KechrisLab / multiMiR

Development repository for the multiMiR database's R API
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Queries with no records found results in error #26

Closed mmulvahill closed 6 years ago

mmulvahill commented 6 years ago

Hi guys,

We noticed that a new multiMiR version spits out error when the list is empty. In previous versions, we have

get.multimir(mirna= "hsa-miR-548h-3p", target = "NTM") Searching mirecords ... Searching mirtarbase ... Searching tarbase ... list()

In the new version, get.multimir is replaced by get_multimir. We get

get.multimir(mirna= "hsa-miR-548h-3p", target = "NTM") Searching mirecords ... Searching mirtarbase ... Searching tarbase ... Error: .x is empty, and no .init supplied Called from: reduce_init(.x, .init, left = .left)