Kaplas80 / GuJian3Manager

Tools for GuJian 3 files.
MIT License
27 stars 8 forks source link


Tools for GuJian 3 files.

Data files are compressed with oodle. You need to copy oo2core_6_win64.dll (included in the game) into the app folder.

.xxx files are encrypted with XXTEA encryption.

Building the app

git clone https://github.com/Kaplas80/GuJian3Manager.git

cd GuJian3Manager/src

dotnet build


Show data files info

GuJian3Tool.exe info <path_to_303.idx>

Extract all data files

GuJian3Tool.exe extract <path_to_303.idx> <output_directory>

Extract single data file

GuJian3Tool.exe extract-single <path_to_dataXXX> <output_directory> [--index <path_to_303.idx>]

Index path is optional, but if you don't use it, the files will be extracted without readable name.

Add / Replace files in data files

GuJian3Tool.exe build <path_to_new_files> <path_to_303.idx>

The new files have to have the full path to work properly. For example: to replace the english fonts in game, you have to place the files in: <some_path>\asset\interface\Resource_en\font and execute the app using: GuJian3Tool.exe build some_path path\to\303.idx

Decrypt file

GuJian3Tool.exe decrypt <path_to_xxx_file> <output_file> [--key encryption_key]

Encryption key is optional.

These 4 files has a unknown encryption key, so they can not be decrypted:

Encrypt file

GuJian3Tool.exe encrypt <input_file> <output_file> [--key encryption_key]

Encryption key is optional.

Extract game data to JSON

GuJian3Tool.exe extract-json <path_to_text.bin> <output_json_file>

NOTE: The input file is a decrypted exe section. See alanm mod loader.

Build game data from JSON

GuJian3Tool.exe build-json <input_json_file> <output_file>

Extract game strings to PO

GuJian3Tool.exe extract-text <path_to_text.bin> <output_directory>

NOTE: The input file is a decrypted exe section. See alanm mod loader.

Replace strings in game data

GuJian3Tool.exe build-text <path_to_text.bin> <po_directory> <output_file>

NOTE: The input file is a decrypted exe section. See alanm mod loader.
