KasunWijesekara / cuberok

Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/cuberok
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cuberok is yet another music player based on Qt4

Compiling & Installation

In order to compile Cuberok from sources you need Qt4 >= 4.4.0, TagLib and one of the engines (Audiere, GStreamer 0.10, ...). Then run following commands:

qmake Cuberok.pro
sudo make install INSTALL_ROOT=/usr/local

All plugins except phonon will be builded if it is possible. Phonon plugin require config flag at Qt <= 4.4. Type

qmake "CONFIG+=player_phonon" Cuberok.pro

instead of 'qmake Cuberok.pro' in previous paragraph. In order to disable build of plugin use flag 'disable_' or use 'disable_all' to disable all of them. For example following line disables build of gstreamer plugin:

qmake "CONFIG+=disable_gst" Cuberok.pro

All config flags are: player_phonon disable_all disable_audiere disable_gst disable_phonon disable_ffmpeg

Compiling in Windows

In order to compile Cuberok in Windows you need taglib and at least one audio engine. Download audiere (http://audiere.sourceforge.net/download.php) or gstreamer (http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/pkg/windows/releases/) with glib (http://www.gtk.org/download-windows.html).

Then put they into the sources directory: cuberok/taglib cuberok/audiere cuberok/glib cuberok/gstreamer

Also you need Qt opensource edition version 4.3.1 or later with MinGW. Then run win_build.bat and wait a minute.

If you want to make a windows installer, you must install NSIS from http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Download. After installation run NSIS and compile cuberok.nsi with it.