Kalejin / DCSB

Deathcounter and Soundboard, WPF app for setting up key shortcuts
GNU General Public License v3.0
239 stars 39 forks source link

Deathcounter and Soundboard

Deathcounter and Soundboard allows you to create keyboard shortcuts to trigger sound effects and keep count of something (for example deaths in game). Key shortcuts are recognized even if application is not focused.

Application screenshot

For each counter you can set:

For each sound you can set:


You can create Presets to quickly switch between lists of counters and sounds for different situations, even with keyboard shortcut.

Application allows you to set some more keyboard shortcut:

Additional settings:

Please read:

If you come across any bug, something stops working or the program crashes please create issue here. Include as much information as you can provide (any error messages, what stopped working, what were you doing when it happened, what version you are using...). Usually restarting the program/running it as an administrator helps.