KarelVesely84 / kaldi-io-for-python

Python functions for reading kaldi data formats. Useful for rapid prototyping with python.
Apache License 2.0
376 stars 119 forks source link


'Glue' code connecting kaldi data and python.

Supported data types


Reading feature scp example:
import kaldi_io
for key,mat in kaldi_io.read_mat_scp(file):
Writing feature ark to file/stream:
import kaldi_io
with open(ark_file,'wb') as f:
  for key,mat in dict.iteritems():
    kaldi_io.write_mat(f, mat, key=key)
Writing features as 'ark,scp' by pipeline with 'copy-feats':
import kaldi_io
ark_scp_output='ark:| copy-feats --compress=true ark:- ark,scp:data/feats2.ark,data/feats2.scp'
with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ark_scp_output,'wb') as f:
  for key,mat in dict.iteritems():
    kaldi_io.write_mat(f, mat, key=key)


Note: it is recommended to set export KALDI_ROOT=<some_kaldi_dir> environment variable. The I/O based on pipes can then contain kaldi binaries.

Unit tests

(note: these are not included in pypi package)

Unit tests are started this way:


or by:

python3 -m unittest discover -s tests -t . python2 -m unittest discover -s tests -t .


Apache License, Version 2.0 ('LICENSE-2.0.txt')
