Karmel0x / AsusFanControl

Small fan control app for ASUS laptops running 64-bit windows
MIT License
62 stars 11 forks source link
asus fan-control notebook windows

Asus Fan Control


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Command line: `AsusFanControl.exe` AsusFanControl.exe --get-fan-speeds --set-fan-speeds=0-100 (percent value, 0 for turning off test mode) --get-fan-count --get-fan-speed=fanId (comma separated) --set-fan-speed=fanId:0-100 (comma separated, percent value, 0 for turning off test mode) --get-cpu-temp

GUI: AsusFanControlGUI.exe


Why need it?

My laptop does not support the Fan Profile option, but it often overheats. Looked for apps to control fans, but none is working.


This program should work on any laptop with x64 windows where Fan Diagnosis in MyASUS application is working as it is using same library.

Included AsusWinIO64.dll is licenced to (c) ASUSTek COMPUTER INC. which can be found in C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\asussci2.inf_amd64_-\ASUSSystemAnalysis\ if you have MyASUS installed.

Confirmed compatibility: