Kayyali78 / AirborneCPS-Server

AirborneCPS Server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A server application to make Airborne-CPS able to communicate within global network.

You can download the packed jar file from the release, if you want to see the console output, please run it with terminal.

Tested on windows 10 x64


Airborne-CPS dataflow

According to Airborne-CPS , the plugin will output udp packets to Our goal is to collect those information, and relay to other clients.

The updated Airborne-CPS plugin will have the ability to connect to the server in TCP.

The packet will contains the info below.

payload = n00:00:00:59:53:2En192.168.0.2n47.519961n10.698863n3050.078383

which is composed of

The last three postitions are necessary parameters for a TCAS system.


The initial version of GUI

The final version of GUI image

Remarks: If the map freezes somehow, press the Terms of use and right-click return to the main map until it resolves(may be 3-5 times)

Split panel consist of three panel.

Left Panel is where we can selected view, or selected drop file.

Middle Panel is where we can view maps, alone with the plane markers.

Right panel containes a tab with three kinds of sources, ADSB, TCP, UDP. On the downside, there are some parameters according to the selected items.



The AirborneCPS-Server has a map in the middle, which can render the received planes with its location and heading in purple.

Plane ListView

There is a listview on the right of the gui, which contains three kinds of different sources. Each plane is listed in either ( "CALLSIGN" or "IP" ) + ("Speed").


If you select a plane which is listed, the map will be reposition to where the plane exist right now, and will render the selected plane is green.

Scope of the Opensky-ADSB

On the left side of the map contains a box looks like the earth with for parameters, which is the bounded area of the opensky api region. We can update border with Update Border button with the border parameters are modified in the box of four.

Starts TCP/UDP server with port/IP

On the left of the map, we can choose the port which the TCP/UDP server maps to, and also we need to choose the IP address the server is going to bind, then click on network start to get the server working.


OpenSkyApi api = new OpenSkyApi(USERNAME, PASSWORD);
BoundingBox bbox = new BoundingBox(30.8389, 50.8229, -100.9962, -40.5226);
OpenSkyStates os = api.getStates(0,null, bbox);

The opensky-api will return the selected region of planes in HashSet.

The plane will given in StateVector, which is a dict.

StateVector@71 "StateVectorStateVector {
    geoAltitude = null,
    longitude = -74.1787,
    latitude = 40.6993,
    velocity = 1.8,
    heading = 205.31,
    verticalRate = null,
    icao24 = 'ab1644',
    callsign = 'UAL588  ',
    onGround = true,
    lastContact = 1.647997447E9,
    lastPositionUpdate = 1.647997446E9,
    originCountry = 'United States',
    squawk = '2226',
    spi = false,
    baroAltitude = null,
    positionSource = ADS_B,
    serials = null