KevinnZou / compose-webview-multiplatform

WebView for JetBrains Compose Multiplatform
Apache License 2.0
305 stars 39 forks source link

WIP: Added wasm/js support for webview lib. Rough implementation. #133

Open Xerosigma opened 1 month ago

Xerosigma commented 1 month ago

Cheap implementation for rough WASM support. At the very least this will allow the lib in a compose project. If someone could help finish this up that'd be great.

@KevinnZou maybe we can make a wasm branch in the base project to merge to?

KevinnZou commented 1 month ago

@Xerosigma Thank you for your contribution! I am planning to add support for WASM/JS. However, there is one issue - WASM requires CMP 1.6.0, which has a new resource management system incompatible with our library. A pull request has been created to solve the issue, but it has encountered some problems. You can refer to it for more information.

KevinnZou commented 1 month ago

@Xerosigma Thank you for your contribution! I am planning to add support for WASM/JS. However, there is one issue - WASM requires CMP 1.6.0, which has a new resource management system incompatible with our library. A pull request has been created to solve the issue, but it has encountered some problems. You can refer to it for more information.