more complicated as it uses 11 resistors, a small integrated circuit, and a mosfet (for Tx data). That's just for the data and obstruction sensor.

I am not trying to disparage a design that is working well for many people. It's difficult to argue with success.

Sudo-Rob commented 8 months ago

Here's the simulation.


The simulation case is a bit contrived because the default model of the 2N7002 doesn't represent a 1-volt threshold, which would be possible with an edge-case lot. Still, it shows using a voltage divider will allow the mosfet to reach cutoff, albeit at the cost of a bit of delay.

thayerfox commented 8 months ago

You are correct, if we are trying to handle a 1.44V low signal, the 2n7002 will be partially conducting. Since we have no external pullup on the esp8266 IO line except for the 40-60k internal pullups, its not going to turn off.

There's perhaps a few ways to work around this, add a 1k pullup on the esp side, though this is sensitive, as we are playing with partial conductance (in sim a 1.7V Vgate is trash with a 1k pullup, but a 1.6V Vgate is reasonable... too sensitive to be practical.)

Your idea of a voltage divider is a good one, you'd move R6 to the other side of R7, but it would require some scope work to see what we can get away with for loading (what is causing the 1.44v offset on low? is there effectively a 70k pullup on the 12V line?). Keeping a load resistance of 10K, we could maybe do a 3k/7k voltage divider to get ~0.45Vgate or 5k/5k for 0.75Vgate.

Alternatively, we could go find a different FET with a higher Vgate threshold. Something like FDN86246 might be suitable. Its got a Vgs threshold of 2V min. Its also got a cool name, the POWERTRENCH. (its a newer technology UMOS/trench fet which is pretty cool, but its expensive.)


I do notice from those plots that it appears to only be the wall panels which are unable to pull to 0V. The GDO seems to have no trouble. Are we even looking at data from the wall panels, or only the data the GDO puts on the bus? Perhaps that is why the ratgdo 2.5 works today?

Kaldek commented 8 months ago

Can I ask if you folks (@Sudo-Rob and @thayerfox) are Digital Logic guys?

The reason I ask is that in digital logic, you don't generally need to be fully high or fully low (although you should design circuits that do this consistently and any design which doesn't would be a very, very poor choice), and your signal high/low cutoff point is usually somewhere in the middle (e.g. ~2.5 volts for what we commonly refer to as TTL/5v logic).

The point I'm making here is whether this is effort to fix a problem which doesn't exist. However, that is my assessment of my interpretation of what you have written, nothing more.

thayerfox commented 8 months ago

Myself, p. elec eng. It's not so much about digital logic though... yes, we need to be compliant to the esp8266:


So you have -0.3-0.825V for logic low and 2.475-3.6V for a logic high, which is pretty much your theoretical 3v3 CMOS/TTL logic levels. The issue is that the FET is not binary... its going to be partially conducting as it gets to its Vgate threshold, which, coupled with the weak internal pullups of the esp8266, is not going to be producing that ~>1V needed to guarantee the FET is not conducting. For example, simulating the circuit with a 50k esp8266 internal pullup and 1.5Vgate results in a voltage at the ESP GPIO of 14mV, as the 2N7002 is partially conducting and pulling that GPIO line nearly to ground. Which makes sense, given the datasheet of the 2N7002:

image image

Note that this behaviour will change with temp too...

So if we consider the scope plot Sudo-Rob was referring to:


The 2N7002 will likely partially and fully conduct during the red circled parts of the graph, which in turn will pull the GPIO line on the esp below the digital low threshold. The ESP will not see this data and it will appear as if there is no activity on the bus. The 2N7002 will switch during the green data, as it dips well below the 1V Vgs threshold.

Now is this an issue? I don't know. From the discussion where that scope plot was found, the circled data was from the wall panel, whereas the green data was from the garage door opener. I do not know if the ratgdo program uses the wall panel data, or even cares about it. Maybe it only cares about sending data and receiving data from the opener itself. More study is likely required, especially of scope plots from anyone who is having trouble with the current design.

Kaldek commented 8 months ago

The 2N7002 will likely partially and fully conduct during the red circled parts of the graph, which in turn will pull the GPIO line on the esp below the digital low threshold. The ESP will not see this data and it will appear as if there is no activity on the bus. The 2N7002 will switch during the green data, as it dips well below the 1V Vgs threshold.

Empirically I can say that the 2n7000 I use can see the wall controller data, because it's the wall controller which advertises motion detection. In ESPHome Web GUI it's presented like so: image

It wouldn't be a huge stretch to write one's own code to just monitor the control wire, either using an oscilloscope on the Gate and Drain side of the RX MOSFET, and couple that with a log of what the GPIO pin on the ESP8266 is seeing.

Then you could throw all sorts of scenarios at it and see how reliable your serial data reception is.

thayerfox commented 8 months ago

Do we know for sure if the wall panel motion is being read directly by the ratgdo? Could the gdo be replying with an acknowledge that it got the motion detection message from the wall plate, and that's actually what the ratgdo is using? Ive not dug too deep into the ratgdo protocol decoding.

I mean we know these devices are working... If that scope plot above is correct it's just a bit of a mystery for the wall panel signal. It's possible too that the scope plot had some other issue occuring too.

Sudo-Rob commented 8 months ago

The FDN86246 is a good find and it's not horribly expensive ($1.29 in unit quantity).

nik-taylor commented 7 months ago

Can confirm the schematic from @thayerfox worked for me for a liftmaster 8500 (which is one of the strange openers labeled as security + 2.0 and have a yellow learn button, but they use the older wireline protocol from the Security + 1.0 openers). It needs 2.5 software so I flashed the original MQTT 2.51 software.