Keeping-Privacy-Labels-Honest / ledeco

Analyzing, identifying, and comparing smartphone traffic intercepts with privacy labels.
MIT License
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Bug: large-scale-privacy-label keyness-plotting not working #1

Open agpaola opened 1 year ago

agpaola commented 1 year ago


the action keyness-plotting is not working when trying to execute the large-scale-privacy-label action. This is the command that I'm executing:

./ large-scale-privacy-label PRIVACY_LABELS_PATH OUTPUT_FOLDER keyness-plotting It works if specified analysis or bar-plotting as action.

Is there anything I can do? Can you help me? Thanks in advance!

simkoc commented 11 months ago

Can you please provide the error output.

Please be advised that this repository only provides research artifacts and is not actively maintained anymore. I will try to help you as best as I can though.