KasRoudra2 / PyPhisher

MIT License
93 stars 56 forks source link


[√] Description :

Ultimate phishing tool in python. Includes popular websites like facebook, twitter, instagram, github, reddit, gmail and many others.


This project is now a part of MaxPhisher. Further bug fixes and feature addition will be available in that

[+] Installation

Install dependencies (git, python, php ssh)
Clone this repository
Enter the directory
Install all modules
Run the tool

Or, directly run

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KasRoudra/PyPhisher/main/pyphisher.py && python3 pyphisher.py




OS Support Level
Linux Excellent
Android Excellent
iPhone Alpha (Recommended docker)
MacOS Alpha (Recommended docker)
Windows Unsupported (Use docker/virtual-box/vmware)
BSD Never tested


usage: pyphisher.py [-h] [-p PORT] [-o OPTION] [-t TUNNELER]
                    [-r REGION] [-s SUBDOMAIN] [-u URL] [-m MODE]
                    [-e TROUBLESHOOT] [--nokey] [--noupdate]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORT, --port PORT  PyPhisher's server port [Default : 8080]
  -o OPTION, --option OPTION
                        PyPhisher's template index [Default : null]
  -t TUNNELER, --tunneler TUNNELER
                        Tunneler to be chosen while url shortening
                        [Default : Cloudflared]
  -r REGION, --region REGION
                        Region for loclx [Default: auto]
  -s SUBDOMAIN, --subdomain SUBDOMAIN
                        Subdomain for loclx [Pro Account]
                        (Default: null)
  -u URL, --url URL     Redirection url after data capture [Default :
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  Mode of PyPhisher [Default: normal]
                        Troubleshoot a tunneler [Default: null]
  --nokey               Use localtunnel without ssh key [Default:
  --noupdate            Skip update checking [Default : False]


Relevant Tools by Me


If not found, php and python modoules will be installed on first run

Tested on


  1. Run the script
  2. Choose a Website
  3. Wait sometimes for setting up all
  4. Send the generated link to victim
  5. Wait for victim login. As soon as he/she logs in, credentials will be captured



Video Tutorial

PyPhisher in Termux
PyPhisher in Kali Linux by InfoSecPat
PyPhisher in Kali Linux by Sathvik

Whats new in 1.8?

Whats new in 1.9?

Whats new in 2.0?

Solution of common issues

[!] Disclaimer

This tool is developed for educational purposes. Here it demonstrates how phishing works. If anybody wants to gain unauthorized access to someones social media, he/she may try out this at his/her own risk. You have your own responsibilities and you are liable to any damage or violation of laws by this tool. The author is not responsible for any misuse of PyPhisher!

This repository is open source to help others. So if you wish to copy, consider giving credit!


Some base codes and templates are from htr-tech, otp templates are from ignitech and url masking is inspired from jaykali

[*] Support

Want to show support? Just spread the word and smash the star button


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