Karl-40443517 / coursework

Apache License 2.0
0 stars 0 forks source link

Group Coursework



Zube Link: https://zube.io/group-coursework/group-coursework/w/workspace-1/kanban

Code Coverage: https://app.codecov.io/gh/Karl-40443517/coursework

Review 1

Tasks Status
GitHub project for coursework set-up. Done
Product Backlog created. Done
Project builds to self-contained JAR with Maven. Fixed
Dockerfile for project set-up and works. Done
GitHub Actions for project set-up and build is working
using JAR and Docker on GitHub Actions
Correct branches for GitFlow workflow created
- includes master, develop, and release branches.
First release created on GitHub. Done
Code of Conduct defined. Done
Graded submission. Fixed

Review 2

Tasks Status
Issues being used on GitHub. Done
Tasks defined as user stories. Done
Project integrated with Zube.io. Done
Kanban/Project Board being used. Done
Sprint Boards being used. Done
Full use cases defined. Done
Use case diagram created. Done
Graded submission. Done

Review 3

Tasks Status
Suitable unit tests defined. Done
Suitable integration tests defined. Done
Tests running on GitHub Actions. Done
Graded submission. Done

Review 4

Tasks Status
Deployment working Done
Bug reporting system Done

14/32 = 43.75% (Refer to "coursework/Documents/reports/" for the report data)

ID Tasks Met
1 All the countries in the world organised by largest population to smallest. Done
2 All the countries in a continent organised by largest population to smallest. Done
3 All the countries in a region organised by largest population to smallest. Done
4 The top N populated countries in the world where N is provided by the user. Done
5 The top N populated countries in a continent where N is provided by the user. Done
6 The top N populated countries in a region w here N is provided by the user. Done
7 All the cities in a region organised by largest population to smallest. Done
8 All the cities in a country organised by largest population to smallest. Done
9 All the cities in a district organised by largest population to smallest. Done
10 The top N populated cities in the world where N is provided by the user. Done
11 The top N populated cities in a continent where N is provided by the user. Done
12 The top N populated cities in a region where N is provided by the user. Done
13 The top N populated cities in a country where N is provided by the user. Done
14 The top N populated cities in a district where N is provided by the user. Done
15 All the capital cities in the world organised by largest population to smallest. No
16 All the capital cities in a continent organised by largest population to smallest. No
17 All the capital cities in a region organised by largest to smallest. No
18 The top N populated capital cities in the world where N is provided by the user. No
19 The top N populated capital cities in a continent where N is provided by the user. No
20 The top N populated capital cities in a region where N is provided by the user. No
21 The population of people, people living in cities, and people not living in cities in each continent. No
12 The population of people, people living in cities, and people not living in cities in each region. No
23 The population of people, people living in cities, and people not living in cities in each country. No
24 The population of the world. No
25 The population of a continent. No
26 The population of a region. No
27 The population of a country. No
28 The population of a city. No
29 The population of a district. No
30 number of people who speak Chinese from greatest number to smallest No
31 number of people who speak English from greatest number to smallest No
32 number of people who speak Hindi from greatest number to smallest No
33 number of people who speak Spanish from greatest number to smallest No
34 number of people who speak Arabic from greatest number to smallest No