Katello / katello-client-bootstrap

Bootstrap Script for migrating systems to Foreman & Katello
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Foreman Bootstrap Script

bootstrap Script for migrating existing running systems to Foreman with the Katello plugin


What does the Script do?

Red Hat Classic & Satellite 5

System already registered to a Foreman + Katello server / Capsule (--new-capsule)

System not registered to any Red Hat Systems Management Platform:



User required inputs

Frequently asked Questions:

We strongly recommend reading this document in its entirety prior to running bootstrap.py. The script has a plethora of options for near any migration or Registration use-case.


The script requires certain permissions to work properly. These heavily depend on the amount of enabled features.

By default you will need the following permissions:

These can be easily achieved by giving the user the 'Viewer' and 'Edit hosts' roles. Please note that the 'Edit hosts' role also allows to edit and delete hosts (see below), so it might be too permissive, depending on the environment.

When using the --remove or --force options, the following additional permissions are needed:

When using the --add-domain option, the following additional permission is needed:

When using the --skip foreman or --content-only option, no user account in Foreman is needed at all.

When using the --legacy-purge option, a user account on the legacy environment (RHN/Satellite5) is required. The user needs to be an admin of the system in the legacy environment by having any of the following roles:


On an EL8 (RHEL8, CentOS8, etc) host, there is no /usr/bin/python or /usr/bin/python3 by default. The bootstrap.py script can be used with the platform-python as follows:

# /usr/libexec/platform-python bootstrap.py

When the python36 module is installed, /usr/bin/python3 can also be used.

Registering a system to Foreman + Katello

This is one of the most standard workflows with bootstrap.py. This sets up the system for content / configuration (via Puppet) & provisioning.

# ./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash

Registering a system omitting Puppet setup.

There are times where you wish to not install Puppet, perhaps you have a differing or existing configuration management system.

# ./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --skip puppet

Registering a system to Foreman + Katello, for content only.

This usage leverages the --skip foreman switch, which does not require username/password authentication.


Option 1: using the --skip foreman option.

# ./bootstrap.py -s foreman.example.com \
    -a ak_Reg_To_Dev_EL7 \
    -o "Red_Hat" \
    --skip foreman

Option 2 : using the --content-only option. This option exists as an alias to --skip foreman.

# ./bootstrap.py -s foreman.example.com \
    -a ak_Reg_To_Dev_EL7 \
    -o "Red_Hat" \

Migrating a system from Red Hat Network (RHN) or Satellite 5 to Foreman

bootstrap.py detects the presence of /etc/syconfig/rhn/systemid and a valid connection to RHN/Satellite 5 as an indicator that the system is registered to a legacy platform. In these use-cases, bootstrap will call rhn-classic-migrate-to-rhsm to ensure the system is migrated properly from RHN or Satellite 5.

By default, bootstrap.py does not delete the system's profile from the legacy platform. This is done to keep the systems record for audit/accounting reasons. If it is desired to remove the legacy profile from RHN/Satellite 5, the --legacy-purge switch can be used.


# ./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --legacy-purge \
    --legacy-login rhn-user

Migrating a system from one Foreman + Katello installation to another.

There are times where it is necessary to migrate clients from one Foreman + Katello installation to another. For instance, in lieu of upgrading an older Foreman + Katello installation, you choose to build a new installation in parallel. bootstrap.py can then be used to migrate clients from one Foreman + Katello installation to another. Simply provide the --force option, and bootstrap.py will remove the previous katello-ca-consumer-* package (from the old system), and will install the katello-ca-consumer-* package (from the new system), and continue registration as usual.

Migrating a system from one Foreman + Katello installation 6 or Capsule / to another in the same infrastructure

In order to manually balance the load over multiple Capsule servers, you might want to move some existing systems to newly deployed Capsules. You can easily do this by running the bootstrap.py script like the examples below. Mind that you still have to manually revoke any Puppet certificates on the old capsules!

# ./bootstrap.py -l admin --new-capsule --server capsule.example.com

If you want to change the hostgroup and location of the system at the same time, run:

# ./bootstrap.py -l admin --new-capsule --server capsule.example.com \
    --hostgroup mygroup --location mylocation

Enabling additional repositories at registration time.

