Kaya84 / remotesupport

GLPI Plugin for direct VNC connection inside ticket
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GLPI Plugin for direct VNC connection inside ticket

This Plugin add a simple button inside tickets:


If user is correctly connected to one or more computer it will launch a VNC connection using the computer name

1) write a script (you will find inside resources) like this (let's assume in c:\startVNC.bat)

SET S=%1

SET S=%S:~7,-2%

call "C:\Program Files\TightVNC\tvnviewer.exe" %S%

quit 0

2) Open regedit and add

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="URL:vnc Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""



@="\"c:\\startVNC.bat\" \"%1\""

3) Download and install the plugin as usual

4) Go to config page Tools -> Remote Support

5) Define the params according to your configuration

TODO: a lot of documentation