Karma3Labs / rs-eigentrust

EigenTrust implementation in Rust
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rs-eigentrust - Trust Computer for Snaps

We perform EigenTrust algorithm on peer-to-peer trust signals. These signals include both trust and distrust credentials, conforming to this draft CAIP. The results of the compute provide reputation score for users in two contexts - Software Security and Software Development. These User reputation scores are used to calculate Snap scores and Community Sentiment, which helps surface Snaps considered Safe or Malicious based on community reputation.


Users can issue explicit trust or distrust attestations to each other and Snaps. The following attestations are used for this prototype:

User to User attestations

User to Snap attestations

System Architecture

The system performs a few tasks in sequence:


How does the Algorithm work?

Phase 1: Determine Trustworthiness of Users

We model a graph (network) of users and snaps, then run the EigenTrust algorithm to compute trustworthiness of each user based on the attestations ('Trust Credentials') received from others.

1a: EigenTrust scores for Users

This phase takes the trust graph expressed between users as the input, then outputs trust scores to each of them. Only positive P2P trust is considered; negative trust is applied in phase 1b.

1b: Distrust Adjustment for Users

In general, distrust signals cannot be recursively interpreted, so we do not use the distrust signals as part of local trust in Phase 1a. Instead, once Phase 1a is finished and we have trust score for all users, we apply a one-shot discount of trust score, with using distrust opinions by auditors. The distrust opinions held by the same user are normalized to their trust score, that is, a user is allowed to discredit/discount other users as much as his own trust standing, e.g. if a user X distrusts 7 other users, each of the 7 users’ trust score will receive a deduction equal to 1/7 of X’s trust score. Distrust opinions of only those who have a positive standing count; if someone received zero score in Phase 1a, their distrust opinions won’t matter.

Output: Two scores for each EOA, security trust score (auditor) and dev trust score (developer). It's a number between -1.0 and +1.0.

Phase 2: Determine Community Sentiment of Snaps

Once Phase 1 is finished, each user gets assigned a trust score, which is used to weight the review of that user about a Snap.

The Snaps’s security score is calculated as a weighted average of the individual attestations from peers about the Snap being secure or insecure. Given an individual rating $R(s, p)$ (0 or 1) for a Snap $s$ by a peer $p$ and the trust score of the peer $T(p)$, the Snap’s overall security rating is given as:

$$ R_c(s) = {{\sum R(s,p)T(p)} \over {\sum T(p)}} $$

A Snap also gets a snap confidence score. $C(s)=\sum T(p)$ is defined as the cumulative trust confidence level of the resulting score. It helps factor in the reputation of users who have endorsed or reported a Snap, and is useful in fending of a class of sybil attacks.

Output: Each snap will get only one score (security), which consists of two numbers: Snap security score (0.0-1.0) and Score confidence (0.0-1.0).

The Scoring Thresholds for Community Sentiment

This is a post-processing step. It basically enables any developer to utilize the user reputation scores to create their own Safety thresholds for Snaps. These thresholds can then power ranking, recommendation on any Snap Directory or Marketplace.

For this prototype, we have used conservative thresholds for calculating Community Sentiment for User and Snap reputation. The detailed explanation of the Community Sentiment logic is below. Anyone can run the compute steps described above on their local machine and generate these scores to verify that the compute was done correctly.

$P$ denotes the set of all peers (security experts) in the network. For a peer $p$, $T(p) \in [-1..1]$ denotes the trust standing (distrust-adjusted EigenTrust score) of the peer (in the “security” scope), and $T^+(p) \in [0..1]$ denotes the positive-local-trust-only trust standing (pure EigenTrust score without distrust adjustment) of the peer.

We appoint some peers (auditors) so that their opinion immediately matters (precise definition is given below). We call them highly trusted auditors. [Note – Under the current trust graph model, we define highly trusted auditors as peers directly endorsed by the pre-trusted peers. – end note] $P_h \subset P$ denotes the set of all highly trusted auditors in the network.

Given a Snap $s$, $O(s) \subset P$ is the set of peers who opined (filed a StatusCredential) on $s$. For $p \in O(s)$, $R(s,p) \in [0..1]$ denotes the peer $p$’s status opinion about the Snap $s$.

We define the security score for the Snap $s$ as a set of two numbers:

The score value is the weighted average of opinions, weighted by the opiner’s trust standing; the score value is the sum of all opiners’ trust standings:

$$ \begin{align}C(s) &= \sum_{p \in O(s)} T(p)\ R_c(s) &= {{\sum_p R(s,p)T(p)} \over {\sum_p T(p)}} \ &= {{\sum_p R(s,p)T(p)} \over C(s)} \end{align} $$

Until a Snap $s$ gathers strong enough of collective opinions, as measured by the opiners’ trust standings $C(s)$, we do not display the community sentiment. A Snap in this state is called Insufficient Reviews. The collective opinion $R_c(s)$ does not matter in this case, e.g. it may solely consist of malicious sybils’ opinions.

Once $s$’s collective opinion becomes strong enough, i.e. $C(s)$ reaches a threshold, we take a look at the actual collective opinion $R_c(s)$. The threshold is set in such a way that any highly trusted auditor opinion is sufficient, i.e. $C(s) \ge T^+(d)$, where $d$ is the weakest highly trusted auditor (weakest = with lowest positive-LT-only trust score).

[Note – We use positive-LT-only trust score as the threshold criteria to keep the bar high. If we used negative-adjusted trust score, the bar could be brought arbitrarily low if a highly trusted auditor became targeted by other highly trusted peers with distrust credentials. – end note]

We consider $R_c(s)$ by comparing it against two thresholds $R_E$ and $R_R$ ( $0 < R_R < R_E < 1$):

We define $R_E$ and $R_R$ conservatively, such that a Snap cannot be in the Endorsed or Reported state – and instead fall into the In Review state – if at least one highly trusted auditor disagrees with that disposition:

In other words, in order for a Snap to be labeled with the Endorsed or Reported badge, the highly trusted auditors who opined on the Snap must all agree on the disposition – they must be unanimous.

For the conditions above, we consider the worst case, where everyone with positive trust standing – not just highly trusted auditors – has voiced opinion about $s$, that is, $C(s)$ cannot be any higher, and only one highly trusted auditor $d \in P_h$ (for “dissident”) disagrees with everyone else about $s$, where $d$’s positive-LT-only trust standing is the lowest among all highly trusted auditors (that is, $d$ is the “weakest dissident”).

All in all, the Snap $s$ earns:

Community Sentiment Status/Badges

Snaps Community Sentiment Badges:

User community sentiment badges: