Keith-Khadar / Gh05t

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Project Overview

This project aims to design and develop an EEG headset. The headset will have a compact design, integrated into a removable hat to provide comfort and discreteness. It will be equipped with at least 4 electrodes with the modularity to add additional electrodes if required/desired. The electrodes will connect to an ADC purpose designed for measuring weak signals. The samples generated by the ADC will be sampled by a micro-controller. Using an ESP32 (Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C6), we can communicate wirelessly and sample at high frequency rates for a low cost. It will communicate with a computer for analysis by a machine learning (ML) model to detect gestures or possibly speech; potentially adding integration with Virtual-Reality. Lastly, the system will also interface with a GUI, allowing users to visualize the EEG data in real-time. We can leverage multiple open-source libraries available through OpenBCI and PiEEG for displaying the GUI.

Completed Work/In Progress

Project Architecture

The architecture of the project is structured as follows:

Known Bugs


