Kesomannen / gale

Lightweight Thunderstore client
GNU General Public License v3.0
25 stars 3 forks source link

Upgrading from 0.40 results in a loop reinstalling the same version #8

Closed NeatWolf closed 1 month ago

NeatWolf commented 1 month ago


Hi - for some obscure reason after pressing [Yes] in this dialogue, it seems to have opened a prompt, started an installation, and, well, opened v0.40 again (and showing the very same dialogue again - Pressing [Yes] just closes it and relaunches it, with no new "setup" being launched).

Not a huge issue as I can just install it manually, but - that's definitely not the intended behaviour ^^

After manually downloading Gale Setup v0.4.1, this puzzling screenshot: image Seems to suggest v0.4.1 was already installed?

After choosing New/Reinstall, it managed to actually install v0.4.1 (!)

Kesomannen commented 1 month ago

Yeah, Tauris auto updater seems really buggy. Will 100% look into and fix

Kesomannen commented 1 month ago

I think I found the issue

Kesomannen commented 1 month ago

Ok, if you install with the .msi instead of the .exe it should work. I'll update the install instructions in the README too

NeatWolf commented 1 month ago

Apologies for coming up with these silly issues - I'm just trying to put myself in the shoes of an average user - this one was a bit confusing :P

Thanks for addressing this! This is already almost functional - the UX is already way smoother than the alternatives!

(Is there any chance to also have a portable Win64 version among the releases? Just a zipped folder ready to use)

Kesomannen commented 1 month ago

No it's completely understandable, I was also really confused by this. Tauri should definitely add a disclaimer to the docs the auto updater doesn't work with NSIS (the .exe installer). Or maybe it's just a bug with their system, idk.

Also, later I will make my own update flow instead of Tauri's built in popup thingy, as it's not very user friendly at all.

(Is there any chance to also have a portable Win64 version among the releases? Just a zipped folder ready to use)

Probably not, sadly. Tauri does produce a standalone executable when you build, but it requires you have some extra dependencies to run. The app also still stores all the mods and cache in your appdata. I could possibly make it store those directly with the .exe, but then they wouldn't retain between updates (at least not without a lot of manual file moving). On top of that, auto updates wouldn't work and I would need to figure out how to get the Tauri github action to output the standalone .exe.

All in all I don't think it's worth the hassle, as most people are fine or might even prefer a proper installation.