KanbanSolutions / jquery-brightcove

Brightcove MAPI wrapper for jQuery that helps you create custom dynamic solutions that work with the Brightcove Video platform.
MIT License
5 stars 3 forks source link


Brightcove MAPI (http://docs.brightcove.com/en/media/) wrapper for jQuery

$.brightcove.find_all_videos().done(function(data) {
    //Do something with the API
}).fail(function(data) {
    //handle the error

Mapping commands directly on the DOM

<div class="bc-video" data-brightcove-command="find_video_by_reference_id" data-brightcove-arg-name="reference_id" data-brightcove-arg-value="hcnrej2i"></div>
$('.bc-video').brightcove().done(function(element, data) {
    //This passes back the elements along with the data so you can continue processing without having to re-select the elements
    //Do something with the API
}).fail(function(element, data) {
    //handle the error

Example Code

var bc_test = function(){
    //Uses jQuery-tmpl (https://github.com/KanbanSolutions/jquery-tmpl)
    var player_template = $.template([
        '<figure class="video">',
        '<object id="bc-{%= id %}" class="BrightcoveExperience">',
        '<param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" />',
        '<param name="width" value="{%= videoFullLength.frameWidth %}" />',
        '<param name="height" value="{%= videoFullLength.frameHeight %}" />',
        '<param name="playerID" value="{%= player_id %}" />',
        '<param name="videoID" value="{%= id %}" />',
        '<param name="playerKey" value="{%= token %}}" />',
        '<param name="isVid" value="true" />',
        '<param name="isUI" value="true" />',
        '<param name="dynamicStreaming" value="true" />',
        '<param name="@videoPlayer" value="{%= player_id %}" />',
        '<param name="templateLoadHandler" value="{%= load %}" />',
        '<param name="templateReadyHandler" value="{% rdy %}" />',
        '<param name="includeAPI" value="true" />',
        '<figcaption class="exif-data"></figcaption>',

    $('#test-bc').brightcove().done(function(els, data, player_id){
        console.log('BC: ', data);
        var max_h = parseInt(els.attr('data-max-height'), 10) || 0;
        var max_w = parseInt(els.attr('data-max-width'), 10) || 0;
        if(data.items) {
            //We got multiple videos back
            //Not handling this case in the example
        } else {
            //Only 1 video so lets inject it

            if(max_h || max_w) {
                els.attr('data-orig-height', data.videoFullLength.frameHeight);
                els.attr('data-orig-width', data.videoFullLength.frameWidth);
                //This is an internal utility that will return a scaled Height and Width back that maintains aspect ratio
                var scaled = $.utils.image.scale_to_fit([data.videoFullLength.frameWidth, data.videoFullLength.frameHeight], [max_w, max_h]);
                data.videoFullLength.frameHeight = scaled[1];
                data.videoFullLength.frameWidth = scaled[0];
            console.log('Only 1 item');
            data.player_id = player_id;

            //This is how jQuery creates the dynamic method names for jsonp requests
            var nonce = $.now();
            data.rdy = ( $.expando + "_" + ( nonce++ ));
            data.load = ( $.expando + "_" + ( nonce++ ));

            //Lets create some dynamic methods to handle the Brightcove player ready and loaded events
            window[data.rdy] = function() {
                console.log('RDY: ', arguments);
                setTimeout(function(){delete window[data.rdy];},55);

            window[data.load] = function(exp_id) {
                var experience = brightcove.api.getExperience(exp_id);
                var APIModules = brightcove.api.modules.APIModules;
                var videoPlayer = experience.getModule(APIModules.VIDEO_PLAYER);
                els.data('bc-video', videoPlayer);

                setTimeout(function(){videoPlayer.play(); delete window[data.load];},55);

            //Uses jQuery-tmpl (https://github.com/KanbanSolutions/jquery-tmpl)
            $.tmpl(player_template, data).appendTo(els);
            brightcove.createExperiences(null, 'bc-' + data.id);