Keeping-Privacy-Labels-Honest / ledeco

Analyzing, identifying, and comparing smartphone traffic intercepts with privacy labels.
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link


This tool does everything you want concerning the analysis of your datasets be it iOS privacy label or traffic.


OpenJDK 18.0.1
sbt 1.6.2
prettyPictureMaker 0.4.6
IndiaPaleAle 1.0.1

You can download the PrettyPrictureMaker (ppm) here checkout the version tag and use sbt publishLocal to make ppm locally available for building ledeco.

IndiaPaleAle is part of our artifact publication and available here, checkout the version tag and use sbt publishLocal to make IndiaPaleAle locally available for building ledeco.


sbt stage


$> ./
usage: ledeco {-c,-h} large-scale-privacy-label scoter createNameMap list import tracker analysis

Leak detection and comparison

          -c/--config <value> the location of the config file (def:./resources/main.conf)

          -h/--help prints this help message

          large-scale-privacy-label large scale privacy label analysis

          scoter the screenshot evaluator

          createNameMap create the name map for ipa -> apk


          import import the databases provided

          tracker actions concerning identification or modification of tracker

          analysis analyzing a given collection (set) for information

ledeco has a few more features than you probably need. We will only describe the interesting features: large-scale-privacy-label,scoter,import,tracker,analysis


$> ./ large-scale-privacy-label [folder] [where] [what] {-d,-h,-e,-f}

This action analyzes the set of privacy labels contained in subfolders contained below folder. where names the folder to output the results into whereas what describes the action that is to be done. For what you can choose between analysis,bar-plotting,keyness-plotting each conducting the named action. The -d parameter can be used to provide a csv list of categories (subfolder names) that are not to be evaluated. The -e flag equalizes the categories so each category has only as many labels as the lowest category. -f is a deprecated flag.


./ [folder] [out]

The folder contains a set of iPhone screenshots to be evaluated. `Out names the file into which to dump the results.


./ [user] [password] [dbname] {-l,-p,-h} iphone

This action imports the database dbname of user with password at -l (default: localhost) listening on -p (default: 5432) into the database specified by the main.conf. The provided database is the database used by the traffic collection as the database used by ledeco is slightly different.


./ tracker convertEasy [easyTxt] [out]

Converts the provided easy privacy or easy list txt file specified by easyTxt into a set of json files that can be used for further analysis outputtet into the out folder.


The base action to conduct your analysis

./ analysis {-a} perform [basics honey-data IDFA hosts GDPR-required tracker]

This action uses the analysis config provided by -a (default: resources/analysisConfig.json). It is then up to you what analysis action you want to do: