KazuMishiba / Fast-Depth-Estimation-For-Light-Field-Cameras

Implementation of "Fast Depth Estimation for Light Field Cameras" (IEEE TIP 2020)
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Fast Depth Estimation for Light Field Cameras

Implementation of "Fast Depth Estimation for Light Field Cameras" (IEEE TIP 2020).

This code is based on the code for the paper, and has been modified for public use. Because of the difference in the libraries used, the estimation results and computation time obtained by using this code are slightly different from those in the paper.

This code is free to use for non-comercial applications. Please cite the following paper if you use the code for research.

Kazu Mishiba, "Fast Depth Estimation for Light Field Cameras," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 29, pp. 4232-4242, 2020. Link


The code is tested with

How to build


  1. Install Visual Studio
  2. Install OpenCV
  3. Install Boost
  4. Install CUDA Toolkit with Visual Studio Integration

We recommend using vcpkg for the installation of OpenCV and Boost.

Construct project in Visual Studio

  1. Run Visual Studio
  2. Select "Create a new project"
  3. Select "Empty Project"
  4. Add all the code (.cpp, .h, .cu, .cuh) to the project.
  5. Set the following Project settings.
  6. Build->Build Solution

Project settings

Project->Build Customizations

 Check "CUDA XX.X(.targets, .props)"


 Configuration: All Configurations
 Platform: x64
Configuration Properties
| |-Language
| | |-Conformance mode: No
| | |Open MP Support: Yes
| | |C++ Language Standard: ISO C++17 Standard
| |-Precompiled Header
| | |-Precompiled Header: Use
| |-Advanced
|   |-Forced Include File: stdafx.h
    |-Additional Dependencies: cudart_static.lib


Configuration Properties
  |-Precompiled Header
    |-Precompiled Header: Create

kernel.cu, kernel.cuh->properties

Configuration Properties
  |-Item Type: CUDA C/C++

Build->Configuration Manager

Active solution configuration: Release
Active solution platform: x64

If you installed OpenCV and Boost without vcpkg, you have to set Additional Include Directories (C/C++->General) and Additional Dependencies (Linker->Input) properly.

Getting started

  1. Build the source code into an executable (FastDepthEstimationForLightFieldCameras.exe).
  2. Download light field data from 4D Light Field Dataset. Here, we use "cotton" data.
  3. Place the configuration file default.json in the directory containing the EXE file.
  4. Set the path to the downloaded data in Path.p1 in default.json.
  5. Run the EXE file.

Directory configuration

    |- ...

Set the path in default.json

   "p1": "path to the data directory",
   "p2": "training",
   "p3": "cotton"

When setting a path, backslashes should be escaped. For example, if you want to set C:\Users\Name\data\ to "p1", set as "p1":"C:\\Users\\Name\\data\\".

Using other dataset

The following is an example using a dataset which has 9 * 9 viewpoints.

Viewpoint coordinate

|------------------------------------- u
|(-4, -4), ... , (0, -4), ..., (4, -4)
|                  ...
|(-4,  0), ... , (0,  0), ..., (4,  0)
|                  ...
|(-4,  4), ... , (0,  4), ..., (4,  4)

Viewpoint index

|-------------------------- u
| 000, ... , 004, ..., 008
|            ...
| 036, ... , 040, ..., 044
|            ...
| 072, ... , 076, ..., 080

Image name

baseName + viewpoint index + '.png'

baseName can be set with Input.baseName in the configuration file.

If Input.baseName is "img", image names are img000.png, ..., img080.png.

Preparation of parameters.cfg

The program reads the following information about the dataset from parameters.cfg.

It is assumed that num_cams_x and num_cams_y are the same. We have not checked the behavior when they are different.

4D Light Field Dataset described above has the parameters.cfg for all data. If you want to use other dataset which has no parameters.cfg file, create parameters.cfg file which contains dataset information described above.

Example of parameters.cfg

image_resolution_x_px = 512
image_resolution_y_px = 512

num_cams_x = 9
num_cams_y = 9

disp_min = -1.2
disp_max = 2.5

The minimum and maximum disparities are calculated manually from images or set to reasonable values.

Preparation of configuration file

Specify the experimental environment in the configuration file default.json.

You can use a JSON file with any name and location. In that case, specify the file path as an argument to the executable. If it is not specified, the program will search for default.json in the directory where the program is located.

If you want to process multiple settings in succession, put multiple JSON files in a directory. By specifying the directory as the argument of the executable, it processes all the *.json files in the directory.

Configuration file

The configuration file specifies the experimental environment.

In the following, items marked with "(boolean)" must be 0 or 1. 1 means true. See the paper for the details of Parameter.

Path (see the following Path setting section)

Path setting

Path.p1, p2, and p3 in the configuration file will be replaced in the following settings.

Example of path setting

      "p1": "C:\\Users\\Name\\data\\",
      "p2": "training",
      "p3": "dino"
      "dir": "#p1\\#p2\\#p3\\",
      "baseName": "input_Cam",
      "estimateAll": 0,
      "targetIndex": -1,
      "configFilePath": "#p1\\#p2\\#p3\\parameters.cfg"

In this example, the input directory becomes C:\Users\Name\data\training\dino\.

Data reduction

For debugging purposes, it is possible to test a smaller number of viewpoints and image sizes than the original data.

If you want to apply data reduction, first set ReduceData.enable to 1, then set ReduceData.enableLimitView to 1 if you want to limit the number of views used, and set ReduceData.enableScaleImageSize to 1 if you want to reduce the image size.

Example of data reduction

Suppose the original data is 512 512 in image size with 9 9 viewpoints.

      "enable" : 1,
      "enableLimitView" : 1,
      "useViewLength" : 5,
      "enableScaleImageSize" : 1,
      "scalingRate" : 0.5

In this configuration, the viewpoints used are 5 5 as follows, and the image size is reduced to 256 256.

|------------------------------------- u
|(-2, -2), ... , (0, -2), ..., (2, -2)
|                  ...
|(-2,  0), ... , (0,  0), ..., (2,  0)
|                  ...
|(-2,  2), ... , (0,  2), ..., (2,  2)

The image numbers to be loaded are as follows.

|-------------------------- u
| 020, ... , 022, ..., 024
|            ...
| 038, ... , 040, ..., 042
|            ...
| 056, ... , 058, ..., 060

In the program, the indices are reassigned as follows.

|-------------------------- u
| 000, ... , 002, ..., 004
|            ...
| 010, ... , 012, ..., 014
|            ...
| 020, ... , 022, ..., 024

The index assigned to the saved image and the index specified in Input.targetIndex are the indices after reassignment. For example, the disparity estimation result for the central viewpoint image input_Cam040.png is named result012.png.