KatherLab / preprocessing-ng

MIT License
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Extracts tiles from whole slide images.


python tile.py COHORT_PATH -o OUTPATH

COHORT_PATH is a folder containing whole slide images.

Input Variable name Description
-o or --outdir Path to the output folder where tiles are saved
--tile_size The size of the output tiles in pixels, default int 224
--um_per_tile Size each tile spans in µm, default float 256.0
--brightness-cutoff Brightness past which tiles are rejected as background, default int 224
-f or --force Overwrite existing tile
--no-canny Disable rejection of edge tiles. Useful for TMAs / sparse slides.


NAME thumbnail.py - Extracts thumbnails from whole slide images.


DESCRIPTION Extracts thumbnails from whole slide images.

POSITIONAL ARGUMENTS COHORT_PATH Type: PathLike A folder containing whole slide images. OUTPATH Type: PathLike The output folder.

FLAGS --thumbnail_mpp=THUMBNAIL_MPP Type: float Default: 32.0 Micrometers per tile for the thumbnails. --force=FORCE Type: bool Default: False Overwrite already existing thumbnails.