This rails app helps you keep track of your friends and what events you attended together. In the future: It will send you email reminders for friends you have not spent time with in awhile.
The app runs on Ruby 2.5.3. and Rails
cd [repo_name]
sh script/
This will start the rails server for the friend reminder app inside a Docker Container. And map the Rails server port inside the container to your local so you can see the app running in the container by going to:
It also mounts your local repo to the repo inside the container so changes made on your local are reflected in the running container.
To stop the server and the container it's running in: Ctrl+C
See if the container is running: docker container ls -a
then the container has stopped.Up
then the container is running and the Rails server is running.To start the container and the rails server up again:
via: docker container ls -a
docker container start [CONTAINER ID]
To stop the rails server and the container it runs in: docker container stop [CONTAINER ID]
Start a shell running in the container to look at the files inside it:
In a new terminal window run: docker container exec -it friend-reminder-app sh
exit + ENTER key
Tail logs for the rails server inside the container via: docker container logs -f [CONTAINER ID]
New to Docker? Learn the big picture here and about Dockerfiles here. Check out free video tutorials here [Docker reference] (
Rails server automatically starts when running the container. See Local Docker Environment Setup.
Run all unit tests with: rspec
Use mailcatcher to test sending and catching emails on your local. Emails are sent via Mailgun.
Install mailcatcher and start the server
gem install mailcatcher
Send an email using the rake task: rake mail:send_reminder
or via rails console (NOT RECOMMENDED for local testing):
rails c
After running unit tests, Open coverage/index.html in a web browser.
See Friend-reminder-app Planning doc
As a user I can, go to an app FE and
As a user I can, edit email message settings
Minimum Viable Product