Keluro / Office365-AddinWeb-SignInSample

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A sample that leverages the technicalities of Sign-In for Outlook Web Add-ins and Multi-tenant Office 365 Web apps.

What is provided by this sample

NEW: it looks like this is changing, check this stackoverflow question.

This documentation page is also interesting.

Comparison with other samples

Our objective is not to compete with other samples but we try to bring solutions for problems not already addressed by others.

Two Single Page applications served by

In this sample there are two Single Page Applications (written with Angular.js 1): the add-in and the web app. The server side code is written in C#/ASP.NET (both MVC and WebAPI)

Technical information

The following picture is an overview of how the sample works when run locally from your dev machine. We use a basic ASP.NET cookie for the authentication between application server and the clients. We request the APIs by using ADAL and a token saved in our SQL Server database.