It is recommended to set which repositories that you want enabled on your activation keys via the UI or via hammer activation-key product-content. However, older versions of subscription-manager (versions < 1.10) do not support product content overrides. The --enablerepos switch accepts a comma separated lists of repositories that are passed to subscription-manager that will be enabled at registration time.

# ./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \

Creating a domain for a host at registration time.

To create a host record, the DNS domain of a host needs to exist (in Foreman) prior to running bootstrap.py. If the domain does not exist, it can be added via the --add-domain switch.

# hostname

# ./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash

[NOTIFICATION], [2016-12-05 09:15:29],
[Domain linux.example.com doesn't exist in Foreman, consider using the --add-domain option.]

Run the script again including the --add-domain option

#./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \

[RUNNING], [2016-12-05 09:19:10], [Calling Foreman API to create domain
linux.example.com associated with the org & location]
[RUNNING], [2016-12-05 09:19:10], [Calling Foreman API to create a host entry
associated with the group & org]
[SUCCESS], [2016-12-05 09:19:10], [Successfully created host
client.linux.example.com], completed successfully.

Enabling Remote Execution

bootstrap.py now includes the --rex & --rex-user features which allow the administrator to deploy the required SSH keys.

# ./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --rex \
    --rex-user root

[SUCCESS], [2016-12-02 06:37:09], [/usr/bin/yum -y remove rhn-setup rhn-client-tools yum-rhn-plugin rhnsd rhn-check rhnlib spacewalk-abrt spacewalk-oscap osad 'rh-*-rhui-client'], completed successfully.

[NOTIFICATION], [2016-12-02 06:37:09], [Foreman's SSH key was added to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys]
Key was added successfully.

Check the root users authorized key file.

cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz.... foreman-proxy@foreman.example.com

Fetching Remote Execution SSH keys from an URL

# ./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --rex \
    --rex-urlkeyfile https://idm.example.com/users/root/keys

Fetching Remote Execution SSH keys from proxies

# ./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --rex \
    --rex-proxies foreman.example.com,proxy01.example.com,proxy02.example.com

Deploying Remote Execution SSH keys to a non-default location

# ./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --rex \
    --rex-user root \
    --rex-authpath /etc/ssh/keys/root

Skipping particular steps:

Sometimes, you may want to skip certain steps of the bootstrapping process. the --skip switch provides this. It currently has the following parameters

Note: it is strongly preferred to use the --skip option in lieu of the individual --skip-foreman, --skip-puppet, and --no-remove-obsolete-packages options.

# ./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --skip prereq-update --skip migration

Providing an arbitrary Fully Qualified Domain Name.

Many users have either hostnames that are short (hostname -f or python's socket.getfqdn returns a hostname that isn't an FQDN) or non-RFC compliant (containing a character such as an underscore - which fails Foreman's hostname validation.

In many cases, the user cannot update his/her system to provide a FQDN. bootstrap.py provides the --fqdn which allows the user to specify the FQDN that will be reported to Foreman


The user needs to set to False the create_new_host_when_facts_are_uploaded and create_new_host_when_report_is_uploaded options. If these options are not set, a host entry will be created based upon the facts provided by facter. This can be done with hammer.

hammer settings set \
  --name  create_new_host_when_facts_are_uploaded \
  --value false
hammer settings set \
  --name  create_new_host_when_report_is_uploaded \
  --value false

Example Usage

# hostname -f

# python -c 'import socket; print socket.getfqdn()'

# ./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --fqdn node-100.example.com

Changing the method bootstrap uses to download the katello-ca-consumer RPM

By default, the bootstrap script uses HTTPS to download the katello-ca-consumer RPM. In some environments, it is desired to connect via HTTP. the --download-method option can be used to change the download method that bootstrap uses from HTTPS to HTTP.

./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --download-method http

Providing the IP address to Foreman

Foreman requires the IP address of the machine to perform remote execution or re-deploy the machine using kickstart.

On machines with multiple interfaces or multiple addresses on one interface, it might be needed to override the auto-detection of the address and provide a specific address to Foreman.

