Katamaze / Leap

Free & Open alternative to WHMCS. Let's see if we can make it
GNU General Public License v3.0
306 stars 42 forks source link
domain hosting php providers whmcs

Table of Contents

Current State of WHMCS

I wrote a lenghty article on why providers should avoid WHMCS and alternatives. Here I'll keep it short with the help of some memes.

Coding in WHMCS is miserable.

I am not referring to the encoded source code but to WHMCS development cycle that is a forced march where releases go from beta to (un)stable at the speed of light.

Every release is a pile of bugs most of which are never addressed and add up to existing ones.
That's how you feel while debugging in WHMCS.
Try making something more complex than a template and you condemn yourself to a living nightmare. WHMCS staff is obtuse. They have ears, but they don't listen.

As proof of this, they cease supporting crucial features with short notice and for silly reasons forcing you to rethink entire chunks of code over and over again. That's how you end up working when people normally sleep.
«We appreciate discussions»
«Your feedback matters»
«I appreciate your feedback»
«You are welcome to discuss this»

WHMCS approach to bug fixing.
Speaking of bugs, I don't want to be too harsh towards WHMCS. I give them credit for fixing some bugs that have been reported back in 2010.
The place where good ideas go to die.

Many invest considerable amount of time writing detailed requests but WHMCS don't give a damn. As proof of this, they forget to approve incoming requests for months and close the most popular ones without saying a word.
They flood us with barely tested features that make little or no sense for their customer base.

They take design from Instagram, authentication from Google, mix it with a bit of Facebook and expect us to make some sense out of this Frankenstein's monster.
Literally every release of WHMCS.

Bugs probably account for the 10% of this software. Isn't it scary? As a reference I started fixing billing bugs in 2008 with Billing Extension (one of my modules). 100% of problems I fixed are still part of the latest release of WHMCS.
Whenever you report a bug you will be met with one of the following replies:

«It is working as intended»
«Submit a feature requests»

They have the innate ability of turning bugs into feature requests.
If they were car manufacturers rather than developers then there would be cars with triangular wheels, driver seats facing backward and airbags just below your butt.
They have no problem at lying at your face and insult your intelligence. For example when they increased prices up to 4000% during the coronavirus pandemic, they had the nerve to say that pricing didn't change by this much. It's maths, not an opinion.

As much as they claim to love and welcome discussion, they avoid answering to uncomfortable questions with the usual blah blah blah and proceed closing threads like nothing happened.

They are also disrespectful and ungrateful towards third-party developers that add value to their software. WHMCS made back door deals in contrast with their own written rules promoting an unhealthy competition. This way some shady developers can do whatever they want while others must follow rules and stay in oblivion.
Massive license price hike (4000%), death of lifetime licenses, moved from monthly subscription to basically a % of your revenue. Do you also want a butt slice?

They are leading small and medium sized companies to death. You can either shut down, go away or become a reseller of services of their partners with big pockets.
You can take as granted that in this whole industry every software is intended to cost you more and more. Or even worse they want a percentage of your revenue.
Speaking of alternatives, in this industry promises are meant to be broken.

They promise you everything you want to hear to attract new customers, but eventually they all turn into the same shit.

What can We do?

If you made it this far in the article, I definitely got your attention. You may ask what's my solution to this decaying software and the widespread adoption of such a business model that sees clients as cows to milk. I am more than glad to respond.

I know that some of you try to overcome price hikes, game-changing ideas (for worse) and nonsensical decisions made by this or that panel by migrating to a new software but let's face it. Being forced to rethink your job due to things you have no control over, doesn't help with the growth of your business.

As if it wasn't enough, usually the new software is a copy of inferior value of what you were using. You need to invest lot of time and money before you can use it in production and for what? Leaving aside WHMCS, a capital group could probably buy all alternatives with few million.

As a matter of fact, WebPros (Oakley Capital) owns WHMCS and among other things also Plesk and cPanel. More than once they proved they can acquire anything that is worth their money. It doesn't matter what the CEO of your new software promise you today. In this industry money can easily buy everything. And, boy, web panels are cheap!

In my opinion the only true solution is relying on a software that is free & open source. A software of this kind can't be acquired and unlike other panels it can keep basing development on the needs of providers.

The bad news is that this softare doesn't exists yet that's where I come into play.

I spent my whole career working for providers and I've been a provider myself. I coded very complex modules for WHMCS and have the required skills to start this project. The name of the software will be Leap.

Leap: an Alternative to WHMCS

Here is Leap in a nutshell in comparison with WHMCS.

