Rust based libraries for misc media functionality
This project is distributed under the terms of both MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).
There are currently 2 supported libraries in this project:
Several examples have been created that utilize these libraries
tokio_rtmp_server - This is an example of using the library to create an RTMP server with async rust and Tokio. Clients can connect, publish video to a stream, and other clients can connect and play the stream back.
mio_rtmp_server - This is a semi-advanced example of creating a mio application that can act as both a client and a server. It supports:
threaded_rtmp_server - This is a very simple RTMP server that allows clients to publish video and players to watch video.
Several tools are provided in this repository:
rtmp-log-reader - Allows the reading of raw RTMP binary that are encoded in a file. This is used for debugging RTMP conversations between two parties.
handshake-tester - Tool to verify handshaking can be performed with another RTMP server.