KenRouKoro / MCMTFabricCE

GNU General Public License v3.0
28 stars 0 forks source link

MCMTFabricCE - Minecraft Multi-Threading Mod Fabric Port Compatibility Enhancement


This mod is based on the amazing work on JMT-MCMT and MCMTFabric. Please check that repository for details.

这个mod是基于 JMT-MCMTMCMTFabric 进行开发的,有关更多请前往源项目。


This project is in its earlier stage. Any contribution to the original author is welcome.


Compatibility Warning

This project is very easy to conflict with other fabricmod. You have been warned.


Known Compatibility State 已知兼容性状态

FabricMod State 状态
C2ME Completely incompatible 完全不兼容
lithium-fabric Partially compatible 部分兼容
Indrev High compatible 高兼容
Tech Reborn High compatible 高兼容
BCLlib & BetterEnd Fully compatible 完全兼容
BYG Fully compatible 完全兼容
Agriculture & Food Fully compatible 完全兼容
Create Fabric Version Fully compatible 完全兼容
MTR Fully compatible 完全兼容
Starlight Fully compatible 完全兼容
musketmod - Koro Version Fully compatible 完全兼容
KoroWorld All Fully compatible 完全兼容
AE2 Fully compatible 完全兼容
Modern-Industrialization Fully compatible 完全兼容
REI Fully compatible 完全兼容

This project will not be the forge version again.
