Kennochas / Tinkering

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What is this?

What is this?

Its a simple mechanism for the player base to report common issues with Helldivers 2. The present list of known issues seems to fall behind what the community is aware of, and there is no place for maintaining an accurate list, with reproducable evidence.


How do I contribute: File an issue, with any evidence you have to reproduce / support your claim. We will NOT accept something, unless you have ingame footage(screenshots or otherwise) of it happening, at the very least.

Will this actually solve anything?

Probably not, but maybe! The developers at Arrowhead seem to be really nice team, with an actual work/life balance. The goal here is simple, if we can centralize the bugs we are aware of, with evidence of them occurring, maybe, just maybe, Super Earth command will be able to recieve feedback from players that are pre-sorted & vetted.

Why did you reject my bug?

Honestly, because you are likely a bug sympathizer. We want reproducable issues, or footage of scenarios you describe actually happening. Submit your bug with that, and it should be listed.