Kayusme / Veera

User/Device authentication using blockchain to mitigate DDos attack. Read the Readme to more details
MIT License
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Veera is a blockchain-based user authentication system. It uses Ethereum smart contracts to register, login, and logout users. The system also logs login attempts and can temporarily deactivate after multiple failed login attempts.


Installation Guide

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Kayusme/Veera.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd Veera
  3. Install the dependencies: npm install
  4. Compile the smart contract: truffle compile
  5. Migrate and deploy the contracts using Truffle: truffle migrate --network development for local development or truffle migrate --network bnb for Binance Smart Chain.

Running the Project

  1. Start the local blockchain: ganache-cli
  2. In a new terminal, navigate to the project directory: cd Veera
  3. Run the project: npm start

Using the BNB Faucet for Testing

  1. Set up the BNB Faucet: npm run setup-faucet
  2. Use the Faucet to get BNB for testing: npm run get-bnb

Running Tests

  1. Start the local blockchain: ganache-cli
  2. In a new terminal, navigate to the project directory: cd Veera
  3. Run the tests: truffle test

Running the Application in the src Folder

  1. Start your local Ethereum blockchain. You can do this by running ganache-cli in a new terminal.
  2. Deploy the smart contract to your local blockchain. Navigate to the project directory and run truffle migrate --network development.
  3. Open the index.html file in your web browser. You can do this by navigating to the src folder and opening the file in your browser. For example, if you are using Chrome, you can do this by running google-chrome index.html in the terminal.
  4. You should now see the application running in your browser. You can register, login, and logout users using the provided form.