./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \

Configuring Puppet on the client to run only in noop mode

When migrating or registering clients which may have never been managed via Puppet, it may be useful to configure the agent in noop mode. This allows the client to be managed via Foreman, while getting facts & reports about its configuration state, without making any changes to it. The --puppet-noop switch facilitates this behavior.

./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \

Providing a repository with the subscription-manager packages

For clients who do not have subscription-manager installed (which is a prerequisite of bootstrap.py), the deps-repository-url option can be used to specify a yum repository which contains the subscription-manager RPMs On your Foreman instance, kickstart repositories are available via HTTP, and are ideal to be used in this scenario. However, any yum repository with the required packages would work.

./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --download-method https \
    --deps-repository-url "http://server.example.com/pulp/repos/Example/Library/content/dist/rhel/server/7/7.2/x86_64/kickstart/"

Also, the --deps-repository-gpg-key option (defaults to file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release) is available if the GPG key for the repository differs from /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release

Installing user specified packages

For some users who do not have a configuration management or automation solution, bootstrap.py provides a means to install user specified packages via the --install-packages switch.

./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --install-packages csh,dstat

Changing the API/Subscription Manager timeouts

On busy servers, it is sometimes useful to increase the amount of time that the system waits before timing out during registration and subscription tasks. bootstrap.py defaults to an timeout of 900 seconds for APIs. Additionally, the server_timeout parameter for subscription-manager is configured with this value. If desired, this value can be overridden using the --timeout option.

./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --timeout 1800

Using an alternative Puppet master or Puppet CA

When attaching a client to a setup, where Puppet runs outside of the Foreman setup, you can configure the Puppet agent to use an alternative Puppet master using the --puppet-server switch.

./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \

In the case the Puppet CA is running on a different server, you can use the --puppet-ca-server switch for the server hostname and the --puppet-ca-port one for the port.

./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --puppet-server=puppet.example.com \
./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --puppet-server=puppet.example.com \

Adding a comment when registering a node.

When registering a client, it is sometimes desirable to add a comment, denoting internal information such as the owner of the server or other site-specific info. This can be accomplished with the --comment option.

./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \
    --comment 'Crash Testing Server'

Ignoring Registration Failures

When registering a client, it is sometimes desired to ignore registration failures reported via subscription-manager or rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm. The --ignore-registration-failures option allows bootstrap.py to continue running even when these commands return a non-zero error code. NOTE: it is the responsibility of the end-user to ensure, when using this option, that registration has completed successfully.

./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \

Preserving RHSM Proxy Settings

When moving clients from RHSM to Katello or a different RHSM provider, the proxy settings in /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf might get lost. Using --preserve-rhsm-proxy you can ensure that the old settings will be restored for the new configuration.

./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \

Installing the Katello agent

Bootstrap no longer defaults to installing the katello-agent package. The recommended default is to install the katello-host-tools package. If it is desired to install the katello-agent package, pass --install-katello-agent as a parameter.

./bootstrap.py -l admin \
    -s foreman.example.com \
    -o "Red Hat" \
    -L RDU \
    -g "RHEL7/Crash" \
    -a ak-Reg_To_Crash \

Help / Available options:

Foreman Bootstrap Script
This script is designed to register new systems or to migrate an existing system to a Foreman server with Katello
Usage: bootstrap.py -l admin -s foreman.example.com -o 'Default Organization' -L 'Default Location' -g My_Hostgroup -a My_Activation_Key

