Kasikil / shards_of_creation

Game in progress. Please hold.
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Welcome to Shards of Creation!

Required Development Software:

Python 3.7.3 (https://www.python.org/downloads/) Tiled (https://www.mapeditor.org/)


  1. In the root directory of this repository, create a virtual environment from the command line/terminal:

    python -m venv venv

  2. Activate the venv in the terminal/command line:


  3. Verify that the path in your command prompt is now prefixed with:


  4. Install current requirements in your local vevn by running the following command from the command line*:

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

*Please note, if during development you install any additional python dependencies, you must update the requirements.txt. The easiest way to accomplish this will be by running the following command from a command line/terminal with an activated virtual enviornment: python -m pip freeze > requirements.txt

Making a release:

  1. Activate the venv in the terminal/command line:


  2. Verify that the path in your command prompt is now prefixed with:


  3. Run the make_a_release.bat script from the command line


  4. Go into the dist folder, select all the contents, and on the right-click context menu, select "Send To > Compressed (zipped) Folder"
  5. Move the release *.zip to another loaction
  6. Clean up the release process:


Starting the game:

  1. Activate the venv in the terminal/command line:


  2. Verify that the path in your command prompt is now prefixed with:


  3. The game can now be ran by running the command:

    python main.py


General Controls:

Movement Controls:

Inventory Controls:

Conversation Controls:

Reading Controls:

Things to Check for Functionality

Pause Screen Debug - Outlines Night Mode Inventory Inventory: Use Item Inventory: Drop Item Inventory: Scroll Through Items Movement Controls - Rotation and Movement Casting Spells Talking to NPCs Reading Items Collisions with Walls Collisions with Mobs Healing Mob of Corruption Becoming Corrupted by a Mob Traveling through Portals Picking Items Up (Continue with New Functionality as Added)