This document is meant to inform anyone to whom it would concern about the creators of the project and the reason for starting this project to keep things transparent. This will also include an in-depth description of the game, going into the mechanics and the thought process behind it. Furthermore providing the game rules to those interested in playing the game.
The reason we created this project is for our 2nd year Software Engineering project. We were instructed to set up a team of our choice to start working on a large team project focusing on OOP (Object Oriented Programming), getting accustomed to working as a team and getting some experience in using Agile to create programs.
Pokemon Hunt is a 'Dunk Hunt' arcade style shooter set in the world of Pokemon! You will have the option of using a range of Pokemon of your own that will fire their moves where you click. Pokemon will appear from the brush readying to attack, you must defeat them before they do!