Kchour / drone_controller

High level API to control the anafi4k drones in simulation
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This repo contains a simple, high level wrapper for Olympe (only a few things implemented), that utlizes threading to do multi-drone control. An example world and a multi-vehicle simulation demo is included. Screenshot from 2021-08-08 02-14-10

Screenshot from 2021-08-08 02-15-52

Getting Started

First install parrot-sphinx and parrot-olympe.

Then clone this repo somewhere say

$ cd ~/tests
$ git clone https://github.com/Kchour/drone_controller

After starting the olympe virtual environment, install this package in editable mode:

(olympe venv) $ cd ~/tests/drone_controller
(olympe venv) $ python3 -m pip install -e .

Terminal 1

Start firmware daemon.

$ sudo systemctl start firmwared.service

Start olympe virtual environment.

$ source /path_to/parrot-groundsdk/products/olympe/linux/env/shell

Export models path to GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH.

$ source export_gazebo.sh

Start Sphinx simulator with a specific drone (replace xxx).

$ sphinx drones/xxx.drone

Also, you can also set simulation parameters at run-time

$ sphinx drones/anafi4k.drone::stolen_interface=::simple_front_cam=true worlds/rellis_campus.world

Terminal 2

Source environmental variables before running any of the scripts

$ source /path_to/parrot-groundsdk/products/olympe/linux/env/setenv

Multi-drone simulation

Simply pass two .drone files to sphinx, but each drone must have a unique name and different starting pose! e.g.

sphinx /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/drones/bebop2.drone /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/drones/bebop2.drone::name=other::stolen_interface=

Follow all the steps in the previous section except for what you will pass to sphinx:

sphinx drones/anafi4k.drone drones/anafi4k.drone::name="blah"::pose="5 0 0.2 0 0 0" worlds/rellis_campus.world

If using ethernet interface, the default address for the first drone is (then for the second drone, …).

Verify using fdc list instances to see simulated instances. More info at https://developer.parrot.com/docs/sphinx/firmwared.html

Now trying running multi_waypoint_following.py in terminal 2. You should see the following:


Here's a view from the drone1 camera:


