KallDrexx / microgpu

2d focused GPU for resource constrained microcontrollers
MIT License
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Microgpu is a project to create a Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) that can be used by resource constrained microcontrollers to render high fidelity graphical applications at a high framerate.

THe project consists of:


The Microgpu firmware allows a device to receive and react to commands from a microcontroller. While most Microgpu firmwares share a common core, each firmware is tailored to each hardware device its implemented on, which displays it can utilize, and which channels of communication it utilizes for receiving commands.

There are currently two firmware implementations for Microgpu, an SDL one that runs on PCs and an esp32-s3 one.

Common C Firmware Code

The code that runs most Microgpu firmware implementations is a set of C header and source files found in /firmware/microgpu-common.

This provides standard logic for deserializing and executing incoming operations, as well as serializing any responses that may occur.

Most Microgpu firmware implementations can use the same logic for the majority of the operations, but each implementation must uniquely define two concepts:

SDL Based Implementation

The microgpu-sdl-fw folder contains a firmware implemented for use on normal PC hardware. It uses the SDL library for window management, SDL's framebuffer for rendering its graphics, and hosts a TCP server for its databus channel.

The primary purpose of the SDL firmware is for quick iteration and testing of common Microgpu functionality, without having to always deploy clients or firmware builds to embedded systems all the time.

The SDL implementation's build is managed by its own cmake file, and relies on vcpkg for referencing the SDL library.

It contains two targets, a tcp and test target. The tcp target creates a TCP listener for databus operations, and thus can be interacted with by an external process. The test target has an in memory databus that gives a fixed set of operations to execute, allowing for verification of functionality without an additional external controlling process.

ESP32-S3 Implementation

The esp32-s3 folder contains a firmware designed to run on the ESP32-S3 microcontroller. It can theoretically run on other ESP32 variants, but the current i80 8-bit parallel display implementation requires the S3's LCD APIs.

Building the ESP32 firmware requires the ESP-IDF 5.1 tool set. The ESP-IDF tooling needs to be activated (either via the IDE instructions or running their script on the command line) in order to properly build, configure, flash and deploy the firmware. All idf.py commands need to be executed from within the /firmware/microgpu-esp32-fw/ directory.

The project is loaded via the
cmake file.


Once the ESP-IDF tooling has been activated, you need to tell the ESP-IDF tooling that the ESP32 variant you will be deploying to is an S3. To do that you need to execute idf.py set-target esp32s3.

the project then needs to be configured via the idf.py menuconfig command. This brings up a graphical configuration manager that allows you to set local build and flash configuration.

The important configuration options are:

Building, Flashing, and Monitoring


An initial hardware implementation of the Microgpu has been designed and built based on the ESP32 architecture.

For version 1.0a:

This PCB is designed to handle inputs from a controlling device via either Mikrobus or a breadboard compatible (straight pinned) layout. Only one of these should be used at a time.

Likewise, the device supports two different types of displays, an 8-bit parallel display with an Arduino Uno style pinout (ILI9341 compatible), or a 16-bit display with an Arduino Mega style pinout (e.g. ILI9488).

While the PCB contains a USB port for flashing and monitoring the ESP32-S3, no power will run through the USB port. 3V power for the ESP32-S3 must come through the 3V Mikrobus or Breadboard compatible pins.

Note that in the v1.0a design, the Microgpu Reset pin is a direct connection to the ESP32-S3's EN pin. This means that the ESP32-S3 requires an active high voltage through the Microgpu Reset pin in order for the ESP32-S3 to turn on. Holding this pin low will turn the Microgpu off, and not setting an explicit value through this pin risks leaving it floating, which may cause the Microgpu to turn on and off randomly.