Source code :hatching_chick: Open :guardsman: Closed
License :+1: Free :punch: Commercial
Focus :blush: Providers :smiling_imp: Definitely not providers
Revenue model :heart: Sponsors :cow2: Milking

A Little Background About Me

I starterd using WHMCS in 2007 to run my hosting company. I quickly realized the importance of automation envisioning how it would increase my productivity, boosting service quality and making my life easier. It was love at the first sight.

I spent the next 6 years coding like crazy on scripts that allowed me to run my business on autopilot. Everything was working automagically. More than once I managed to anticipate trends and technologies directly in my WHMCS. Here are some examples:

Quick forward to 2014, I have drawn the attention of some big names (and also massive ddos attacks) so I decided to sell my company and move to software development. That's when I created katamaze.com and released several modules for WHMCS based on my deep knowledge of this system and scripts I used to run my previous business.

Over the years I've worked for or have helped to build hundreds if not thousands of providers. I focused on completing the lacks of WHMCS (eg. billing, affiliates, CMS, SEO) and fixing its bugs. In retrospect, I wish I had actually worked on my own system instead of wasting my time with the obtusity of WHMCS team.

If you think that it is impossible for me to create Leap, please understand that over the years I managed to deliver more useful and tested features in my modules working alone than the entire staff of WHMCS combined. Let me give you an idea of what I'm talking about:

The list goes on but I think you've got the idea. This is just a partial list of things I made during the last 2 years of work for WHMCS. I even maintain documentation in two languages this is bigger than WHMCS one.

Sometimes I wonder what WHMCS would have done in my place when I added electronic invoicing to their software. I know this article is written in italian but it still gives an idea the its complexity. I completed such a huge project in about 3 months. On the other hand WHMCS with God knows how many employees is still trying to fix GDPR they broke in v8 (November 2020).

It is no secret that the average release of WHMCS contains (not counting bugs) microscopic features that no one asked for that I wouldn't even put in a changelog.

For instance years ago calendar picker was the main feature of a major release of WHMCS. We are talking about a free jQuery library that any developer can implement in a couple of hours. But for WHMCS this was like a revolution. They even wrote an extensive post about such a feature that on any other system would be considered obvious.

Here's the thing. They are slow and their commitment is non-impactful.

We have bugs from years that would take minutes to fix. Similarly we are waiting for missing features that any decent developer could complete in a couple of days (if not hours). I find incredible that a company of the size of WHMCS can't match the features delivered by the now-small group of third-party developers and designers.

Today my commitment to WHMCS is limited to maintaining my modules and supporting a small group of selected providers.

I replaced WHMCS with something that is more rewarding and satisfying. Now I work on a software that manages marketplaces, logistic, warehouses, data mining (...) that is actively used by several companies with notable earnings.

It's a system that is way more complex and sensitive than WHMCS. A problem could result in the loss of significant amounts of money in missing sales. In comparison registering domains, start/stop servers and invoice customers feels like petting a cat.

That being said, I am pretty confident with Leap. It's not a matter of "if", but "when". The only thing I need is time.

Tell me more

At this stage I prefer to lay the foundation of Leap only counting on a small group of people and providers that I personally know. I don't want to involve too many people otherwise Leap will quickly turn into a bland and unachievable wish list and will never be released.

Initial funding is not a problem. I can count on a partnership 🙏, PNRR and some extra cash coming from crypto (ATOM 😜).

When we go live, Leap will sustain itself with Github sponsors and donations. I will not enable them till the software reaches an acceptable level. The reason for that is simple. I don't like asking money only based on my good intentions that still need to be proved.

Don't ask for ETA. Leap will take years to complete. Also do not expect frequent updates on this page.

If you want to help, watch and star this project.


The content below is tentative. They are mostly internal notes. What you see may not reflect what eventually is included in Leap. Manage your expectations accordingly.

