Keck-DataReductionPipelines / OsirisDRP

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Keck OSIRIS Spectroscopic Data Reduction Pipeline

Release Notes for v6.0.2


Release Notes for v6.0.1


Release Notes for v6.0


Release Notes for v5.0


Release Notes for v5.0beta


Previous Release Notes

For older release notes see:

Important Runtime Notes

Cosmic Ray Module

Bad pixel mask A preliminary bad pixel mask is available for data taken after 2016 (new spectrograph detector). The mask was computed from a series of darks. There is both a bad pixel mask of hot pixels (pixels with permanently elevated value) as well as a dead pixel mask (pixels with permanently low values). This mask meant to be used as extension 2 in the raw fits files. Currently, the mask is not automatically applied by Keck. To apply it, use the following command in the raw spectra directory once the pipeline is installed: *.fits

NOTE: this requires python installed with numpy and astropy packages. Tests show that using the bad pixel mask improves the SNR by about 10%.

Old Modules

Current Important OSIRIS Issues

Citing the Pipeline

Please cite Lyke et al. (2017) and Lockhart et al. (2019) if you use this pipeline in a publication.



To install and run the OSIRIS DRP, you will need the following:

Installing from source

Either clone or download the source from github, choose either the master branch or the develop branch.

Set up the following environment variables to compile the code (you can remove these variables after compiling). The defaults should work for installations of IDL on Mac OS X and CFITSIO installed using MacPorts:

Run the makefile from the top level of the OSIRIS DRP source code:

make all

You should see that the pipeline has been built correctly by seeing that the file modules/source/ exists.

Setup OSIRIS DRP Runtime Environment

The OSIRIS DRP requires various environment variables to find and run the pipeline. Instructions are below for bash (should work for other POSIX compliant shells) and c-shell. If you want to set up your environment every time you start your shell (e.g. via .cshrc or .bashrc), you can add the environment variable, OSIRIS_VERBOSE=0 to silence the output of the setup scripts. Otherwise, they will print useful messages about the setup of your OSIRIS pipeline environment.

Environment Setup in Bash

You can add these lines to your .bashrc file or other startup profile if you want to set up the osiris environment variables for all of your shell sessions. Add these lines to your profile:

source /my/path/to/osiris/drp/scripts/
osirisSetup /my/path/to/osiris/drp

Remember if your IDL binary is not in your path, you should also add it to your .bashrc file, for example:

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/exelis/idl/bin

Environment Setup in CSH

You can add these lines to your .cshrc file or other startup profile if you want to set up the osiris environment variables for each of your shell sessions. Add these lines to your profile:

setenv OSIRIS_ROOT=/my/path/to/osiris/drp/
source ${OSIRIS_ROOT}/scripts/osirisSetup.csh
setenv PATH ${PATH}:${OSIRIS_ROOT}/scripts

Remember if your IDL binary is not in your path, you should also add it to your .cshrc file, for example:

setenv PATH ${PATH}:/Applications/exelis/idl/bin

Running the Pipeline

To run the pipeline, use run_odrp. If you don't want the pipeline to open a new xterm window, call run_odrp -n.

Please check out the OSIRIS pipeline manual: OSIRIS_Manual_v5.pdf in this directory.

Testing the Pipeline

You can run the xml file in tests/test_emission_line/emission_obj.xml by downloading the following files:


To set the default directories for the guis, you can edit the following two files:


If you run into problems, please re-read this, then read for some common installation problems. Please post an issue on the issue page if you have problems not addressed in the above documents or in the manual.

OSIRIS DRP Project Contributors

Project Coordinators

Alphabetical list of contributors

(If you have contributed to the OSIRIS pipeline and your name is missing, please send an email to the coordinators, or If you have contributed to the OSIRIS pipeline and your name is missing, please send an email to the coordinators, or open a pull request for this page in the OsirisDRP repository