KechrisLab / multiMiR

Development repository for the multiMiR database's R API
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Is there a way to change cutoffs in the multimir-package without importing the files into R again? #54

Open SergejRuff opened 5 months ago

SergejRuff commented 5 months ago

am importing the same targetsets from the multimir-Package with different cutoffs.

Right now, I am using a loop to import the same targetsets multiple times but with different cutoffs:

miDB <- "pita" cutoff <- c( 20,80,95,98,99) for (DB in miDB) { for (miCutOff in cutoff) { miRNA_target_db = get_multimir(mirna=grouped_ID2, org="mmu", table=miDB, predicted.cutoff=miCutOff, summary=FALSE) } }

That´s a mock-up of the code I am using. The problem is, that importing the data takes between 2-5 minutes depending on the targetset and the cutoff. Is there a way to import the data once with a cutoff of 99 (for example) and then change the cutoff to 98,95,80 and so on?

smahaffey commented 4 months ago

@SergejRuff I apologize for the delayed response. There is no functionality to make this work right now. Each run of get_multimir constructs the SQL query and sends it to the server to query the database which returns HTML tables that are parsed in R.

I will be spending some time on the database to provide updated data, but we are not planning major revisions of the R package. I will mention this request and see if it's something we could find a way to accommodate.