KanduriC / GenomeBuildPredictor

Predicts the genome build version of genomic track files, if any of the sequence coordinates in the input track file are unique to a genome build version
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Predicts the genome build version of genomic track files, if any of the sequence coordinates in the input track file are unique to a genome build version.


Genomic locations are represented as coordinates on a specific genome build version, but the build information is frequently missing when coordinates are provided. This tool accompanies our manuscript that discussed the importance of genome build information in correctly interpreting and analysing the genomic track files. Although not a substitute for the best practices, this tool attempts to predict the genome build version of genomic track files, if any of the sequence coordinates in the input track file are unique to a genome build version.

This tool builds upon the strengths of existing Bioconductor packages that enable scalable genomic analyses to predict the genome build version of genomic track files. For more information about scalable genomics with Bioconductor, see references [1,2]. As an alternative to this R package, we also provide the tool through a web-interface, which supports more species. For more information, see here: http://hyperbrowser.uio.no/refgenome

Tool usage

See the installation instructions below. The package contains two main functions import_genomic_track and predict_genome_build. import_genomic_track is a wrapper around rtracklayer's import function that allows the import of bed, gff and wig files as GRanges object. In addition, import_genomic_track allows import of narrowPeak or broadPeak, files (see in examples below). predict_genome_build attempts to predict the genome build currently for three species: human, mouse, drosophila. For the specific arguments, type ?predict_genome_build or ?import_genomic_track in R console.

Note on file formats: As stated above, the tool accepts any of the standard file formats like BED, GFF, WIG, broadPeak and narrowPeak. Other file formats need to be converted to any of the accepted file formats prior to running the tool.


For this example, we use this bed file :


mytrack <- import_genomic_track('wgEncodeBroadHmmGm12878HMM.bed',file_format = 'bed')
predict_genome_build(mytrack,species = 'human')

To import narrowPeak or broadPeak files:

mytrack <- import_genomic_track('toy_narrowPeak_file.bed',file_format = 'narrowPeak')
predict_genome_build(mytrack,species = 'human')

Installation instructions

This tool requires R version not older than 3.3.2. Download the repository here, unzip it, and install from source as follows: install.packages('GenomeBuildPredictor-master/',repos=NULL,type="source")


If the installation went fine, the packages 'GenomicRanges'and 'rtracklayer' should also be installed. This can be tested by library(GenomicRanges) and library(rtracklayer), which should not raise any error or warning message. Otherwise, install them like this: source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") followed by biocLite("rtracklayer","GenomicRanges").


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25633503
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5181792/