Its pull of paid promotional crap and theres no quick way to check for each country
this app changes the game.
try it at
WorldTube lets you click on any region (SOON TO BE COUNTRY) and pull their trending videos strictly based on their clicks over time in a certain release window. Don't let your memes be dreams friends.
I chose to do a react app because i felt less comfortable with it and that meant i couldnt use a couple of jquery map rendering tools like jvectormap. Trying to find a way to render a clickable map and spotify's charts api being down were major hurdles in my endeavor so jumped to itunes and then landed on the youtube API. i used react-world-map module to get a map to render and start working on functionality but after most of the crud stuff is in place i realized i couldnt alter the modules size or styles leaving it very sore on the eyes. From here i set off to find a better svg file. One with countries because the now implemented youtube API takes country ISO2 codes. This meant that youtube can show the videos trending in any country...baring the ones taking part in the current political landscape.
I tried to get an svg file where if click can pass a value to the youtube api fetch which populates a list on the right side of the application. the app makes 2 api calls because the youtube data is pretty big and is stored in different parts such as "snippet" and "statistics" the list items are clickable and fornow log the video ID which was being passed into react-youtube(npm module) which then opens the video for view. The react-youtube was something which was used by NSTD during project 3 and it seemed pretty straightforward to use.
The spotify API proved impossible to use after the discovery that their "charts api" was taken down with no notice of coming back. Proved very difficult to find a way determine whats trending and started to seem like a bad time investment wen coupled with setting up spotify OAUTH
React also proved to be a challenge what it came to rendering a couple of styles of worldmaps which were SVG files. Bobby king helped me immensely by finding a bunch of code off an svg module i was struggling with (react-world-map). In hindsight, while rending each object would be a nightmare, EJS might have been a better choice for what i was trying to achieve. A bigger svg file with countries is in the works at the moment.(the youtube api takes country input which can lead to something amazing.)
Currently fixing react-youtube the user will be able to click on the youtube item on a list and it will pop open a modal with the video to play.
Some CRUD features. As this app evolved and made changes, I felt it actually became an even better idea. So much that i wanted to focus on the logistics and visual representation of the videos rather than the usual "save your favorites friend" functionality. that stuff is under the hood and good to go, but i'd rather it go in the direction where i can show a world ranking and a data chart showing a trending videos lifecycle mid-trend.
variables from a .env
fileBobby King for the PERN_template Webpack configuration inspired by Jason Seminara's React To Do Application