KekwEzmo / EVA

EVA is a ticketing system dashboard within MS Teams with Azure Services
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Overview of EVA

This project aims to create a Ticketing System within MS Teams using Azure Services for implementations in different Business Cases.

Get started with EVA

Prerequisites To run the dashboard template in your local dev machine, you will need:

  1. First, select the Teams Toolkit icon on the left in the VS Code toolbar.
  2. In the Account section, sign in with your Microsoft 365 account if you haven't already.
  3. Press F5 to start debugging which launches your app in Teams using a web browser. Select Debug (Edge) or Debug (Chrome).
  4. When Teams launches in the browser, select the Add button in the dialog to install your app to Teams.

What's included

Folder Contents
.vscode VSCode files for debugging
appPackage Templates for the Teams application manifest
env Environment files
infra Templates for provisioning Azure resources
src The source code for the dashboard Teams application

The following files can be customized and demonstrate an example implementation to get you started.

File Contents
src/models/chartModel.ts Data model for the chart widget
src/models/listModel.ts Data model for the list widget
src/services/chartService.ts A data retrive implementation for the chart widget
src/services/listService.ts A data retrive implementation for the list widget
src/dashboards/SampleDashboard.tsx A sample dashboard layout implementation
src/styles/ChartWidget.css The chart widget style file
src/styles/ListWidget.css The list widget style file
src/widgets/ChartWidget.tsx A widget implementation that can display a chart
src/widgets/ListWidget.tsx A widget implementation that can display a list
src/App.css The style of application route
src/App.tsx Application route

The following are project-related files. You generally will not need to customize these files.

File Contents
src/index.css The style of application entry point
src/index.tsx Application entry point
src/internal/addNewScopes.ts Implementation of new scopes add
src/internal/context.ts TeamsFx Context
src/internal/login.ts Implementation of login
src/internal/singletonContext.ts Implementation of the TeamsUserCredential instance singleton
File Contents
teamsapp.yml This is the main Teams Toolkit project file. The project file defines two primary things: Properties and configuration Stage definitions.
teamsapp.local.yml This overrides teamsapp.yml with actions that enable local execution and debugging.

Step 1: Define a data model

Define a data model based on the business scenario, we recommend that you place the data model under the src/models directory. Here is an example of a data model::

export interface SampleModel {
  content: string;

Step 2: Create a data retrive service

Typically, a widget requires a service to retrieve the necessary data for displaying its content. This service can either fetch static data from a predefined source or retrieve dynamic data from a backend service or API.

For instance, we will implement a service that returns static data and place it under the src/services directory.

Here is a sample service for retrieving static data:

import { SampleModel } from "../models/sampleModel";

export const getSampleData = (): SampleModel => {
  return { content: "Hello world!" };

Step 3: Create a widget file

Create a widget file in the src/widgets folder. Inherit the BaseWidget class from @microsoft/teamsfx-react. The following table lists the methods that you can override to customize your widget.

Methods Function
getData() This method is used to get the data for the widget. You can implement it to get data from the backend service or from the Microsoft Graph API
header() Customize the content of the widget header
body() Customize the content of the widget body
footer() Customize the content of the widget footer
styling() Customize the widget style

All method overrides are optional.

Here's a sample widget implementation:

import { Button, Text } from "@fluentui/react-components";
import { BaseWidget } from "@microsoft/teamsfx-react";
import { SampleModel } from "../models/sampleModel";
import { getSampleData } from "../services/sampleService";

interface SampleWidgetState {
  data?: SampleModel;

export class SampleWidget extends BaseWidget<any, SampleWidgetState> {
  override async getData(): Promise<SampleWidgetState> {
    return { data: getSampleData() };

  override header(): JSX.Element | undefined {
    return <Text>Sample Widget</Text>;

  override body(): JSX.Element | undefined {
    return <div>{}</div>;

  override footer(): JSX.Element | undefined {
    return <Button>View Details</Button>;

Step 4: Add the widget to the dashboard

Open the src/dashboards/SampleDashboard.tsx file and add the widget to the implementation of the layout method. If you want to create a new dashboard, please refer to How to add a new dashboard.

override layout(): JSX.Element | undefined {
  return (
      <ListWidget />
      <ChartWidget />
      <SampleWidget />

Optional: If you want to arrange multiple widgets in the same column, you can refer to the following code snippet:

.one-column {
  display: grid;
  gap: 20px;
  grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr;
override layout(): JSX.Element | undefined {
  return (
      <ListWidget />
      <div className="one-column">
        <ChartWidget />
        <SampleWidget />