How to read tables

Icon Description
Difficulty 💣
Status 🟢
In progress


Importance Difficulty Time Thoughts Status
News ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣 ⏰⏰ Replica
Blog ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣 ⏰⏰ Replica
Docs ⭐⭐ 💣💣 ⏰⏰ Single page API-style
Feature Requests 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰ Bad idea 🔵
Bug Reporting 💣💣
Comments 💣💣 reCAPTCHA but they can still spam
Downloads 💣 ⏰⏰
Widgets ⭐⭐ 💣 ⏰⏰
Page builder 💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰
Service status 💣💣 ⏰⏰ Like Coinbase Pro Trading (footer)


Importance Difficulty Time Thoughts Status
Meta tags ⭐⭐⭐ 💣
Canonical URL ⭐⭐ 💣
Sitemap generator 💣💣 Language/Country XML nodes
Multi-language stuff ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰ Fallback for missing translations
SEO URL ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰
Open Graph Protocol ⭐⭐ 💣💣 ⏰⏰
HTML Semantic Elements 💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰
Prevent SEO-bs (keyword stuffing, length etc.) ⭐⭐ 💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰
SERP preview ⭐⭐⭐ 💣 Moz-like
Blackhat SEO protection ⭐⭐ 💣💣
Disavow tool 💣
Basic statistics (hits) 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰ Graphs


Importance Difficulty Time Thoughts Status
Basic engine ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰
EU ⭐⭐ 💣💣
UK 💣
AU 💣
DE 💣
IT ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰
General-purpose e-invoicing ⭐⭐⭐ 💣
Italian electronic invoicing ⭐⭐⭐ 💣 ⏰⏰⏰ Aruba. End of the story. Update 2022: FattureInCloud. I've done it already for E24
User-based billing cycles ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰
User-based billing modes ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰
Credit notes ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣
Overpayments ⭐⭐⭐ 💣
Credit balance ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣 ⏰⏰
Cashflow ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰

Support tickets

Importance Difficulty Time Thoughts Status
Standard suite ⭐⭐⭐ 💣 ⏰⏰⏰
Service level agreement ⭐⭐ 💣💣 ⏰⏰ Working hours, holidays etc.
Emergency 💣
Premium ⭐⭐ 💣 Paid support tickets


Importance Difficulty Time Thoughts Status
Whitelabel support with master (own company) and child (resellers and wannabes) brands ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰ Template, logo, names, emails
Brand-based pricing ⭐⭐ 💣💣 ⏰⏰
Multiple merchants (eg. paypal accounts) 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰
Country-based payment gateways 💣
Geolocation: Auto-redirect (watch out EU regulations!) 💣💣
Geolocation: Auto-complete fields ⭐⭐ 💣💣

OAuth-based API

Importance Difficulty Time Thoughts Status
Basic engine ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰
Scopes implementation ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰ Owner, resellers, end-users
Keyword-based requests 💣
lazy-API for idiots 💣 Nope 🔴

Action hooks

Importance Difficulty Time Thoughts Status
Basic engine ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣 ⏰⏰
Entrypoints, NVP etc. ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰

Affiliate Marketing

Importance Difficulty Time Thoughts Status
Basic engine ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰
Last-click attribution ⭐⭐ 💣
Interactive attribution 💣
Manual attribution ⭐⭐⭐ 💣
Prevent cross-affiliation & exploits ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣
Unlockable rewards ⭐⭐ 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰


Priority Difficulty Time Thoughts Status
Migration tool from WHMCS ⭐⭐⭐ 💣 ⏰⏰⏰
Snapshot order details ⭐⭐⭐ 💣 ⏰⏰
Facebook Pixel ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣 ⏰⏰
LinkedIn Insight Tag ⭐⭐ 💣
Google Ad ⭐⭐ 💣💣💣💣 ⏰⏰
Google AdSense ⭐⭐ 💣
Selling physical products ⭐⭐ 💣💣💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰
Selling on Amazon, eBay, Zalando etc. ⭐⭐ 💣 ⏰⏰⏰
End-users can sell on Marketplaces ⭐⭐ 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰
Admin roles ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰
Logging ⭐⭐⭐ 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰
Lock Screen 💣💣 ⏰⏰ For inactivity and via shortcut keys
To-do List 💣💣 ⏰⏰ With reminders and snooze
Shout function 💣💣 ⏰⏰ Broadcasting any message to everyone matching filters
Google Calendar 💣💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰
Feeds 💣 ⏰⏰ For admins, childs and end-users
File Manager 💣 ⏰⏰ Internal use (eg. CSV transmissions)
Chat 💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰ Boring and long
Service status 💣💣 ⏰⏰⏰ Like "Partially degraded" feature of Coinbase Pro
Organization chart 💣 ⏰⏰
Hover Img 💣 Zwift


Avoid "exotic" solutions for now.


