KellanM / OpenAI-Api-Unreal

Integration for the OpenAI Api in Unreal Engine
MIT License
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OpenAI API Plugin

The OpenAIApi Plugin gives you access to the OpenAI API in Unreal Engine. It is compatible with 4.26, 4.27, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3

This is a community Plugin. No affiliation with OpenAI


The recommended way to install the plugin is to use pre-built binaries.

Quick Start

See Video

NOTE: This tutorial is out of date. Updating it soon to show how you can use this plugin to:
Generate images at runtime using DALL·E 2.
Transcribe speech in any language using Whisper v2-large.
Use the chat endpoint to power an NPC with GPT-4 and GPT-3.5-Turbo.

Types of Authentication

There are two ways to set the Api Key

ADVICE: Pay attention to security and encrypt your assets before packaging.

ADVICE: Create the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY and use your Api key as the value.

Blueprint Nodes

OpenAI Call Completions

NOTE: Async nodes can only be called from a blueprint's Event Graph.

Make Completion Settings

NOTE: The extra parameter Start Sequence injects text at the beginning of your prompt.

stream will be supported soon

Break Completion


This example shows OpenAI's OpenAI's completions endpoint in blueprints. (GPT-3)

This example show you how to use OpenAI's chat endpoint in blueprints. (GPT-4 / GPT-3.5-Turbo)

This example shows you how to generate a 1024x1024 image using DALL·E 2 in blueprints.

This example shows you how to record and transcribe speech using Whisper v2-Large in blueprints.


Supported Platforms

Windows, Mac, Android