Kelabdi / bcn-data-api

Streamlit BCN city data visualization API
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Streamlit Dashboard + API for Barcelona city data🏰

As an Abstract, this is a Streamlit dashboard that makes requests to an API and shows some charts. The requested API get the info from a MongoDB Database with some datasets from Barcelona. Every one of those communication elements were performed on this project. # # #


Data collected

The origin data was collected from this Barcelona dataset from Kaggle and later, the infomation has been enriched by expanding it with more data, by collecting it directly from the Open Data BCN API, the Ajuntament de Barcelona's open data service.

MongoDB Database

This datasets where reviewed and cleaned to being uploaded into a MongoDB Database in a cluster on cloud. This task was carried out with Jupyter Notebooks.

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How it works?

API endpoints

There are 2 ways to make requests to the API:

Example: url = "http:// localhost:port/read/population?Year=2018&District.Name=Ciutat Vella" # # # - ENDPOINTS : There are some Endpoints already implemented in the API like the "/read/" one. Those are:

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Streamlit Dashboard

Finally, it was performed an Streamlit dashboard to make the requests and representing some charts about the information.


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