Kanderson58 / rancid-tomatillos

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Rancid Tomatillos

Table of Contents


Welcome to Rancid Tomatillos, a tasteful twist on the well-known movie rating site Rotten Tomatoes. Cooked up during our first week of Mod 3 at Turing School, this dynamic duo implemented full functionality and a ✨sprinkle✨ of extra features in just two weeks.

Taking our first steps into the world of React framework, Router, and Cypress testing, we got great exposure into learning the ins and outs of React components and asynchronous JavaScript.

As you explore Rancid Tomatillos, you'll find clickable movie posters that unveil a wealth of information about the selected movie. Go ahead and search for movies by title, and you'll discover details such as overviews, ratings, budgets, revenues, genres, and even trailers that play right on the page. When you're ready to return to the main page, simply navigate back to the home page for more 'definitely-not-rotten' movie adventures.🎥🍿🎬





Deployed Page

Visit our deployed Rancid Tomatillos page!


Challenges & Improvements

Set Up

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone the repo to your local machine
  3. Run npm i, then npm run build, then npm start
  4. View the project in the browser by opening localhost:3000


Project Specs