Kazark / timeline

A timeline of (Western) church history
The Unlicense
6 stars 2 forks source link


At the moment, a timeline of (Western) church history.


Move left with H or LEFT ARROW, and right with L or RIGHT ARROW. To move faster, hold down the shift key as well.

To move all the way left to be beginning of the timeline, press 0 or ^. To move all the way right to the present day, press $.


Restore Node dependencies (Elm will restore its own when you kick off the build):

npm install

Start local server in root directory with Python 2:

npm run serve


python -m SimpleHTTPServer 5000

Start local server in root directory with Python 3:

npm run serv3


python3 -m http.server 5000

Build project:

npm run build  (or `npm run watch` for auto-rebuild on fs change)

Navigate to http://localhost:5000 (which loads your index.html).

Note: Make your edits to index.template.html and consider index.html an ephemeral file. This is because index.html gets overwritten easily. For example, elm make overwrites it by default.