KechrisLab / multiMiR

Development repository for the multiMiR database's R API
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microrna-sequence r sql


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2023 DB update is coming July 2024 (Thank you for your patience) - Please comment to provide feedback

The multiMiR web server hosts a database containing miRNA-target interactions from external databases. The package multiMiR provides functions to communicate with the multiMiR web server and its database.

Note this repository is where active development occurs (think 'nightly' builds). The recommended release and devel versions are available via Bioconductor (as of Bioconductor 3.6).

# To install multiMiR, use BiocManager::install()
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))

Terminology used in package:

Warning There are issues with merging target IDs from older unmaintained databases. Databases that have been updated more recently (1-2 years) use current versions of annotated IDs. In each update these old target IDs are carried over due to a lack of a reliable method to disambiguate the original ID with current IDs. Please keep this in mind with results from older databases that have not been updated. We continue to look at methods to resolve these ambiguities and improve target agreement between databases. You can use the unique() R function to identify and then remove multiple target genes if needed.