Priority Hate-o-Meter Notes Status
Internetbs 1️⃣ 😊
eNom 4️⃣ 😡
ResellerClub 3️⃣ 😕 It's LogicBoxes. Integrate one to integrate many
Hexonet 2️⃣ 😊


Priority Hate-o-Meter Notes Status
Plesk 1️⃣ 😡 Most used
cPanel 2️⃣ 😡
DirectAdmin 3️⃣ 😊

Payment Gateways

Priority Hate-o-Meter Notes Status
PayPal 1️⃣ 😡
Stripe 2️⃣ 😕
Other 3️⃣ 😊


Approved Notes Status
PHP OOP ✔️ >=7.2 🟠
PSR-1 ✔️ Coding standards 🟢
PSR-4 ✔️ Autoloader 🟢
PSR-11 DI-Container
Composer ✔️ 🟢
Dependency Injection ✔️ Need multiple containers 🟢
Smarty or Twig VUE? Node.js overkill? 🟠
jQuery ✔️
Bootstrap ✔️ 🟠
ionCube 🚫
MySQL ✔️ 🟠
Strict Mode ✔️ Avoidable? Yes but come on... 🟠
No js? GTFO ✔️ R301
Laravel Raw PDO? v8?
FontAwesome ✔️ 🟠
Sprite CSS ✔️
User authentication OAuth, bcrypt (custom) or framework
TCPDF 🚫 Find alternative. Dompdf or mPDF
Highcharts 449.55 € per developer
Chart.js Easy, free
DataTables Must use Yajra 🔴
SorTables ✔️ Refactored in line with Material Design by Google 🟠
Multi-stream support for browsers ✔️ Parallel downloads
MagicInput ✔️
HereLang ✔️
Toolbar ✔️ Pre-toolbar and toolbar with Type to Search
Sidebar ✔️ With Type to Search
Footer ✔️ With CB service status
Modal Generator ✔️
Installer ✔️ Zip, upload, enjoy
Automatic Updates So and so
Versioning ✔️ PHP version_compare compliant x.x.x 🟢
Publicly advertised cycles ✔️ Alpha, Beta, RC
Logs ✔️ Live like Manomano Toolbox and Amazon Listing Status


Role Effort Notes Status
P1K Backend 6 hours 9999 RAL - Overloaded Active
P2K Frontend 6 hours 1 RAL Active
P3K Frontend 8 hours 0.5 RAL Active
PXG Dev team Lot of hours Doesn't depend on us
V1W Backend Don't know Nah
V2Z Frontend Don't know Nah
V3M Dev team Lot of hours Surely not willing to work on app but modules Ask when there's enough code to show
V4S Frontend Don't know Nah
C13 Tech, employees Unlimited Agreement Active
P01 Partner Active
P02 Partner Active
C2F Beta Provider Active
C3P Beta Provider Active
C4R Beta Provider Dropped
C5S Beta Provider Active
C6Q Beta Provider Abandoned
C7V Beta Provider Active


Software is free but needs funds.

Status Notes Status
P1K ✔️ 1 Funding
C13 ✔️ 3 Funding
P01 ✔️ 2 Funding
P02 ✔️ 5 Funding
C1F ✔️ Ready
C7V ✔️ Ready
Github Sponsor ✔️ 7$ and 14$ a month (free choice) Ready
% on revenue 🚫 Absolutely not
Donations ✔️
Partnership ✔️ Can only work with some registrars
Data Farm Data mining and tracking
Ads ✔️ On our website (not in the software) Ready
Freemium 🚫
Donation/Tip Goal "Goal: Feature X - Still 1.000 $ to go"
SLA I want to sleep at night

Also have the following:


Team Notes
English P1K, P2K, P3K
Italian P1K, P2K, P3K
Spanish C13-ES


How to prove we won't roll over for clowns (cough WebPros) some day in the future

Customer support


Basic idea. Free for personal and commercial use but "All rights reserved". Derived work? The whole work must be free and open source.





We could use Laravel & Node.js or Laravel & Vue or even Laravel & Smarty or Laravel & Blade but end-users (providers) will probably hate the whole thing. I mean, Laravel is complex and apart from Blade and Smarty, other template/js engines are even more complex.

Look at WHMCS. The average provider already has massive problems interacting with sidebar/navbar classes. How can we expect them to make changes to Lavarel classes considering routes, templates, migrations, facades etc.?

IMO this is what we should be doing. A flexible and robust API interface like we did for C13 and then anyone can play with its favourite programming language, system and so on.

In C13 we already have tens of developers interacting with us via API. We don't even know what language they use! It could be PHP, Python, Java, ASP... who cares? We give them the engine. They go wherever they want to go.

The only problem with this approach is that we should hope that someone creates the GUI for our engine. Or maybe we should provide at least one working example written in PHP and something simple like Smarty. Or WordPress. Sigh...

P1K & P2K vote YES 😝