Karmel0x / AsusFanControl

Small fan control app for ASUS laptops running 64-bit windows
MIT License
62 stars 11 forks source link

separating fans #11

Open Westkoast opened 2 months ago

Westkoast commented 2 months ago

Fully functional with great results. Really appreciate your time and effort. Ever feel like sharing those secrets, I'd be delighted to hear how you managed to get control of the fans and have done so with such a light package but I'm just happy to have found a solid proactive solution as Asus profiles were ok, but reacted after the CPU was already heading towards the soft throttling range. Any hope for separating fans (CPU/GPU) or possibly user defined profile curves?

Karmel0x commented 2 months ago

how it works: #10 separating fans: you can use command line version to achieve this - check Run section in README.md user defined curves: #8