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s foreman_fqdn, --server=foreman_fqdn
                        FQDN of Foreman OR Capsule - omit https://
  -l LOGIN, --login=LOGIN
                        Login user for API Calls
  -p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
                        Password for specified user. Will prompt if omitted
  --fqdn=FQDN           Set an explicit FQDN, overriding detected FQDN from
                        socket.getfqdn(), currently detected as
  --legacy-login=LOGIN  Login user for Satellite 5 API Calls
                        Password for specified Satellite 5 user. Will prompt
                        if omitted
  --legacy-purge        Purge system from the Legacy environment (e.g. Sat5)
                        Activation Key to register the system
  -P, --skip-puppet     Do not install Puppet
  --skip-foreman        Do not create a Foreman host. Implies --skip-puppet.
                        When using --skip-foreman, you MUST pass the
                        Organization's LABEL, not NAME
                        Force the content source to be the registration
                        capsule (it overrides the value in the host group if
                        any is defined)
  --content-only        Setup host for content only. Alias to --skip foreman.
                        Implies --skip-puppet. When using --content-only, you
                        MUST pass the Organization's LABEL, not NAME
  -g HOSTGROUP, --hostgroup=HOSTGROUP
                        Title of the Hostgroup in Foreman that the host is to
                        be associated with
  -L LOCATION, --location=LOCATION
                        Title of the Location in Foreman that the host is to
                        be associated with
                        Title of the Operating System in Foreman that the host
                        is to be associated with
                        Name of the Partition Table in Foreman that the host
                        is to be associated with
  -o ORG, --organization=ORG
                        Name of the Organization in Foreman that the host is
                        to be associated with
  -S ARGS, --subscription-manager-args=ARGS
                        Which additional arguments shall be passed to
                        Which additional arguments shall be passed to rhn-
  -u, --update          Fully Updates the System
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output
  -f, --force           Force registration (will erase old katello and puppet
  --add-domain          Automatically add the clients domain to Foreman
  --puppet-noop         Configure Puppet agent to only run in noop mode
                        Configure Puppet agent to use this server as master
                        (defaults to the Foreman server)
                        Configure Puppet agent to use this server as CA
                        (defaults to the Foreman server)
                        Configure Puppet agent to use this port to connect to
                        the CA
  --remove              Instead of registering the machine to Foreman remove
  -r RELEASE, --release=RELEASE
                        Specify release version
  -R, --remove-obsolete-packages
                        Remove old Red Hat Network and RHUI Packages (default)
                        Method to download katello-ca-consumer package (e.g.
                        http or https)
                        Don't remove old Red Hat Network and RHUI Packages
  --unmanaged           Add the server as unmanaged. Useful to skip
                        provisioning dependencies.
  --rex                 Install Foreman's SSH key for remote execution.
                        Local user used by Foreman's remote execution feature.
                        Comma separated list of proxies to install Foreman's
                        SSH keys for remote execution.
                        HTTP/S location of a file containing one or
                        more Foreman's SSH keys for remote execution.
  --rex-apikeys         Fetch Foreman's SSH keys from the API.
                        Full path to local authorized_keys file in order to
                        install Foreman's SSH keys for remote execution.
                        Default ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
                        Repositories to be enabled via subscription-manager -
                        comma separated
  --skip=SKIP           Skip the listed steps (choices: ['foreman', 'puppet',
                        'migration', 'prereq-update', 'katello-agent',
                        'remove-obsolete-packages', 'puppet-enable', 'katello-host-tools'])
  --ip=IP               IPv4 address of the primary interface in Foreman
                        (defaults to the address used to make request to
                        URL to a repository that contains the subscription-
                        manager RPMs
                        GPG Key to the repository that contains the
                        subscription-manager RPMs
                        List of packages to be additionally installed - comma
  --new-capsule         Switch the server to a new capsule for content and
                        Puppet. Pass --server with the Capsule FQDN as well.
  -t timeout, --timeout=timeout
                        Timeout (in seconds) for API calls and subscription-
                        manager registration. Defaults to 900
  -c COMMENT, --comment=COMMENT
                        Add a host comment
                        Continue running even if registration via
                        returns a non-zero return code.
                        Preserve proxy settings in /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf when
                        migrating RHSM -> RHSM
                        Installs the Katello Agent

Additional Notes

FIPS support

On systems with FIPS enabled (where /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled == 1), algorithms such as MD5 are disallowed. Bootstrap will configure digest_algorithm = sha256 in puppet.conf to allow successful puppet runs. However, the signing algorithm must match on the Puppet Master. It is expected that the Puppet Masters are configured with the same algorithm prior to running bootstrap.py on the clients.

Ansible integration

The bootstrap.yml file contains a playbook for Ansible which can be used to copy bootstrap.py to the target machine and execute it there with predefined parameters.

For developers and contributors: