KazanExpress / frontend-commitlint

A shared commit message linter for frontend projects at KazanExpress
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A commit linter for projects of KazanExpress frontend division

forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge

Linter installation

Environment requirements

Check if your current environment adheres to these specs:


To add the linter to your current project, just execute the following commands in your project's root directory:

npm i -D @kazanexpress/frontend-commitlint


This repository consists of two main things:

  1. A comprehensive description of rules for commit conventions at KazanExpress/Frontend Team.
  2. Commit linter for NodeJS projects.

If there are any proposals or comments on the matter - feel free to create an issue! 😉

Commit formatting

This section covers conventions for commit message formatting used at KazanExpress/FrontEnd.


We found several reasons for establishing commit conventions:


Any commit message header (first line) must consist of following parts:

  1. Type - the first word in the commit message.

    • Possible types:
      • Fix - some bug or error is fixed (preferably with an issue number, see pt. 2).
      • Feature - some new feature is introduced (preferably with an issue number, see pt. 2).
      • Add - addition of new things in general.
        • Add npm-package-name - v1.0.0 - example of adding a new npm package
        • Add modules/user - intial functionality - example of adding a new module in folder modules
      • Update - updating of things in general (package versions, for example).
      • Chore - routine maintenance, things that do not directly fall into any other type.
      • Choose this type if you do not want to include this change in the final changelog!
      • Refactor - code/structure refactoring. File renames go here too.
      • Content - changes to static content that do not affect functionality.
      • Revert - commits/changes reverts.
      • Docs - updates to documentation.
      • Remove - removal of things in general (files, functionality, etc.).
        • Remove npm-package-name - deprecated - example for removal of an existing npm package
        • Remove [User.oldFunction] modules/user - I'm sick of it - example for removal of an existing function in module user
  2. Related issue, optional. Should be placed whenever changes in commit resolve or affect an issue in a certain way. If many issues are affected, choose the most relevant one and place others in commit message [6].

  3. Breaking change flag, optional. Shows if there was a breaking change in the commit.

  4. Change scope - a semi-complete scope of the change in a subject. Optional.

  5. Subject of the change - usually would be a file or a folder that is subject to change in this commit.

    • Subject can be stated as * (as in Add * - initial commit) to specify that every possible subject is affected.
    • Note: scope ([4]) should be omitted instead of specifying it as *.
  6. Commit message written in a short informal way. Should precisely describe commit's change, giving context to it.

If a commit message has a body, it should start with a preceding blank line, like this:

Feature [toServer] modules/common - new method `toServer`

Convertable class can do reversed convertation from now on.
But only with a separate convert function with it's own map

If a commit message header (first line) is too long - informal message ([6]) can be omitted:

Feature [toServer] modules/common

Convertable class can do reversed convertation from now on.
But only with a separate convert function using it's own map.


Refactor rules - restructure & move to a separate folder
Fix [headerPattern] rules/pattern - spaces in commitlint headerPattern
Update * - finish initial setup
Add [LOGOUT] store/modules/user
Refactor [reset] store/modules/order

reset mutation now uses default object factory instead of hard-coding values
Remove parakeet-mapper - they fixed backend
Fix #132 [Product.constructor] types/models/product

object reference was being wrongly reassigned
Chore [tmpVer] store/plugins - bump store version
Chore [LOGOUT] store/module/* - make interconnected logouts work
Chore [rr-widget] pages/product - again updates for retail-rocket
